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Applications of behavior analysis in the private sector became visible in the late 1960s and early 1970s. By the 1980s, the field of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) was a well established discipline. This article chronicles the people, events and publications that contributed to the formation of the field, beginning with the precursors in the 1950s and ending in the early 1980s. The contributions of individuals who have been honored by the OBM Network are detailed and emphasized. Although some historical accounts attribute the development of OBM to influences from traditional management fields, the present account, through documentation of the formative events, argues that the field developed in relative isolation from such influences, emanating primarily from Skinner's development of programmed instruction and the advent of behavioral applications in other settings. While application of psychology to the work place predated behavioral involvement, the primary force for the development and growth of OBM came from within the field of behavior analysis.  相似文献   
农户安全生产意愿影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查方法采集了陕西眉县206户猕猴桃生产农户安全生产意愿的数据,并结合计划行为理论(TPB)对农户安全生产意愿的影响因素展开分析。研究得出的结构方程模型(SEM)显示,TPB贴合农户安全生产决策的实际,行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制等变量对农户安全生产意愿均表现出显著正向影响。研究认为,基层政府应积极培育农户安全生产责任意识,开展生产技能培训,发展农村经济合作社,发挥规制和服务双项功能。  相似文献   
广义的网络技术是与人的精神外化的各种调节过程密切联系的技术,它是一个从语言——文字到今天的计算机——互联网的人类文化沟通交往技术的复杂演进过程。数字化网络的技术基础是计算机技术、互联网技术以及虚拟现实技术。数字化网络既改变了人们接受、处理、发送信息的方式,也改变了信息本身的生产和存在方式;既拓展了人们的交往空间,也重新调整了人与人、人与社会乃至人与自然之间的关系。由数字化网络技术构建的网络社会,提供了一个超越现实社会种种局限、更加开放地进行自我呈现的生存空间,主体在自我呈现中重新建构和塑造自我。数字化网络技术改变了人类的思维方式,即由线性思维到非线性思维;数字化网络技术还改变了人类的行为方式,包括交往方式、生活方式、生产方式乃至教育和学习方式,所有这些,都是由人类心灵力量解放而释放出的空前生产能力。  相似文献   
在<行为的结构>一书中,梅洛-庞蒂希望通过研究行为来理解意识与自然之间的关系.在批判行为主义心理学和格式塔心理学的基础上,他指出人的行为是一种"象征行为",人类秩序是一种比物理秩序和生命秩序更为高级的、能够"知觉"到人类生命自身丰富意义的秩序.从现象学的角度出发,梅洛-庞蒂把知觉主体由"意识"转向了"身体",知觉对象由"物理对象"、"私人感觉"、"感觉材料"引向了"人的意向性活动",知觉的效用由获得"纯粹的知识"指向了发现"人类生命的意义",从而将知觉问题引入一个新的方向,也为我们重新触及真、善、美的问题开显了一个新的视角.  相似文献   
现有的关于产业规制中的政府和厂商决策行为的分析和研究,受理性经济人范式的影响极为深刻,它通常以效用最大化为原则将政府和厂商的行为属性理解或描述为理性决策.其实,无论是产业规制中的政府立法、司法和执行的实际运作,还是垄断性或竞争性厂商对规制政策的应对,都或多或少存在着非理性决策的成分,并且其决策行为在一定程度上会偏离效用最大化.规制经济理论的发展离不开对政府和厂商的决策行为及其属性的研究,而研究决策行为属性则需要有可行的分析路径.如果我们在评说规制经济学相关理论的基础上能对政府和厂商的行为属性有创新式理解,将有助于规制理论框架的重塑.  相似文献   
While non-monetary reinforcement is often discussed as a promising intervention technique, systematic research on its effectiveness for the promotion of pro-environmental behavior has been scarce. This lack of research is likely due to the difficulty of studying non-monetary reinforcement within existing study designs. Here, we examined the effects of non-monetary reinforcement using a recently developed and validated pro-environmental behavior task. In two preregistered studies (total N = 997), participants could repeatedly choose to exert actual effort in exchange for donations to an environmental organization. Their choices were either followed by potentially reinforcing stimuli (e.g., words of praise superimposed on positively valenced pictures) or not. When accompanied by cheerful animal pictures, these stimuli significantly promoted pro-environmental effort expenditure in Study 2, but not in Study 1. Longer-term effects and spillover to non-reinforced behavior were also examined, but not conclusively supported. These findings illustrate the potential of the presented experimental approach for studying the effectiveness of non-monetary reinforcement in societally relevant domains.  相似文献   
Effects of perceived merchandise and service quality, relative to competition, on retail store performance are investigated using store traffic and revenue growth as outcome variables. A model is proposed and tested using aggregate customer data and store performance outcomes from a group of stores owned by a national retail organization. Results suggest that both service and merchandise quality exert significant influence on store performance, measured by sales growth and customer growth, and their impact is mediated by customer satisfaction. Implications of the results and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   
关系营销范式下营销努力对客户行为的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关系营销范式日益得到理论界和实业界的认可,但却很少有研究着眼于不同关系营销努力能否对衡量关系营销绩效的不同客户行为产生一致的影响作用.本文重点研究了客户关系感知与关系营销手段--回报计划对客户重复购买行为与客户份额增加所产生的不同影响.结果显示,不同的关系营销努力对客户重复购买行为与客户份额增加所产生的影响是不一致的,情感承诺与回报计划有助于促进客户的重复购买,而客户满意感与价格公平感更容易影响客户份额的增加.  相似文献   
服务补救方式对消费者情绪和行为意向的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用情景模拟方法,以饭店服务失误和补救为例,分别测评了主动补救和被动补救对消费者情绪和行为意向的影响,结果发现,服务补救方式对消费者情绪和行为意向的影响存在显著差别,其中主动补救对消费者正面情绪、口碑传播和重购意向的影响显著高于被动补救,而对消费者负面情绪的影响显著低于被动补救;获得服务补救消费者的正面情绪与口碑传播和重购意向呈显著正相关,而消费者负面情绪与口碑传播和重购意向呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
上市公司"触网",曾是中国证券市场上令人关注的话题.那么,市场对上市公司"触网"反应之强究竟达到何种程度呢?上市公司"触网"对其经营业绩究竟有无实质性影响呢?首先,本文采用超额收益法,对我国股票市场1999年68家上市公司"触网"公告的反应进行研究.研究结果表明,市场在"触网"公告日前后具有显著正反应.继而,本文采用以财务指标为基础的因子分析法,综合评价68家上市公司"触网"前后业绩的变化,研究未发现"触网"公司整体上在"触网"前一年、当年及次年的业绩有显著变化.最后,本文采用聚类分析法,依据2000年因子得分将68家"触网"后的上市公司分为三类,揭示出三类公司的不同特征,并注意到"触网"第二年,增长型企业类占到了"触网"公司的大多数.  相似文献   
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