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东北亚地缘冷战历史的变化促成了中国对外开放的启动,并为中国经济的迅速崛起创造了最为直接和有利的外部地缘环境;崛起后的中国受到东北亚地缘大国如日本、俄罗斯以及世界性大国---美国的战略制衡,随着中国与地区各方势力由制衡向均衡的转变,中国的未来发展只有寻求常态式的发展模式,在东北亚地缘政治经济中更为积极地推动与本地区其他国家的经济合作,促进本地区的国际和平与经济利益的最大化;作为中国最核心利益的外围地区,东北亚对于中国实现经济现代化、国家的完全统一以及创造一个和平的国际环境至关重要。中国在东北亚的未来抉择问题上也只有延续世界历史的趋势,维持现实地缘利益的局面,积极推动地区经济合作与东北亚次一体化。  相似文献   
当前,"收支平衡观"主导着高校的预算管理模式,而这一模式却存在目标不明确、编制不科学、执行不力、评价体系不健全、机构设置不合理等诸多问题。通过对Y L大学预算管理现状的分析,从高校发展战略出发,提出一种融合学校发展目标、资源配置、业绩评价、激励约束四位一体的现代预算管理体制构想,合理分配人力、物力、财力等资源于教学、管理、科研各个环节,以期使预算执行与战略规划有机结合,从而提高资金使用效率。  相似文献   
司马迁依据《秦记》及诸侯史记,兼采“战国之权变”,记载苏秦、张仪事迹多有精确纪年;刘向校定《战国策》,亲见《苏子》、《张子》及诸子百家之书。《史记》、《国策》载苏秦合纵在前、张仪连横在后,无可怀疑。《战国纵横家书》所载“苏秦事迹”,则为后人假托,并不可信。苏氏三兄弟都主张合纵抗秦,其活动范围与对待燕、齐诸国的立场惊人相似。加上此类资料相关背景不清,多无主名,在流传过程中屡经窜改,为后人冒名假托提供了方便。司马迁、刘向都见到过类似材料,而且经过甄别毫不含糊地作出了否定的判断。帛书《战国纵横家书》的出土,又一次证实了司马迁“异时事有类之者皆附之苏秦”的论断。  相似文献   
随着网络信息技术的日益发展,信息技术产业的融合之势愈加明显,各种新兴网络应用服务层出不穷。信息产业融合型的增长模式正在快速改变着社会经济的运行方式。产业融合正在加速产业结构的变动调整,也在推动产业转型升级。产业间的融合渗透促进了新兴业务的活跃爆发,为产业发展带来了一股全新的力量。应当以此为契机,培育新一代产业增长极。首先需要认清产业发展规律,科学地指导产业发展;其次有必要打破体制壁垒,创造良好的政策支持环境;再者,营造开放的发展环境,鼓励企业创新,从而以产业融合有力地推动网络信息产业发展。  相似文献   
Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to pervade the economic and social life. This renders strategic interactions between humans and artificial agents more and more common. At the same time, experimentalists have increasingly employed computer players as a tool to provide a deeper understanding of strategic interaction in general. What can this strand of research teach us about the strategic behavior of humans interacting with AI? I review 162 experimental studies using computer players. I find that behavior and the outcomes of strategic interaction often change when humans interact with computer players rather than other humans. In particular, humans usually adapt to computer players even absent detailed prior information about them, they often act more selfishly and more rationally in their presence, and they apply different cognitive processes. Moreover, while humans are able to exploit computer players following simple algorithms, they are also vulnerable to exploitation by more sophisticated ones. Conversely, computer players may also enhance efficiency. I suggest several directions for future research.  相似文献   
新型显示是全球电子工业继集成电路和计算机大发展之后,又一个具有高度影响力的新兴电子信息产业和新的经济增长点,是21世纪最具代表意义的战略性的高科技产业,聚焦新型显示技术重点领域,着力突破若干关键核心技术,大力发展新型显示产业,既是上海高新技术产业化的重要任务,也是上海服务国家战略、参与全球显示技术角逐的客观要求。在对世界新型显示技术及产业发展趋势进行归纳分析后,重点探讨上海“十二五”时期推进OLED、LCOS和3D等技术及产业发展的基础优势、瓶颈制约、所需突破的关键技术及政策建议。  相似文献   
This paper studies a single-product distribution channel where a supplier manufactures items of a given type, some of which are defective, that are sold by a retailer who only detects a subset of the defective items, passing the rest along to customers. We conjecture the structure of the demand and cost functions, assuming customers to have a decreasing marginal aversion to bad quality while both the supplier and the retailer make marginally increasing efforts to avoid bad quality. This allows us to deduce several implicit parameters of a cost model based on observable data, such as the share of the channel margin. Once the parameters of the model are available, we analyze the result of vertical integration. Although we confirm the well-known fact that vertical integration improves the quality perceived by the customer, we characterize the supplier's decision of whether or not to provide a better quality in terms of the individual channel margins. As an alternative, we derive the conditions under which the supplier and the retailer may devise a mutually beneficial transfer contract that simultaneously increases their profit and improves quality.  相似文献   
Even though much research has been published in operations and information systems, both functional areas find their roots in other disciplines. While operations management evolved from operations research in the 1960s, the field of information systems is of more recent vintage and traces its original roots to computer science. Both disciplines now naturally have come closer together as information and process-technology-based changes force manufacturing firms to become more efficient and customer focused. Market and technology-driven e-commerce initiatives that are likely to dominate business strategies in the future cannot be successfully achieved without a successful integration of operations and information systems. In this paper, we present a unifying framework that can be used to better understand the management of the functional interface between operations and information systems. We also categorize and highlight the contributions of the articles that appear in this special research focus issue. Finally, research directions that emerge from our understanding of this interface are outlined in an effort to stimulate further thinking and research that can advance our knowledge of this interface area.  相似文献   
Over two dozen operationalizations of board composition can be identified from the empirical literature. A structural equations confirmatory factor analysis (LISREL 8.03) suggests that these operationalizations do not constitute a single construct of board independence. Instead, analyses strongly indicate three separate constructs. Common operationalizations of board composition, then, are neither tenable surrogates for one another nor are they interchangeable. Implications for empirical aggregation of studies, theory/measurement convergence, and the current corporate governance public policy debate are discussed.  相似文献   
The business model construct has become attractive to both managers and academics. It reflects how the most important organization's strategic and tactical choices regarding the allocation of resources interact in order to create and capture value. Yet with the growing entrepreneurial complexity, managers often end up pursuing conflicting and even paradoxical strategic goals, thus rendering the business modelling processes more complex, too. Well-known examples are profit versus social value, stakeholder versus company interests, exploration versus exploitation and environmental sustainability versus economic returns. The academic business model literature so far has provided limited insights on how to implement business models beyond a single goal and focused mainly on the initial strategic choice of a business model, ignoring that such salient tensions are often persistent and resurface within the business practice. In this study we leverage paradox theory to investigate how managers of creative firms make tactical choices to accommodate (not solve) salient tensions within their business models, focusing on the domains like services provided, choice of clients, networking and resourcing practices, revenue models and new venture creation. Based on qualitative case study research, we found four integrating and three differentiating decision-making tactics that managers deploy to create both economic and creative value through their business models. Adding to the business model theory, we show how business models are crafted in managerial practices by making tactical decisions to solve conflicts and paradoxes. The results equally enrich the paradox literature by providing for tactical-level approaches toward working through the paradox.  相似文献   
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