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王岱舆著作的思想结构 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究王岱舆著作的思想结构,必然要涉及到他的《正教真诠》、《清真大学》和《希真正答》之间的关系,涉及到这三本著作的内容及其表述形式。只有这样,才能了解他的整个著作的思想结构,进而有可能从整体上对他的思想作深入、系统的分析和探讨。 一、王岱舆的著作 20世纪80年代,王岱舆的《正教真诠》、《清真大学》和《希真正答》由余振贵点校、宁夏人民出版社结集出版。该合刊本是目前比较流行的版本。书后,以白寿彝的《王岱舆传》和金吉堂的《王岱舆阿衡传》为附录。本文拟依据该合刊本展开相关的讨论。其中, 相似文献
本文基于四要素双层嵌套的生产函数,利用1990-2016年全国层面及省际层面数据测算投资效率,并分析其空间结构特征及演变轨迹,检验投资效率匹配效应影响因素。研究发现:①1990-2016年我国整体投资效率呈下降趋势,资本-技能劳动匹配效应与整体投资效率走势趋同,快速累积的资本存量和不断升级的资本质量与短缺的技能劳动之间矛盾突出。②东中西部地区投资效率增长非一致性明显。东部地区资本相对投资效率明显高于中西部,但下降幅度大于中西部,中西部与东部地区之间差距缩小,其中匹配效应是区域间投资效率非平衡的主要成因。③若产业结构升级的技能劳动需求不能满足,将引发要素错配,不利于有效投资。房价与工资提升分别通过影响技能劳动供给和需求抑制要素匹配效率;教育和公路设施会对地区要素匹配产生积极影响,改善地区间投资效率非均衡性;地区投资效率存在显著正向空间相关性,毗邻地区的要素流动和经济发展相近地区的技术溢出均对投资效率产生积极的影响。 相似文献
With online social networking having revolutionized the way in which individuals communicate and interact with each other, there is heightened research interest in the dynamics of social networks. This article seeks to contribute to this stream of research by addressing the key question of the impact of major life events, such as getting married or graduating from college, on social network evolution. Consistent with prior studies on the evolution of individuals’ social networks, we specifically focus on two key attributes of an individual's network: indegree of ties and relational embeddedness. By longitudinally analyzing the network activities of a large‐scale online social network, we find that the indegree of ties increased significantly following a major life event, and that this impact was stronger for more active users in the network. Interestingly, we also find that the broadcast of major life events served to revive dormant ties as reflected by a decrease in embeddedness following a life event. We also found that one‐time life events such as weddings had a greater impact than recurring life events such as birthdays on the evolution of a user's social network. From a research perspective, our study contributes to existing research by focusing on a user's communication network as opposed to friendship network and by emphasizing how exogenous life events add a different dimension to user communication patterns. The importance of life events on social network evolution has important implications for practice as well by providing insights to advertisers as well as to social networking sites. 相似文献
国债利率期限结构是固定收益产品定价和投资组合管理的核心问题。本文利用NARX(Nonlinear AutoRegressive network with eXogenous inputs)神经网络模型研究利率曲线的运动机制,拟合并预测利率期限结构,在此基础上利用Hermite插值方法构造平滑的利率曲线并计算得到国债理论价格及其预测值。实证分析发现我国国债定价效率不足,交易价格显著偏离理论价格,但国债的理论价格的实际值和预测值均对交易价格具有显著的预测能力。基于上述发现本文提出了主动国债组合管理策略,通过预测的期限结构得到国债理论价格的预测值构建的多空对冲组合和单边多头组合均能获得显著的收益。本文的研究丰富了利率期限结构的研究方法,提出的主动国债组合管理策略对通过交易提高国债定价有效性具有参考价值。 相似文献
《Journal of Organizational Behavior Management》2013,33(4):13-38
Abstract The term response generalization has been poorly defined and has, over many years, been a source of controversy for applied researchers who must grapple with results that show changes in behaviors outside of the response class targeted by their intervention. The present discussion seeks to differentiate response generalization from such terms as response covariation and induction. Instead, response generalization is redefined in the context of response classes and concurrent schedules of reinforcement. 相似文献
The synergistic advantage of systems integration for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) has been a powerful thrust behind the productivity advancement in recent decades. However, the dependency among components, the intangible benefits and complexity of the system have been a barrier for system developers and the business community. This paper reports a systematic approach to assess economic merits of the CIM system. It projects CIM system designs on a multiple layer architecture with consideration of project life cycle. It introduces a modelling formalism to present a structured view of the economic aspect of the CIM system. The multiple criteria's aspect of CIM justification was treated with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. The complexity of various cost factors is reduced through application of the ABC (Activity Based Costing) method. The benefits of low level activities, both tangible and intangible, are then hierarchically aggregated into higher level system objectives. It also provides the necessary linkages between the economic and other views. A simple example was used to illustrate the approach. 相似文献
Classically, economic lot size models have been used separately for procurement and production subsystems. However, when the raw materials are used in production, the procurement policies are dependent on the schedule and the batch size for the product. Hence, it is necessary to unify the procurement and production policies. The just-in-time JIT environment provides an ideal setting for such a coordination between the procurement and production policies. The model proposed here is a traditional inventory model recast into a model for a JIT system for a single product, multistage batch environment aiming at the minimization of total variable cost and thereby determining the batch sizes for the product and raw material order sizes. A JIT system aims at minimizing setup time and this feature is captured in the proposed model. The computational experience reported in this paper is based on a number of simulated problem sets. The possible domain of application is also highlighted. 相似文献
Michel Ferney 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(1):7-19
This paper presents an approach to the modelling and control phases involved in a cooperative process of design and management of the manufacturing systems. Modelling the evolution of the production flow, in the different sections of the system, is based upon the use of the bondgraph methodology in order to reach the state formalism which constitutes one of the modern representations of automation. The class of the systems studied ranges from continuous systems to discrete systems, which can be represented by a continuous approach according to the level of approximation required. The first part of this paper is dedicated to the development of generic models associated with the various basic entities of the manufacturing systems. Then, the bondgraph model of any system is obtained by assembling generic models in relation to the implementation of the means of the studied system, thus guaranteeing a representation which is quite close to the engineering sketches. Finally, switching to the state equation is performed systematically with the easiness provided by this formalism while taking into account the causality principle. An application, involving most of the elementary models developed, concludes the paper. 相似文献
Jan Olhager 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(8):681-687
Just-in-time (JIT) has been a widely recognized production philosophy alternative since the early 1980s. JIT principles and techniques have been widely adopted in many manufacturing firms. More recently, supply chain management has evolved as a discipline focusing on the design, planning and control of processes linking the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product. Supply chain efficiency is dependent on the efficiencies of the individual manufacturing organizations and the ability to connect along the supply chain. In this paper supply chain management from a JIT perspective is investigated, focusing on the linking mechanisms between successive companies and the collective efficiency of the supply chain. 相似文献
Franz Stuber 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(7):705-713
Future production concepts where workshop employees responsibly carry through planning and scheduling tasks call for new principles ofcomputer-aided production management (CAPM). With the aid of a critical analysis ofdifferent planning and scheduling mechanisms it will first be laid down why the field of computer-aided production management is suited for a dialogue-oriented planning support based on simple models rather than for the objective of automation with the aid of refined optimization algorithms. Consequently, an alternative design is proposed. This is a prototypically realized concept aiming at computer-aided support of production management of production teams. 相似文献