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象征是人类社会普遍存在的文化现象,它通过象征符号来表达文化意义,对于人类文化具有特殊价值和重要作用.象征不可能在孤立的条件下得到理解,只有结合它的相关文化背景,才能正确理解象征的主题.本文从思维活动、意义阐祥和时空条件等情境因素切入,简要分析了它们与象征的意义维度之间内在的关联性.  相似文献   
通过意会认知与创造思维的比较研究可以看到,意会认知是人在认识过程中产生创造性认知的过程,这种从模糊到清晰的认知过程是创造思维的基本形式。对意会认知与创造思维三种具体形式的内在关联进行分析可以看到,直觉思维是意会认知的"不知之知",即直觉与意志、情感等非理性因素相结合是产生意会认知的基础;灵感思维是意会认知"无意识性"重要表现,即意会认知与无意识的个人体悟有关;顿悟思维是意会认知"心理论证"的基础,即对客体本质进行深入洞察并在主观上产生认可。  相似文献   
In the last decade, the issue of teaching the Palestinian perspective on the Jewish–Arab conflict in Israeli schools gave rise to considerable debate and competing curricula. A quasi-experimental study compared the effects of these competing approaches on learners’ attitudes to out-group narratives and perceived in-group responsibility (IR). A total of 176 Israeli Jewish and Arab participants were randomly allocated into teaching approaches differing in method of engagement with historical narratives (single authoritative narrative, empathetic dual narrative, and critical analysis of conflicting sources). Results revealed effects for teaching approach and majority–minority status. Engagement with a single authoritative narrative decreased interest in out-group perspectives while empathetic engagement with out-group and in-group perspectives increased it, though the effect was more pronounced for members of the Arab minority than for those of the Jewish majority. Among Jewish participants, an empathetic teaching approach led to a decrease in perceived IR while the critical approach led to the opposite outcome. The trends were inverted for Arab participants. Engagement with historical perspectives also moderated the impact of interest in out-group perspectives on acceptance of IR. Educational implications point to the harmful effects of enforcing a single narrative in conflicted societies and to the beneficial outcomes of multiple perspective teaching.  相似文献   
曾路 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):83-88, 134-136
定向思维模式的建构与解构实际上反映出认知结构的二重性特征,两者在文化认知活动中可互为挹注共存于对立统一关系里。因此,对中国少数民族文化范式的研究,不仅要重视建构之功能催生的符号化文化构成,还应关注解构之功能显现的非常见的文化元素。同时,只有弄清楚定向思维模式的建构与解构在文化认知中的意涵,才能明确定向思维模式的“趋向”和“专注”特点以及“惰化”和“孤立”倾向,从而为牵及民族文化事项的认知固化与迁移提供理论工具并用以指导多元文化实践。  相似文献   
传统文化心理作为形成并长期存在于我国社会文化生活中的意识形态,对人们的思维习惯、思维方式有着潜移默化的影响,而其中崇尚权威作为我国传统思维方式的特征之一,是影响培育理想行政人格的重要因素,强化了官本位意识,与培育行政人员的服务精神塑造合理的行政人格形成了冲突,官本位、敬官畏官心理皆由此产生,民众缺乏民主监督意识,从而对行政人员服务精神的确立缺乏有效的监督,进而形成求同的思维方式,要消除崇尚权威的思维方式所造成的消极影响就必须从理念上、制度上和思想上人手,坚持为人民服务的执政理念,加强伦理制度化建设,加大对行政人员的监督和约束,开放思想,创新思维。  相似文献   
自1985年开始学生军训试点以来,以集中军训为主要内容的国防教育已为广大高校和社会认可。但是,军事理论课教学仍不被广大师生认可,在教学中仍然存在很多问题,需要进行改革。医学院校军事理论课教学改革可以从以下几个角度进行阐释:军事理论课教学的历史沿革;军事理论课教学改革的实践;对军事理论课教学改革中出现问题的反思。  相似文献   
西方之想象与中国之神思,异名而同实,均指形象思维。西方自柏拉图、亚里斯多德以降,至菲洛斯特拉托斯方为之一变,从否定趋向肯定。借英国经验派之力,浪漫主义在反抗欧陆理性主义时,着力标举想象。其后,荦荦大者有二:一是维柯《新科学》;二是鲍姆嘉通的《美学》。在神思论发展演变的历史长河中,有三部里程碑式的杰作:即陆机《文赋》、刘勰《文心雕龙·神思》和叶燮的《原诗》。想象与神思,异轨同奔,虽有契合之处,但分歧也比比皆是。推究起来,则是中西思维方式的不同,实际上可归原为中西文化的差异。  相似文献   
科学素养是一个现代人基本素养的一部分,也是科学教育的重要目标.作为科学素养的一部分,生物科学素养必然成为生物学教学的基本目标.本文从生物学教学的角度深入地思考了提高学生生物科学素养的六种方式.倡导探究教学;贯穿生命科学史的教学;改革生物实验教学;教学中渗透STS教育;提倡生物与其他学科的交叉与渗透;切实开展研究性学习.  相似文献   
Although some research literature focuses on the integration of mental health and career counseling, there has been little that examines both areas in relation to depression and hopelessness. This study investigated the relationship among dysfunctional career thinking, depression, and hopelessness in a sample of 139 undergraduate and graduate students seeking drop‐in or individual career counseling services at a university career center. The authors found that two aspects of dysfunctional career thinking, decision‐making confusion and commitment anxiety, accounted for a significant amount of variance in depression. Decision‐making confusion also accounted for a significant amount of variance in hopelessness. Implications for counseling practice include the need for more careful screening of career clients who present with high levels of anxiety and negative thinking. Future research could involve more diverse client populations, such as unemployed adults, and explore the use of additional screening measures to assess the intersection of career and mental health issues.  相似文献   
In this article, two adolescent sisters discuss and reflect upon the impact that the special education classification of one of them has had on their lives. The sisters, co-authors of this text, participated in designing the study and analyzing the data we produced; their voices are the core of this article. Issues about inclusion, the harms and benefits of special education classification, stigma, the multi-edged meanings of what it means to be “special,” and the often complicit roles of educators in perpetuating exclusionary policies all arise in the sisters’ discussions with each other, with their co-authors, and with pre-service teachers.  相似文献   
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