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Objective: The authors evaluated whether motivational signage influenced rates of stair use relative to elevator use on a college campus. Participants: In March and April 2004, the authors observed students, faculty, staff, and any visitors accessing a college campus building. Methods: During Phase I, the authors monitored ascending stair and elevator use at the same time each weekday (Monday-Friday). During Phase II, the authors placed motivational signs encouraging stair use at the bottom of the stairs and outside and inside the elevators. During the third week (Phase III), the authors removed the signs. Results: The authors observed 18,389 ascending trips during the 3 weeks of the study. Motivational signs significantly contributed to an 18.6% increase in stair use in the second week, which was maintained in the following week. Conclusions: The signage intervention successfully enhanced physical activity on a college campus by providing educational health tips that may have served as motivation to choose the stairs.  相似文献   
王红阳  朱金瑞 《理论界》2013,(11):107-110
社会风气是指整体或局部社会在一个阶段内所呈现的习尚、风貌,为一定社会中的风俗习惯、文化传统、行为模式、道德观念以及时尚等要素的总和,对人们行为产生潜移默化的影响.南京临时政府成立以后,不仅认识到改造社会风气的重要性,而且在实践上采取禁鸦片、禁赌博、放足、剪辫、弃繁缛礼节及刑讯逼供等措施,力图尽快奠定资产阶级执政的社会文化根基.资产阶级革命派的社会风气改革运动以资产阶级民主共和人权为基本理念,以法制为保障,以西方为蓝本、吸收中国传统风俗中的精华,取得了一定的成效.但也存在着宣传发动不够深入、持久性差等不足,这决定了这场运动不可能从根本上获得成功.对南京临时政府的社会风气净化运动的得失进行分析,对当前的社会建设具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   
健康是人类永恒的追求,在和谐语境中,健康具有深厚的美学涵义。社会主义和谐社会的伟大实践需要形塑一种包涵审美意味的健康活动方式,以求实现每一个人的自由而全面的发展。  相似文献   
迁都洛阳后,北魏文学有较为快速的发展,文学风气得到重建,外在表现就是社会上文学活动的相对兴盛有密切关系。文人在相互切磋交流中提高了写作技巧,南北文风在这样的活动中也得到了初步融合。北朝后期唯有东魏北齐继承了北魏多数的文化遗产,这就为北齐文学的繁荣奠定了良好的社会基础。  相似文献   
加强和改进高校学风建设工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会和经济转型时期,在高等教育大众化、素质教育全面推进以及价值选择多元化的背景下,学风建设依然面临着许多新问题、新困难和新任务,学风建设需要与时俱进,发展创新。  相似文献   
赵宋立国奉行“与士大夫治天下”的政策,士大夫是宋朝统治的基础,其风气状况如何,关系到社会的安定,机构的效能,政治的清明以及宋王朝的兴衰成败。因此士风研究是宋代政治史与文化史研究的重要课题之一。笔者认为:宋初三朝是宋代各项政策体例的草创期,对于有宋以来的士风建设,士人精神格局影响深远。宋初士大夫阶层的整体精神风貌表现为隐逸、变节、奢靡和因循持重。  相似文献   
Young (M = 23 years) and older (M = 77 years) adults' interpretation and memory for the emotional content of spoken discourse was examined in an experiment using short, videotaped scenes of two young actresses talking to each other about emotionally-laden events. Emotional nonverbal information (prosody or facial expressions) was conveyed at the end of each scene at low, medium, and high intensities. Nonverbal information indicating anger, happiness, or fear, conflicted with the verbal information. Older adults' ability to differentiate levels of emotional intensity was not as strong (for happiness and anger) compared to younger adults. An incidental memory task revealed that older adults, more often than younger adults, reconstruct what people state verbally to coincide with the meaning of the nonverbal content, if the nonverbal content is conveyed through facial expressions. A second experiment with older participants showed that the high level of memory reconstructions favoring the nonverbal interpretation was maintained when the ages of the participants and actresses were matched, and when the nonverbal content was conveyed both through prosody and facial expressions.  相似文献   
宋初的政治形势迫使朝廷急需重厚质实之士主谋大事,以安定社会秩序,维护君主权威.宋初君臣对自身及中央各机构职能的理性思考,也使重厚质实之风得以形成并流行.李沆恰于此时进士及第,其廉洁自律、纯厚坦诚的个人品德,慎名器、尊君主的为臣之道,稳重踏实、崇尚质朴的为政之风,实为重厚质实之杰出代表.在李沆影响下所形成的政治理念,对于宋代中央各部门之间均衡、稳定态势的形成起到了重要作用.  相似文献   
笔者通过对南京龙江高教公寓景观环境的规划设计中标方案的创意 ,从设计理念、风格、第五立面的考量、意境创造与形成等方面 ,强调以人为本的原则 ,探索现代人居环境的创新。  相似文献   
教育和引导大学生树立社会主义荣辱观是时代赋予我们的神圣使命。由于各种因素的影响,目前高校学风建设中存在许多不容乐观的问题,如何通过加强荣辱观教育解决这些问题,如何在荣辱观教育中切实加强学风建设,是一个值得认真探索的理论课题和实践课题。  相似文献   
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