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依托普通高校培养军队干部,是军队干部制度改革的战略举措,它在提高军事人才培养的质量和效益、促进高校自身建设及增强国防动员能力方面有重要的意义。目前在实施的过程中还存在许多问题,解决这些问题需要统一思想,提高认识,同时做好高校选拔培养、部队使用等环节上的工作。  相似文献   
随着中国经济的迅猛发展,军民融合发展已经上升为国家战略。完善军民结合、寓军于民的国防科技协同创新体系已经成为中国军民融合深度发展的重要目标之一。基于军民融合深度发展的现实要求,界定国防科技协同创新体系的内涵。针对发展战略目标,从顶层设计角度对国防科技协同创新体系进行系统分析,力图打破军队科研体系、国防科技工业科研生产体系和民用经济创新体系界限,梳理国防科技协同创新的过程,协调各类相关主体,优化配置各领域的创新资源,满足军队需求,并促进国家科技领域的创新发展。国防科技协同创新体系由创新体制、创新机制和创新法制构成,体制、机制、法制的创新融合有利于国防科技工业科研生产体系与军队科研体系、民用经济创新体系的协同发展,有利于发挥政府在国防科技协同创新体系中的主导地位,有利于提高市场配置创新资源及创新成果的效率,推动国防科技协同创新的深度发展。  相似文献   
国防生教育管理问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国防生是国防建设的后备人才,国防生的教育管理必须落实到"学"、"军"、"兵"三位一体.国防生教育管理的内涵形式应该表现为:以突破知识能力培养为着力点的大学素质教育;以忠诚祖国、履行使命、勇于牺牲为核心价值的军政意识教育;以奉献、纪律、服从意识为内核的军人品质教育;以招之即来,来之能战,战之能胜的身心素质教育.其素质高低对国防建设产生重要影响,所以国防生教育管理至关重要.但目前,国防生教育管理存在5大冲突,为此,进行了归因分析,在结合工作实际的基础上,着重从5个方面提出解决措施,为提高国防生素质,增强国防生教育管理提供了有益的见解.  相似文献   
自1985年开始学生军训试点以来,以集中军训为主要内容的国防教育已为广大高校和社会认可。但是,军事理论课教学仍不被广大师生认可,在教学中仍然存在很多问题,需要进行改革。医学院校军事理论课教学改革可以从以下几个角度进行阐释:军事理论课教学的历史沿革;军事理论课教学改革的实践;对军事理论课教学改革中出现问题的反思。  相似文献   
A college of social work developed a partnership with a state commission on indigent defense to examine existing data-collection procedures, potential case outcomes, and practical implications of implementing holistic defense programs. The holistic defense model responds to the complex challenges of justice-system-involved defendants by providing social services in public defense offices. Using chi-square and logistic regression analyses of administrative data for a sample of 15,994 public defendants from a single judicial circuit, this research study examined case outcomes before and after implementation of a holistic defense program. Results were mixed regarding effectiveness of holistic defense in mitigating the effect of justice involvement for indigent defendants. Implementation of holistic defense was associated with a decrease in case dismissals. However, defendants receiving holistic representation were less likely to be indicted than defendants prior to program implementation. Once indicted, there were no changes in levels of diversions, and more defendants were held on bond, convicted as guilty, and incarcerated. After program implementation, fewer defendants were sentenced to alternatives to incarceration; more defendants were sentenced to time served, avoiding further incarcerative penalty. These findings suggested the need for further research to determine whether holistic defense practices are producing desired legal and social service outcomes.  相似文献   
This research extends prior work that examines self‐esteem as an outcome of protective behaviors against crime victimization by focusing instead on the moderating influence of self‐esteem on the relationship between the fear of crime and the decision to protect oneself from victimization. The fear of crime is conceptualized as two separate components (fear of victimization and perceived risk) in accordance with prior work. Self‐esteem is conceptualized as three separate components (worth, efficacy, and authenticity), and measured with a recently designed instrument for capturing each aspect of self‐esteem separately. Data are collected through surveys of a population at high risk for victimization (undergraduate college students). Logistic regression analyses demonstrate that self‐esteem does play a role for deciding whether to engage in protective behaviors, and that the specific components of self‐esteem moderate defensive behavioral outcomes differently. Specifically, the self‐worth, self‐efficacy, and authenticity components of self‐esteem influence the decision to carry protection, but not the decision to take a self‐defense class. Implications for both the fear of crime and self‐esteem literatures are addressed.  相似文献   
国防生教育是我国国防教育的重要组成部分,依托普通高等教育培养军队干部,是新世纪新阶段加强军队建设的重大战略决策.作为国防建设的后备人才,国防生素质高低对国防建设产生了重要影响.在地方高校中,国防生的综合素质、社会适应能力、竞争能力,关键取决于学校的人才培养模式.以南京邮电大学的国防生教育为例,探讨了地方高校中培养高素质国防生的路径,对于提升信息化“科技强军”,促进地方高校国防教育的科学化与现代化具有参考意义.  相似文献   
俄罗斯在普通高校国防教育的法律保障、机构设置、教育内容和形式以及人才培养等方面都取得了一定的成效。借鉴俄罗斯的经验对提升我国全民国防意识和国防素养将具有重大意义。  相似文献   
近年,我国少年司法制度建设虽然具有突破性的发展,但是处于社会发展的重要战略转折期社会矛盾凸显,面对未成年人犯罪呈现的新特点,而与之相配套的少年司法建设无论是从理论上还是从制度建设上都略显滞后。显然,少年刑事辩护的专业化建设是十分必要的,其发展程度也是司法建设质量的重要指标。鉴于此,通过分析未成年案件刑事辩护发展现状,提出未成年案件刑事辩护专业化建设的发展策略。  相似文献   
改革创新是发展的源泉,新的时代条件下,高校国防教育要贯彻落实“深化国防教育改革”的战略部署,就应该加大国防教育工作创新的力度,适应新媒体环境带来的巨大变化,努力探索新媒体的特点,发挥新媒体的作用,不断推进高校国防教育工作,提高针对性和实效性,为深化国防和军队改革贡献力量。  相似文献   
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