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Since Hurricane Katrina there has been a movement across the U.S. to examine best practice for disaster response within the aging population. However, little is known about the experience of natural disasters from the perspective of family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD). In this exploratory, qualitative study, family caregivers (n=27) were interviewed about their experience with the historic 2015 South Carolina flood. By using thematic analysis, themes were identified to better understand what unique challenges caregivers of person with ADRD experienced. While many caregivers stated they had experienced a natural disaster previously, none had ever done so in their current caregiving role. The caregiving role affected their ability to prepare for the storm and influenced their decision-making regarding evacuation and utilization of recovery resources. Thus, caregivers were confronted by a “perfect storm” of circumstances and uncertainty. Family caregivers need to have actionable emergency plans for disasters that are specific to their role as caregivers of persons with ADRD. Study implications also suggest the role social work professionals can have in educating, advocating, evaluating, and coordinating support to assist caregivers of persons with ADRD as a potentially vulnerable and at-risk population during all phases of disaster.  相似文献   
Following the MV Rena grounding and oil spill in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand in October 2011, the Māori community of Maketū were quick to respond to the arrival of oil on their beaches. They asserted their rangatiratanga by establishing their marae as a base and successfully coordinated a clean-up by more than 450 volunteers, feeding these volunteers every day. We interviewed 11 clean-up leaders and volunteers in Maketū to gather information about how the oil spill affected people in the community and how they ensured the success of their clean-up efforts. Many volunteers returned to help with the clean-up day after day over several weeks. Concepts of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga underpinned the work of the Maketū clean-up organisers. Participants attributed the success of the Maketū clean-up to the speed with which they responded, the support they received from their community and local businesses, and their local knowledge.  相似文献   
陈桂权 《唐都学刊》2013,29(3):74-80
中国传统文化中的蛟的原型当为鳄鱼;鳄鱼因喜温近水的生活习性使其成为民间水神崇拜的对象,但又因它对人、畜的危害性,其并未成为最终的水神,而变成了水妖——蛟。蛟与水灾的关系是民间解释水灾的另类说法。明清以来,南方山区蛟水频发的事实从另一个侧面说明当时经济开发对环境的破坏。  相似文献   
对气象灾害事件信息的研究是解构气象灾害事件的重要路径。依据信息传播的渠道和主体,可以将气象灾害事件信息划分为正式信息和非正式信息。气象灾害事件正式信息的扩散路径相对固定,发布具有可控性,但是正式传播渠道不能保证其真实性。气象灾害正式信息在扩散过程中具有非线性、稀释性和支离性等特征。在此基础上构建的气象灾害事件正式信息扩散模型表明,对气象灾害信息持开放态度,注重信息扩散方式的创新,加强对专业性信息的通俗化处理,重视对公众的培训和教育以及选择合适的气象灾害信息发布策略,将有助于引导信息扩散,优化气象灾害事件的应急处置。  相似文献   
上海与江浙周边地区对跨界环境灾害突发事件的联防联控,不仅事关上海城市民生和社会稳定的大计,还涉及长三角区域环境生态的共同治理保护、区域一体化的制度建设、区域可持续发展等一系列经济、社会、环境生态重大问题的解决。上海应建立跨界环境灾害联防联控的相应组织机构与协调机制,提升针对跨界环境灾害的应对能力,牵头开展长三角环境灾害共同治理的重点专题研究,主动参与源头地区环境灾害的共同治理和共同防范。  相似文献   
我国气象防灾减灾能力建设与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全球气候变化背景下,我国气象灾害及其影响已产生新的特点。近年来,包括气象灾害监测、预报预警、预警信息发布、风险管理、减灾手段和科技支撑等方面在内的气象防灾减灾综合能力建设逐步加强,“政府主导、部门联动、社会参与”的气象防灾减灾机制日渐完善。未来,面对气象防灾减灾的新挑战,我国应更加注重防御极端天气气候事件,化解经济社会发展的气候风险,完善气象防灾减灾体系,增强全民防灾减灾的知识水平。  相似文献   
间断熵在文化领域被定义为一种永久的衰退,是人类文化系统对环境适应灵活性的永久萎缩,它预测并解释了灾后人类系统不能重建的原因。1989年发生于埃克森·瓦尔迪兹的石油泄漏事故是一次技术性灾难,对威廉王子湾地区的商业性捕鱼和建立在生存资料基础上的社区生活模式造成了严重的影响,并在其随后的灾后重建中表现出明显的间断熵过程。究其原因在于:(1)自然资源基础受到严重损坏,影响了原有的生计方式;(2)外来援助的方向性错误或有所保留,致使当地居民的精神创伤加剧;(3)灾后地区政治生态妨碍人类与环境互动传统模式的恢复。威廉王子湾地区作为自然资源社区,代表了一种文化上适合可持续发展的能力,那么他们应该被竭力保护,而不是被排斥或消除。对此,人类学家应该致力于研究如何对抗间断熵,为预防、应对和缓解灾难创造出文化上适宜的新方法。  相似文献   
1991年10月发生在奥克兰地区的大火灾造成25人丧生,6000多人无家可归。幸存者用各种方式表达自己对这场灾难的认识,其中凸显了有关自然与文化、有序与无序、时间与空间以及传统的男女性别区分与生死等二元结构,尤其是对作为自然象征的母亲与作为灾难象征的魔兽二者之间的对立显示了自然与非自然力量的对比。人们为了解释灾难的去而复来,甚至认定灾难的发生是早已注定的、循环的,从而肯定了上帝对于自然灾害发生的控制权,由此,毁灭者也是创造者。奥克兰大火中隐含着如建筑材料的不当使用和居民区的不合理规划等技术性因素,因此其可部分归结为技术性灾难。而由于技术性灾难产生于一个文化的竞技场,而不是自然自身的,在这种情况下,能满足人们心理需求的合乎情理的灾难意象或隐喻非常少,因此,技术性灾难不会流变为神话,而是作为永远的历史而存在。综观上述过程,灾难被重新界定为"创造性的毁灭",从而被赋予了一种令人敬畏的美。尽管并非所有的文化都会以上述方式去象征地表达灾难,但所有的文化在描述与解释灾难时,象征都将会是他们行动的一部分。这些象征的建立缓解或消解了灾民对于灾难的恐惧,这也可以部分解释为什么灾难多发区的居民大多不愿意搬迁。  相似文献   
张原  兰婕 《民族学刊》2013,4(6):56-62,112-115
以民族志的方式,对地方层面的灾害场景和灾害感知进行完整呈现和系统转述,是人类学灾害研究的关键。《泥石流灾害的人类学研究》一书基于特定灾害场景的系统考察,来呈现人类社会与环境系统的复杂互动过程,并就不同人类群体如何借助社会文化资源来认识和应对灾害的经验图景加以辨析,这代表了灾害人类学研究发展的一种新趋势。  相似文献   
Comparison of 126 minority and 161 non-minority instances of elder maltreatment produces no compelling profile of differences, although there are implications for both study and practice. Within the minority subsample, differences in ethnic group, gender, age, and income provide some information. Hispanics have a less developed social support system, female-male distinctions focus on mortality rate and maltreatment type differences, the oldest old appear to differ from younger elder groups in several respects, and the poor may form a subgroup of isolates or loners.  相似文献   
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