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从战略领导理论和竞争基础观出发,探讨交易型领导、竞争强度和技术创新三者的交互作用对企业绩效的影响。以182家中国高新技术企业数据为样本,用实证研究方法构建概念模型,通过分层回归分析和交互图的方法验证相关假设。研究结果表明,交易型领导下,企业倾向于选择产品创新而非过程创新。高竞争强度下,实施产品创新的企业比实施过程创新的企业拥有更高的绩效。交易型领导在竞争强度低时对绩效提升发挥较大的作用,而随着竞争强度增强则显示出对环境的不适应性。交易型领导、竞争强度和产品创新3项的交互作用负向影响企业绩效, 即在竞争程度较低时,交易型领导较强且产品创新程度较高的企业拥有较好的绩效表现,交易型领导对绩效的贡献程度比产品创新高;而在竞争强度较强时,产品创新程度较高的企业拥有较高的绩效表现,交易型领导对绩效的贡献程度不明显。该研究有助于企业在不同的竞争强度下完成领导风格和创新模式的转变,使企业在管理实践中改善绩效。  相似文献   
明代徽州的官府和宗族组织在自然灾害背景下发挥出非常有效的社会调控功能。其防灾和救灾措施主要有储粮备荒、蠲税减租、赈济饥民、掩骼埋胔、通商平粜、医疗救助、兴修水利等。  相似文献   
1931年,长江曾发生全流域大洪水,造成中下游沿江多处溃决,给这一地区社会经济发展造成巨大破坏,给群众生命财产带来重大损失。在赈灾工作中,中外人士联合组成的近代中国最大的国际慈善社会团体、非政府组织和非盈利组织——华洋义赈会受国民政府救济水灾委员会的委托,负责制订施赈方案,并主持长江中下游受灾地区的赈灾工作。华洋义赈会通过采取在灾区举办合作讲习会、组织互助社与合作社等措施,使赈灾工作获得相当的成功。通过开展一系列赈灾工作,华洋义赈会把农村信用合作制度引到了长江、淮河流域,对在受灾地区宣传合作思想,指导并推动合作事业发展,完善防灾重于救灾的理念,促使农民从传统的保守状态向符合近代文明要求的状态转变,提高国民素质,起到了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
北魏孝文帝统治时期,北方地区自然灾害频发,严重制约着北魏社会经济的发展,且不利于北魏政局的稳定。为了维护统治,孝文帝实施了一系列赈灾防灾措施。这些措施包括开仓赈恤,减免田租;移民就食;问民疾苦,关爱鳏寡孤独者;祈雨;劝课农桑,加大重农力度,实施均田制;建立仓储制度;迁都洛阳;兴修水利等。  相似文献   
随着国民经济的快速发展、生产规模的持续扩大和社会财富的不断增长,灾害造成的损失也日益严重,而应急通信工作直接影响到国家重要灾害信息的及时发布和救灾工作的顺利实施。为此,结合我国国情,探讨特大自然灾害下高效的应急通信管理机制,为完善我国突发公共事件的应急管理体系和特大自然灾害的应急通信管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
在大量路基病害相关文献的查阅、分析整理的基础上,结合朔黄重载铁路路基病害现场调查数据,对其存在的主要路基病害进行了分类,并对各类病害的一般特征和表现形式、产生条件及成灾机理进行了系统分析,为既有重载铁路路基病害的预防和整治措施提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
Developing nations experience pervasive risk of devastation, human and property loss resulting from human and natural disasters. This level of risk is attributable to socioeconomic stress, aging and inadequate physical infrastructure, weak education and preparedness for disaster and insufficient fiscal and economic resources to carefully implement the preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery components of integrated emergency management. This article examines these dynamics using a conceptual framework derived from chaos theory and emergency management theory and raises several critical methodological issues related to inquiries into disaster and emergency management dynamics in developing nations.  相似文献   
晚清时期,桂东南地区频发的自然灾害不仅给民众的生命财产造成了严重破坏,而且对民间信仰风俗产生深刻影响。民众对自然灾害的发生和破坏感到困惑或无能为力,又无法作出科学的解释,加上受传统观念的影响,只能寄托于神灵以应对,祈求消灾赐福。因此,民间的岁时节令习俗无不渗透着广大民众对自然灾害的禳除和对人寿年丰的祈求。  相似文献   
After the two major nuclear disasters I have witnessed in my life, Chernobyl and Fukushima, I experienced uncertainty that seemed stronger than fear, anger or panic. In George Button's excellent work I found my personal experience of uncertainty explained as a cultural phenomenon that indeed prevails after all natural and manmade disasters. He has been studying disasters for over 30 years as an academic and a reporter. He covered and reported on, for example, the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, the Exxon Valdes oil spill, and Hurricane Katrina. His book tells a powerful story about US disasters and their cultural aspects. However, I think that Button's research methodology and his findings can be applied to the Japanese situation as well. On the one hand, his book can serve as a warning on how not to act in the face of calamity if we want our culture to survive the suffering, and, on the other, it can serve as inspiration for domestic research on the most recent Japanese calamity. Button is interested in the way a disaster becomes a cultural, social and political phenomenon where uncertainty prevails and his focus on uncertainty as a main category seems to be a pioneering attempt that his book extends from previous studies. He focuses on uncertainty as an experience of affected people as well as the politics of uncertainty inflected in a time of calamity and finds that the two aspects are correlative.  相似文献   
This article describes the three major challenges that were identified and their possible solutions are proposed in counter‐disaster measures for “people with functional needs in times of disaster (PFND)” following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. First, recent developments in preparedness measures for PFND in Japan have been uncritically relying on the assumption that hazard maps represent “correct” estimates of future hazardous events, which are based on the maximum probable event (MPrE) framework. In reality, however, a maximum possible event (MPoE) has occurred in the Tōhoku regions. This has tremendous implications for fundamentally re‐thinking the entire hazard estimation process from a MPrE to MPoE framework. Second, counter‐disaster measures for PFND have focused mainly on warning and neighborhood‐based evacuation assistance activities. Needs for shelters and temporary housing units that were specially designated for PFND arose following the earthquake. However, their provisions were neither systematic nor universal due to the lack of pre‐planning. More detailed guidelines for specially designated shelter and temporary housing operations need to be developed in order to address this issue. Third, people with disabilities (PWD) became invisible in shelters and communities or in the eyes of local government administrators. This was due to the fact that a majority of PWD did not ask for help in evacuation shelters because they felt general shelters were not “barrier free” and were unresponsive to their functional needs. Furthermore, many local government administrators felt hesitant to release their PFND registry to non‐governmental and self‐help organizations that were eager to check the whereabouts and current situations of PWD. This was due to the fear of breaking the Personal Information Protection Bylaw despite the fact that the bylaw provided exceptional conditions, where the onset of disaster was clearly one of these exceptional conditions. Further elaboration and education on the use of personal information of PFND during a disaster period is needed among public and local government administrators.  相似文献   
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