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Numerous studies have examined the nature of parent–adolescent relationships within mainstream families; but few have focused on conflicts in the Korean immigrant population. In addition, there has been no attempt to develop and test a theory-driven model of social service practices for the immigrant families. Thus, the current study developed and tested a structural equation model based on three latent variables, which are acculturation, social support system, and family conflict. This study offers a first step by investigating the overall nature and outcome of conflict between parents and adolescents. The analysis with data taken from 304 Korean American adolescents, ages 14–18, revealed that a social support system was the most significant means of predicting immigrant family conflicts. A number of practice applications, based on the results, along with implications for future study were discussed, and proved a great need for a support system.  相似文献   
This paper examines the extent to which widowhood affects changes in (a) the availability of a confidant, (b) emotional support from children, and (c) emotional support from friends/relatives both 6 and 18 months after spousal loss. Analyses are based on data from the Changing Lives of Older Couples, a prospective study of 1,532 married individuals aged 65 and older. Compared to married persons, widowed persons are less likely to have a confidant, yet they receive greater support from children, friends, and relatives, controlling for support prior to widowhood. The findings suggest that, although close social relationships may remain stable in the course of normal aging, stressful events such as widowhood may bring forth both losses and gains in social support.  相似文献   
This study examines how others indicate that our emotions violate social norms and how people feel about and respond to those indications. The data come from in‐depth interviews with thirty‐two people who had recently lost a loved one to murder (“bereaved victims”). Through the symbolic interaction process, bereaved victims came to appreciate the burden their grief imposed on others, and some of them took steps to minimize that burden. Despite their awareness of the burden, however, many of the bereaved expected others to express heartfelt sympathy for their loss. Instead, people offered inappropriate (and even hurtful) responses, including avoiding the topic of their loss, offering unnecessarily dramatic responses to the loss, and telling them to move on. The responses suggest that current feeling rules and emotion norms surrounding grief do not reflect the true extent of bereaved people's actual experiences, creating awkward situations for potential supporters and the bereaved.  相似文献   
通过对国企改制中母子公司现象的考察,得出这种类型的国企改革的实质是一种内卷化发展的结论。其根源在于国有企业在历史中形成的独特发展逻辑,进而型塑着国企改革的路径选择。国有企业的改革和发展不是一个单纯的经济问题,它需要一系列社会要素的配合和支持。社会支持的建设则是国企改革乃至经济顺利发展的前提和基础。  相似文献   
为了提高非线性系统辨识的精度,提出用Walsh函数作为空间V0的尺度函数,构造出L2(R)空间的正交规范序列。结合小波多分辨分析,将Hilbert空间分为一系列子空间,并由可分Hilbert空间与L2(R)的等价性,利用内积同构的线性算子,可以把V0子空间的尺度函数折算为Hilbert空间的子空间V0的尺度函数,构造出新的Walsh序列再生核。通过仿真实验,与传统的RBF核函数、高斯核函数等比较,该尺度再生核函数具有更高的辨识精度,较少支持向量数目,充分体现了支持向量机较好的推广性能。  相似文献   
中西方代际情感回报模式的差异主要体现为:当代中国是一种家庭亲情回馈模式,它是以家庭内部子女对父母的“反哺式”式物质赡养和以家庭亲情慰藉为核心的多样化的精神赡养为主要特点。西方发达国家是一种“有距离的亲密”模式,从物质层面看,它通过社会养老保障制度以社会财富的代际转移形式得到间接体现;从精神层面看,它立足于社区照料与居家养老服务,以专门养老机构的精神慰藉为辅助,以子女对父母的日常照料与情感支持为倡导性伦理责任。随着我国社会养老保障制度的完善和居家养老的发展,中国模式将与西方模式趋同。  相似文献   
随着中国企业国际化的加深,越来越多的员工面临着自身职业生涯的国际化。来自工作与家庭的冲突成为企业和外派员工共同面对的难题,且已危及企业和员工个人的发展。文章分析了外派员工家庭难题及其产生的根源,探讨企业如何帮助外派员工解决家庭难题,提出了从制度和程序两个层面构建外派前、中、后三个阶段的组织支持策略,以期实现企业与员工双赢,员工职业成功与家庭幸福的和谐共融。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍了专家系统,然后着重介绍了国外评价专家系统的准则。它包括基本特性的估计、开发环境、学习和使用性、成本以及怎样得到支持等,最后将举例说明怎样用这些准则来评价一个实际的专家系统。  相似文献   
幼儿园户外体育活动在增强幼儿体质、促进幼儿全面发展方面具有举足轻重的作用,而教师支持水平是影响幼儿户外体育活动质量的核心要义。通过文献梳理、半结构化访谈、专家内容效度检验以及验证性因素分析,编制出由安全支持、情感支持、环境支持、能力支持和自主支持五个维度构成的、包含20个题项的《幼儿园户外体育活动中教师支持问卷》。该问卷显示出良好的心理测量特性。通过熵权法、层次分析法以及基于博弈论的组合权重法确定了各维度和指标的权重。组合权重结果表明,五个维度的相对重要性依次为安全支持、自主支持、能力支持、环境支持和情感支持。  相似文献   
信任问题是困扰C2C电子商务发展的重要瓶颈.在传统模型基础上,本文进一步引入5梯度的连续性评分标度、交易次数、多维评分、惩罚因子四项因素,研究两种商品交易历史对卖家信任的影响.为满足个性化选择,创建了评价者过滤机制,在此基础上构建可满足用户需要、防范信用欺诈的个性化信任模型,通过仿真实验验证模型的有效性.  相似文献   
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