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This paper introduces a systemic methodology for reviewing professional responses to abuse between young people. The approach, “contextual case reviewing,” draws upon constructivist structuralism to assess the extent to which safeguarding practices engage with the social and public contexts of abuse. The paper conceptually compares the methodologies of contextual case review and other serious case review methods before drawing upon findings from 2 studies, which used the contextual case review methodology to explore the extrafamilial nature of peer‐on‐peer abuse and the ability of child protection practices to engage with this dynamic. Thematic findings from these studies regarding the practical interpretation of “significant harm” and “capacity to safeguard,” as well as their use within child protection assessments, are used to challenge conclusions of other case reviews, which imply that child protection procedures are sufficient for safeguarding young people. Contextual case reviews suggest that safeguarding practices, and the legislation that underpins them, are culturally, procedurally, and organisationally wedded to the context of the home, whereas insufficiently engaged with extrafamilial contexts of significant harm. The application of these issues require interrogation if social work systems are to provide sufficient mechanisms for safeguarding young people and families at risk of significant harm.  相似文献   
中国的环境管理体制在20世纪70、80年代形成。随着改革深入,机构重复过多、职能交叉严重、管理关系不明、立法规定矛盾、职权行使混乱等问题日渐暴露。环境管理大部制改革并未突破传统的环境管理体制。从定性结合定量分析看,大部制改革后的环境管理绩效并不理想。完善环境管理大部制,必须重视宪法环境权问题、效率和利益平衡问题以及理性官僚制问题。  相似文献   
WTO环境保护规则由于其用语模糊,各国环境标准不统一以及发展中国家在国际贸易中的劣势地位,在实践中并没有达到环境NGOS的期望。因此,环境NGOS转向以法庭之友身份参与WTO争端解决程序。经过“美国海龟海虾案”、“欧共体石棉案”和“巴西限制从欧盟进口翻新轮胎案”的实践,WTO争端解决机构逐步接受了环境NGOS提交的法庭之友陈述。为实现WTO可持续发展的宗旨、提高环境贸易争端司法程序的透明度、公正解决案件,让国际社会更加重视环保问题,WTO争端解决机构不仅应在实践中考虑法庭之友陈述,还应根据WTO实体规则和司法实践尽早制定出规范法庭之友陈述的规则。  相似文献   
管理者关系对企业资源获取的影响:一种结构性观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源获取是企业利用管理者的社会关系提升绩效的重要机制之一。基于资源依赖理论,对管理者关系、环境包容性与环境不确定性对企业资源获取的结构性影响的检验结果表明:管理者关系有利于企业从外部获取资源;环境不确定性加强管理者关系对资源获取的影响;环境包容性削弱管理者关系对资源获取的影响;强管理者关系、高环境不确定性与低环境包容性的结构配置能更好地帮助企业获取外部资源。  相似文献   
从环境与发展实际出发,当前广西北部湾经济区综合开发必须从环境资源和自然资源的开发利用与节约保护、环境污染防治与生态安全、自然与历史文化遗迹的利用与保护、资源利用与环境保护的市场化以及投融资机制等方面制定地方性的环境资源政策,以保证海湾环境资源与自然资源的综合开发利用的可持续性。  相似文献   
Many Australian environmental non‐government organisations (NGOs) have campaigned for greater political action and community awareness on human‐induced climate change for almost two decades. Australian emissions are the highest per person in the world, yet the Government's response is heavily influenced by the economically‐significant fossil fuel industry. NGO campaigners are sceptical of their campaigns' effectiveness. This paper presents three methods for evaluating the effectiveness of NGO climate change campaigns: Moyer's Movement Action Plan, Schumaker's Assessment of Political Effectiveness, and a document analysis of the influence of NGO submissions to climate policy processes. Evaluation is critical for NGO campaigns to improve their effectiveness, and evaluation criteria and methods should ideally be designed in parallel with the campaign strategy. Using these evaluation methods, it is evident that Australian NGO campaigns on climate change have been effective.  相似文献   
张雯 《社会》2008,28(4):187-205
以毛乌素沙地北部边缘的B嘎查为例,本文从环境人类学的角度对草原沙漠化问题进行了考察。笔者主要关注20世纪80年代以来国家实施的一套现代制度(草畜承包制度和市场机制)和其中蕴涵的文化(“私有地”的观念和“自然资本化”的态度)如何改变当地牧民原有的放牧模式、经济形态、合作精神以及自然观念,并在一定程度上加深了草原沙漠化的程度,指出现代性与沙漠化之间具有的逻辑联系。  相似文献   
环境关心的测量:NEP量表在中国的应用评估   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
洪大用 《社会》2006,26(5):71-92
本文检视了西方学者(特别是美国学者)自20世纪70年代以来测量公众环境关心的历程,分析了广为使用的NEP量表的提出及修订,并重点基于2003年中国综合社会调查(城市部分)资料,对修订过的NEP量表在中国的应用效果进行了评估。作者指出,不加改造地在中国应用修订过的NEP量表,效果并不理想。但是,经过适当改造之后,该量表可以作为测量公众环境关心的重要工具。  相似文献   
环境社会学坚持的生态论思维范式认为当今生态问题具有历史普遍性与时代性、渐进性与突发性、客观性与建构性统一的特征,生态论思维范式应坚持实践性、能动性、主体间性、“两个尺度”辩证统一的原则,超越“经济中心论”和“社会中心论”,增强社会决策的生态导向,调动一切环保力量,保护好我们赖以生存的环境。  相似文献   
Employing the Governance Network framework, this article presents an in-depth case study of the conflict that evolved from 2003 onwards over the construction and operation of a paraxylene plant in Dalian, China. The study explores the usefulness of this framework as an empirical tool to describe and make sense of policy processes and governance in multi-actor situations in China. The analysis shows the lack of anticipation and deliberation by Chinese governments, resulting in the buildup of citizens’ concerns, mediated by social media beyond government control. This results in an outbreak of protest followed by uncoordinated governmental responses, with high costs for all parties. It is argued that, because of the underlying institutional causes, the challenges are even greater for Chinese governments to come to grips with the increasing need for internal coordination, deal with new social media, and balance economic and environmental values.  相似文献   
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