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民居灵物作为原始宗教与现实生活的结合点、神人沟通交流之中介 ,在云南少数民族中广泛存在 ;表现为以各种原始崇拜为主的原始宗教观念 ,内涵丰富 ,展示了云南少数民族原始的、多样的、融合的民居文化特性  相似文献   
通过对一起房产买卖纠纷的分析,论述房产买卖中的物权和债权关系,提出严格区分两者关系是保护当事人的合法权益、保障市场交易安全的重要前提。  相似文献   
为居民提供住房保障是地方政府的重要职能。经济适用房作为中国城市住房保障体系的组成部分之一,对城市居民的生活具有重要的影响。因此,有必要对城市经济适用房的存在合理性、建设方式的合理性以及管理方式的合理性进行分析,从而研究城市政府在这个领域中应该发挥的作用。  相似文献   
中小民营企业融资难不仅是影响民营经济发展的重大难题 ,也是影响我国国民经济发展的一大难题 ,是当前理论界关注的焦点之一。通过对中国金融业的鼻祖———山西票号发展的研究 ,对比目前中小企业融资难的现状及成因 ,山西票号在政企关系、经营意识、市场构建以及管理创新等方面的经营经验 ,对解决这一难题会有所启示  相似文献   
经济适用房制度在本质上是一项事关低收入家庭安居的社会保障制度。近年来,经济适用房建设、管理、分配等过程中频频出现问题。制度的主要缺陷有那些,如何改革?指出了现行经济适用房制度主要缺陷和表现,分析了经济适用制度实施中出现偏差的原因,在总结吸收大量研究成果的基础上,提出经济适用房制度改革取向。  相似文献   
论穷人的居住权:基于人权的基本视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穷人的居住权的实质,就是关于住房的制度安排能否取得利益表达和社会稳定之间的平衡。基于“居住权是基本人权”命题及其对于穷人的生存权的意义,必须切实解决好穷人的居住这个最基本的民生问题。既不“经济”又不“适用”的经济适用房并不具备对于穷人应有的道德关怀,应着力构建真正适于并服务于穷人的廉租房机制。  相似文献   
在工业化和城市化快速发展的背景下,农民工己成为一个不容忽视、规模巨大的特殊群体,他们在城市里的住房问题日趋突出,已成为影响社会稳定和发展的重要因素。以问卷形式获取相关数据,采用Logistic模型,分析了南京市农民工廉租房需求度的重要影响因素:家庭人口数、月平均收入、年龄、受教育水平、婚姻状况等。主要结论:家庭人口数越多,月收入越高的农民工对廉租房的需求度更强烈;农民工对廉租房的需求度与农民工的婚姻状况、受教育程度存在相反的关系。  相似文献   
通过对兰州市 1990~ 2 0 0 0年TSP的年变化 ,2 0 0 0年内TSP的日变化和冬、夏两季一天的时变化分析 ,揭示了兰州市TSP的污染现状和时空变化规律 ,指出了造成兰州市严重污染的原因 ,提出了防治措施  相似文献   
《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):53-63
The structural approach to direct practice in social work assumes that opportunities and resources are unequally distributed and that members of deprived and vulnerable populations are social victims. Thus, the basic thrust of the social worker is to change oppressive situations instead of the people trapped in them. Disenfranchised, powerless, and oppressed people need a fairer share of basic economic and social goods. This makes advocacy a key practice role involving both work with groups of clients and with others who can make things happen for clients. The paper describes and illustrates instances of advocacy as the structurally oriented social worker applies six basic principles to help meet the needs of clients.  相似文献   
Risk assessments for toxicants in environmental media via oral exposure often rely on measurements of total concentration in a collected sample. However, the human digestive system cannot dissolute all of a toxicant present in the binding matrix, and cannot absorb it with nearly 100% efficiency. In vitro bioaccessibility has been developed as a method to estimate oral bioavailability of a toxicant using a physiologically-based extraction procedure. Bioaccessibility measurements are more physiologically relevant than strong acid leaching measurements of concentration. A method for measuring bioaccessible lead in house dust was derived from the bioaccessibility method currently used for heavy metals in contaminated soils. House dust was collected from carpets in typical urban residences. Bioaccessible lead was measured in house dust (<75 microm) from the homes of 15 participants. The bioaccessibility ranged from 52.4% to 77.2% in gastric fluid, and 4.9% to 32.1% in intestinal fluid. House dust samples from five homes were analyzed to assess the relationship among lead bioaccessibility of three particle size fractions (<75, 75-150, and 150-250 microm). Changes in lead bioaccessibility as a function of particle size fraction were not significant for gastric fluid (p= 0.7019); however they were significant for intestinal fluid (p= 0.0067). This decrease of bioaccessibility may result from the readsorption of dissolved lead onto the dust particles or precipitation of lead with phosphates in a high-pH environment. The bioaccessibility data obtained for two biofluids were applied to the IEUBK model, and results for intestinal bioaccessibility of lead provide support for the model default value of 30% lead bioavailability of dust as a reasonable population indicator for dose, but the higher values for gastric bioaccessibility of lead appeared to provide an upper bound that approached actual blood lead levels in the children living in the studied homes. This upper bound seemed to overcome some of the limitations of the model when it lacks child-specific activity data and characterization of all exposure routes.  相似文献   
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