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We consider a set of data from 80 stations in the Venezuelan state of Guárico consisting of accumulated monthly rainfall in a time span of 16 years. The problem of modelling rainfall accumulated over fixed periods of time and recorded at meteorological stations at different sites is studied by using a model based on the assumption that the data follow a truncated and transformed multivariate normal distribution. The spatial correlation is modelled by using an exponentially decreasing correlation function and an interpolating surface for the means. Missing data and dry periods are handled within a Markov chain Monte Carlo framework using latent variables. We estimate the amount of rainfall as well as the probability of a dry period by using the predictive density of the data. We considered a model based on a full second-degree polynomial over the spatial co-ordinates as well as the first two Fourier harmonics to describe the variability during the year. Predictive inferences on the data show very realistic results, capturing the typical rainfall variability in time and space for that region. Important extensions of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   
Some general remarks are made about likelihood factorizations, distinguishing parameter-based factorizations and concentration-graph factorizations. Two parametric families of distributions for mixed discrete and continuous variables are discussed. Conditions on graphs are given for the circumstances under which their joint analysis can be split into separate analyses, each involving a reduced set of component variables and parameters. The result shows marked differences between the two families although both involve the same necessary condition on prime graphs. This condition is both necessary and sufficient for simplified estimation in Gaussian and for discrete log linear models.  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate the asymptotic properties of estimators obtained for the semiparametric additive accelerated life model proposed by Bagdonavicius & Nikulin (1995). This model generalizes the well known additive hazards model of survival analysis and is close to the general transformation model (see Dabrowska & Doksum, 1988). Asymptotic properties of the estimator of the regression parameter and the estimator of the reliability function are given in the case of right censoring for discretized data and a numerical example illustrates these results.  相似文献   
For frequency counts, the situation of extra zeros often arises in biomedical applications. This is demonstrated with count data from a dental epidemiological study in Belo Horizonte (the Belo Horizonte caries prevention study) which evaluated various programmes for reducing caries. Extra zeros, however, violate the variance–mean relationship of the Poisson error structure. This extra-Poisson variation can easily be explained by a special mixture model, the zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model. On the basis of the ZIP model, a graphical device is presented which not only summarizes the mixing distribution but also provides visual information about the overall mean. This device can be exploited to evaluate and compare various groups. Ways are discussed to include covariates and to develop an extension of the conventional Poisson regression. Finally, a method to evaluate intervention effects on the basis of the ZIP regression model is described and applied to the data of the Belo Horizonte caries prevention study.  相似文献   
Pan  Wei  Connett  John E. 《Lifetime data analysis》2001,7(2):111-123
Weextend Wei and Tanner's (1991) multiple imputation approach insemi-parametric linear regression for univariate censored datato clustered censored data. The main idea is to iterate the followingtwo steps: 1) using the data augmentation to impute for censoredfailure times; 2) fitting a linear model with imputed completedata, which takes into consideration of clustering among failuretimes. In particular, we propose using the generalized estimatingequations (GEE) or a linear mixed-effects model to implementthe second step. Through simulation studies our proposal comparesfavorably to the independence approach (Lee et al., 1993), whichignores the within-cluster correlation in estimating the regressioncoefficient. Our proposal is easy to implement by using existingsoftwares.  相似文献   
The Analysis of Crop Variety Evaluation Data in Australia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The major aim of crop variety evaluation is to predict the future performance of varieties. This paper presents the routine statistical analysis of data from late-stage testing of crop varieties in Australia. It uses a two-stage approach for analysis. The data from individual trials from the current year are analysed using spatial techniques. The resultant table of variety-by-trial means is combined with tables from previous years to form the data for an overall mixed model analysis. Weights allow for the data being estimates with varying accuracy. In view of the predictive aim of the analysis, variety effects and interactions are regarded as random effects. Appropriate inferential tools have been developed to assist with interpretation of the results. Analyses must be conducted in a timely manner so that variety predictions can be published and disseminated to growers immediately after harvest each year. Factors which facilitate this include easy access to historic data and the use of specialist mixed model software.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Philip Hans Franses & Dick van Dijk, Non-linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
Herbert Spirer, Louise Spirer & A.J. Jaffe, Misused Statistics
Deborah J. Bennett, Randomness
C.E. Linneborg, Data Analysis by Resampling: Concepts and Applications
I. Clark and W.V. Harper, Practical Geostatistics 2000  相似文献   
We consider estimating functions for discretely observed diffusion processes of the following type: for one part of the parameter of interest we propose to use a simple and explicit estimating function of the type studied by Kessler (2000); for the remaining part of the parameter we use a martingale estimating function. Such an approach is particularly useful in practical applications when the parameter is high-dimensional. It is also often necessary to supplement a simple estimating function by another type of estimating function because only the part of the parameter on which the invariant measure depends can be estimated by a simple estimating function. Under regularity conditions the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. Several examples are considered in order to demonstrate the idea of the estimating procedure. The method is applied to two data sets comprising wind velocities and stock prices. In one example we also propose a general method for constructing diffusion models with a prescribed marginal distribution which have a flexible dependence structure.  相似文献   
Testing for homogeneity in finite mixture models has been investigated by many researchers. The asymptotic null distribution of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) is very complex and difficult to use in practice. We propose a modified LRT for homogeneity in finite mixture models with a general parametric kernel distribution family. The modified LRT has a χ-type of null limiting distribution and is asymptotically most powerful under local alternatives. Simulations show that it performs better than competing tests. They also reveal that the limiting distribution with some adjustment can satisfactorily approximate the quantiles of the test statistic, even for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   
This paper studies the partially time-varying coefficient models where some covariates are measured with additive errors. In order to overcome the bias of the usual profile least squares estimation when measurement errors are ignored, we propose a modified profile least squares estimator of the regression parameter and construct estimators of the nonlinear coefficient function and error variance. The proposed three estimators are proved to be asymptotically normal under mild conditions. In addition, we introduce the profile likelihood ratio test and then demonstrate that it follows an asymptotically χ2χ2 distribution under the null hypothesis. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too.  相似文献   
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