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积极探索和研究产业援疆模式,有助于实现东西部经济合作,促进产业结构调整,推动新疆自我发展能力的提高。该文基于对口支援政策,总结和借鉴了内地省份飞地经济发展的经验和启示,结合新疆区情,根据产业援疆中的政府作用和资金特点,认为江苏模式、中石化模式、广东模式、山东模式四种较为成功、典型的产业援疆模式及其适用领域,可作为产业援疆借鉴与选择的路径模式,并从产业援疆的市场主体、转移动力、政策体系、运行机制、园区开放等方面就提升产业援疆模式的效率提出了相应的措施和建议。  相似文献   
The uneven development of minimum incomes in Spain is one of the factors that explain the significant differences in the poverty indicators that characterize the Spanish regions, generally in favour of the territories most committed to these policies (Basque Country, Navarra and Asturias). However, there are other aspects that deserve some consideration when interpreting the specific method of developing minimum incomes in southern Europe. One aspect has to do with the differing dynamics of countries, such as Spain and Italy, which have opted for a decentralized regional model. In this regard, the regional autonomous initiative of the Basque Country played a decisive role in promoting minimum income programs in the late 1980s. Without its leadership in the launch of the regional minimum income policy, Spanish trade unions would probably not have opted for this method as a mechanism for combating poverty in the 1990s. No Italian region went on to play this driving role at that time. This article analyses the ideological foundations of the Basque minimum income policy introduced in the late 1980s and which grew significantly before and during the crisis that started in 2007-2008. It examines the dominant political narrative on this issue by analysing the discourse of some of the key nationalist leaders involved in the birth and development of the minimum income scheme. The approach shows that the experience of social decline linked to industrial restructuring processes was instrumental in the construction of the nationalist narrative.  相似文献   
工业化、城市化形塑了人口流动的方向,这使得我国东部乡村与中西部乡村的社会性质产生了巨大分化。在工业化与人口大量流入的背景下,东部地区村庄逐步成为土客杂居的工业型村庄,“类熟人社会”成为工业型村庄社会结构的新形态。学界既有概念“无主体熟人社会”揭示了作为人口流出地的中西部农业型村庄社会结构的新形态,而“类熟人社会”与其相对应,形成对转型期中国乡村社会性质的互补性解释。在东部地区工业型村庄中,通过原生型社会关系与建构型社会关系,人们的“熟悉”感开始建立,但最终却形成了“熟而不亲”的类团体格局。类熟人社会的形成,有赖于人们在流动社会里,通过“区隔化”和“聚类化”的策略,在保障生存安全的前提下,实现生计的维持。过日子的区域差异,也使得各群体之间很难在短时间内实现融合。  相似文献   

After the Fiat-Chrysler merger in 2009, CEO Sergio Marchionne imposed a drastic reorganization of labour relations in Italy’s plants, precipitating a profound crisis of the system of industrial relations in the country. But between 2015 and 2017 a significant section of workers at Melfi, Atessa and Termoli plants went on strike against compulsory overtime and labour intensification, establishing links with grassroots unions that successfully organized in logistics. The metalworkers’ union FIOM-CGIL, however, delegitimized the union representatives who resisted Marchionne’s plans. In this article, we trace the context and development of these still little-known strikes. Because of their growing institutionalization, we argue, the confederal unions (CGIL, CISL, UIL) have both failed to mobilize workers and repressed workers’ attempts to resist the deterioration of their conditions. The strikes at FCA and in logistics, however, show that new forms of radical unionism are emerging, pointing to new possibilities for working-class organizing.  相似文献   
为了提高长株潭两型社会示范区工业地产发展水平,本文以望城经开区为例,采用案例分析、实地调研、定量与定性分析相结合的方法,在充分了解园区工业地产发展情况的基础上,总结园区工业地产发展经验,对未来园区工业地产发展的趋势进行了预测,并提出提高长株潭两型社会示范区工业地产发展水平的相关对策措施。  相似文献   
宋则 《创新》2011,5(6):5-7,134,126
面对新的发展形势和经济任务,应该明确提出产业结构调整的新思路,即政府创造条件,靠市场来调结构。“十二五”期间,最优先考虑的问题应该是如何改革、如何转变结构调整的方式。倘若“调结构”的方式、特别是实体经济中制造业“调结构”的方式不能率先改革,转变发展方式的诸多目标就有可能落空。“十二五”期间的政策落脚点在于继续加快培育“统一开放、竞争有序”的现代市场体系的进程,切实贯彻中央一再强调的“资源配置要建立在市场调节的基础上”的施政原则,把产业结构的市场化调节落到实处。对于以制造业为基础的结构存量调整的方式,要基本实现从行政化到市场化的转变,强化金融、商贸等服务业的疏导、中介功能,创建有利于推进服务业深度参与存量结构调整和产业升级的体制政策环境。  相似文献   
发展低碳经济已成为全球共识,产业的低碳发展更是成为关注的焦点。目前关于产业低碳发展的问题大多集中在循环经济、低碳产业或高能耗行业,实际上不同类型的工业园区在产业的低碳化水平上存在很大的差异性。此文认为乡镇工业园区的低碳发展问题应该值得重点关注,并从制度层面对乡镇工业园区的低碳发展问题进行了探讨,同时提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   
本文从延边朝鲜族自治州所处的独特的地理、人文因素以及延边州的经济发展状况出发,论述延边经济发展尤其是延边州振兴老工业基地、实施第二次创业中加大对外开放,发展外向型经济的必要性和存在的问题及措施.  相似文献   
边远民族地区应本着科学发展观,努力发展本地区的民族特色工业。边远民族地区发展工业经济应遵循以资源市场为导向、延长产业链,发展特色产业等,正确处理好工业经济与社会发展、三次产业之间以及经济发展与环境保护之间的关系。  相似文献   
旅游产业园是旅游产业集聚发展过程中产生的一种产业集群形态。旅游产业园作为新事物,其实践发展领先于理论研究。虽然旅游产业园在国内已有所发展,但对其认知尚处于探索阶段。相思谷旅游产业园有机融合当地农业和旅游业的要素,充分释放农业中蕴含的巨大旅游潜力,以农业推动旅游业开发,旅游业拉动农业生产,成为第一产业和第三产业联动效应的典范,相思谷旅游产业园建立“公司+农户+网站”创新开发模式,并秉承“生态文明”的理念,采取“内嵌式保护开发”创新创建模式和“复合农业立体展示”创新发展模式,推动“旅居业”融合发展,从而促进新型城镇化建设,最终实现当地美丽乡村“中国梦”。  相似文献   
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