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文学作品是对社会生活形象反映的产物,更是作家文化品格的体现.通过对《前赤壁赋》的分析,探究了中国农业文化对苏轼文化品格的影响,指出苏轼具有的实用理性精神、"天人合一"的宇宙观念、情景交融的审美追求、"恒常"与"变易"的辩证思维等是受中国传统农业文化影响的结果,从而为阅读和欣赏古典文学作品,继承和发展民族新文化创造条件.  相似文献   
刘士林认为,北方话语哺育了中国民族的道德实践能力,而从江南话语中则开辟出这个以实用著称于世的古老民族的审美精神一脉。江南话语是中国诗性话语体系的一个专门执行审美功能的元叙事。要使江南按照它的本来面目在当代世界中澄明出来,一种关于江南话语的语言本体论意识是惟一的桥梁。徐雁平认为,以学术和文学为特色的江南世家图景的绘制工作,才刚刚开始,它的展开与深入,必须建立在对清人诗文集和家谱族谱等文献的梳理排比基础之上。只有在注意到每个诗学世家的不同性(如海宁查氏、德清俞氏)的同时,又能以多视角观照问题,才能绘制出细节丰富的江南世家图景。朱逸宁认为,在江南文化的发展史上,晚唐五代是一个十分重要的历史阶段,因为正是在这一时期,江南出现了一些值得我们关注的文化现象和人物,江南的精神气质也发生了重要的变化。并从此开始取代北方成为中国诗性文化的象征。耿波认为,在明清时代的江南城市文化语境中,士人之间的关系逐渐变成了互利互惠的组织化。士人之间互通声气,互相援系,为了能在城市文化生产的逻辑中生存而结成了一个"共同体"。江南士人在城市文化语境中所产生的那种在张扬个体和"士志于道"的事业之间寻求调和的深微刻苦精神心态是城市文化中最富诗意的因素。江南士人的情性状态  相似文献   
从丹纳"时代、种族、环境"三要素理论出发,宏观描述了中国古典诗歌爱国主义传统流变"与时俱进"的时代表征,进而探讨了与爱国诗歌相应的"忠君理念"与"垂史追求"二元互补的民族主体心态,并从中华民族生存的自然社会环境审视爱国主义诗歌传统中"变"与"不变"的辩证哲学内核。  相似文献   
党中央三代领导人一贯重视思想政治工作,为思想政治工作确定了"生命线"的战略地位。他们提出了"实事求是"的思想政治工作的思想路线;确立了"关心工作对象"的思想政治工作的重要原则;注重提高思想政治工作队伍素质,为思想政治工作奠定了坚定的组织基础;从而使我党的思想政治工作在贯彻落实党的路线、方针、政策和实现党的领导中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
作为《金瓶梅》主要续书的《续金瓶梅》 ,其价值不能用“狗尾续貂”一笔抹杀 ,在思想和艺术上 ,续书都有其值得肯定的地方。对于其思想价值 ,前人已有论述。在艺术上 ,它同样有其独到之处。表现在人物塑造上 ,《续金瓶梅》在借鉴《金瓶梅》手法的同时又有自己的加工创造。这都是我们在研究续书时应该注意的。  相似文献   
本文通过对见危不救涵义和表现形式的分析,以及对我国古代社会和国外关于见危不救入刑的考证,新阐述了见危不救的涵义和表现形式.在我国把见危不救纳入刑法的调整范畴,是切实可行的,也是必需的.从道德与法律的关系方面而言,道德需要不断的法律化,而且道德的法律化是因时而变的;从道德形成和发展的角度来看,道德适度入刑有利于不断提高社会整体的道德水平;同时,道德文明和法治文明也要求适度的法律化;另外,从"见危不救"的社会危害性方面来看,它也需要刑法予以调整.  相似文献   
天人之学是古代哲学的基础理论,儒、道、阴阳各家对天人关系都进行了不同层面的哲理性探讨。《淮南子》则综合了各家思想,以天人合一为纲,强调以人应天,以人合道,因顺自然。在对自然规律认识的基础上,指出政治也要合于天道,顺应自然,从而构建出一种管理社会生产生活的政治模式。  相似文献   
This paper is designed to bring into focus the numerous modeling attempts to analyze commodity price stabilization that have recently appeared. The studies examined begin with the Waugh-Oi-Massell framework and advance to econometric commodity modeling. Such a critique is considered necessary: None of the studies examined has overcome the myriad of problems that analysts have pointed out as essential for assessing the welfare outcomes of price stabilization schemes. As a consequence, stabilization analyses for similar commodities have produced conflicting results regarding predicted welfare outcome. The present appraisal attempts to provide a unity of direction to this work by (1) comparing recieved studies of a theoretical, empirical, and econometric modeling nature, and (2) suggesting possibilities for improving modeling analyses.  相似文献   
The specification and measurement of program goals remains central to most evaluation research strategies, yet procedures for implementing this approach are not well-articulated. It is the purpose of this discussion to describe a stepwise procedure for programmatic goal setting and monitoring used in a demonstration drug treatment program for women. Three implementation steps are described: (a) goal setting, (b) checking for consistency, (c) monitoring and feedback. The advantages and limitations of this approach are discussed and useful complementary measurement strategies are suggested.  相似文献   
There has been much discussion about the factors underlying inflation in the health care sector and the means to moderate increases in health expenditures. This paper identifies various costcontainment strategies and synthesizes research findings that may be helpful in evaluating their effectiveness. The review demonstrates the complexity of the issues and relationships that must be confronted and understood in cost containment. The delivery system is shown to be not well-suited to improving efficiency and restraining health care expenditure. Any single strategy, whether it involves restructuring the market or more direct regulation, cannot in itself accomplish the combination of expenditure control and adequacy of services that is socially desirable. A number of mutually reinforcing strategies are required. Finally, more empirical and analytical information on incentives, provider and regulatory decisionmaking, costs of regulation, and the dynamics of negotiation, is essential for the design of an effective costcontainment program.  相似文献   
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