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何为“隐含作者”? 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
申丹 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2008,(2)
隐含作者是韦恩·布思在《小说修辞学》(1961)中提出来的一个重要理论概念。四十多年来,这一概念在国际叙事研究界被广为阐发应用,产生了很大影响。这一貌似简单的概念,实际上既涉及作者的编码又涉及读者的解码,涵盖了作者与读者的交流,然而西方学界却对之加以单向的理解,这引起了不少争论和混乱。西方学界的误解又可能在一定程度上导致了布思本人在近作中对这一概念自相矛盾的论述。本文追根溯源,阐明这一概念的实质内涵,探讨其在历史上不同走向的变义,旨在纠正误解,梳理混乱,以便更清晰地看到其历史价值和现实意义,并更准确地把握作者、文本与读者之间的关系。 相似文献
WU Ling-Juan 《陇东学院学报(社会科学版)》2008,(4)
目前,我国高校思想政治教育中普遍存在着人文关怀缺失的现象,因此,确立以人文关怀为主线的思想政治教育显得尤为必要。本文从人的本性、社会发展、大学生全面发展、思想政治教育的本质等四个方面论述了其必要性,并在此的基础上提出,通过在价值理念、教育内容、教育方法、教育环境等方面贯彻人文关怀来实现以人文关怀为主线的高校思想政治教育。 相似文献
韩靖 《绍兴文理学院学报》2008,28(5)
周作人的道义之事功化思想以生命关怀、个体关怀取代传统气节思想的民以奉君观念,把保护个体生命的自然进行,防止因政治、战争等社会原因造成未完成的生活之破坏,从而博得国家人民的福利的事功作为衡量知识分子的道义和气节的标准,带有个人主义伦理观的色彩。作为一种人格评价标准,周作人的道义之事功化思想则体现了对于知识分子存在境域的关注和对于独立不依的人格形态的呼唤。 相似文献
以“思想库”为模式办好社会科学院 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章介绍了国外思想库的特点 ,分析了我国社会科学院的运行模式、体制与机制 ,就办好社会科学院并充分发挥其“思想库”的功能和作用进行了思考 ,提出了若干设想与建议。 相似文献
对"全国农村产权制度改革试验区"温州市5个市(区)下辖的12个乡镇进行入户抽样调查,运用Logistic回归分析法,分析影响农户流出和流入耕地承包经营权意愿的微观因素,结果表明:农户人均收入的增加、非农收入比重的提高、农地流转中介组织的建立、农业经营能手的培育是农村耕地承包经营权顺利流转的基础;同时,城镇近郊农户的农地流出意愿要低于远郊地区。因而,在经济条件尚未成熟的地区强行推进农地流转可能会导致当地农户的反感甚至强烈反对。 相似文献
Sandra T. Marquart-Pyatt 《Social science research》2012,41(5):1085-1099
Environmental issues continue to grow in international prominence, as environmental conditions are recognized as some of the most important problems facing the world. Research examining this globalization of environmental concern shown in public opinion surveys emphasizes the importance of context yet is currently underspecified. To address this gap, this research uses a multi-level, cross-national study to examine individual-level and country-level influences on three measures of environmental concern: environmental threat awareness, environmental efficacy, and willingness to pay. At the individual level, education, age, and gender affect environmental concerns. At the national level, economic, political, and environmental factors affect environmental concerns. Importantly, contextual factors differ in their effects depending on the dimension of environmental concern measured. Results from cross-level interactions for education confirm these complexities across these measures, supporting a dimensionality argument. The importance of the measurement of environmental concern shown in this research is emphasized for future cross-national scholarship. 相似文献
关于选择图书馆自动化系统软件和硬件问题的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高效伟 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2005,27(3):136-138
目前,我国图书馆自动化建设正在不断深入发展,与之相关的软件和硬件不断地推陈出新,无论是新开展这项工作的图书馆,还是需要更新图书馆自动化软件和硬件的图书馆,都面临一个软件和硬件的选择问题 相似文献
The performance of clinical tests for disease screening is often evaluated using the area under the receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Recent developments have extended the traditional setting to the AUC with binary time‐varying failure status. Without considering covariates, our first theme is to propose a simple and easily computed nonparametric estimator for the time‐dependent AUC. Moreover, we use generalized linear models with time‐varying coefficients to characterize the time‐dependent AUC as a function of covariate values. The corresponding estimation procedures are proposed to estimate the parameter functions of interest. The derived limiting Gaussian processes and the estimated asymptotic variances enable us to construct the approximated confidence regions for the AUCs. The finite sample properties of our proposed estimators and inference procedures are examined through extensive simulations. An analysis of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) 175 data is further presented to show the applicability of the proposed methods. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:8–26; 2010 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
Response surface methodology is used to optimize a player's performance on the Atari® Miniature Golf computer video game. Because of the nature of the fitted response surface, a direct optimization procedure is used to estimate the optimum operating conditions. 相似文献