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A two sample cest is proposea ior Liie hypuLiiefexo in.; LUSL observations from a second sample are equivalent, in distribution, to the smallest of r independent realisations of the first sample.

Assuming H to be true the efficiency of parameter estimation for the exponential and normal distributions is then considered  相似文献   
In this work we investigate nonnested tests for two competing univariate dynamic linear models with autoregressive disturbances, where the motivation for instrumental variable estimation is mainly due to the recognized presence of current endogenous variables in the regression function, either in one or both models. As the previous transformation of both models yields regression functions which are nonlinear in the parameters, the attractive Gauss-Newton regression (GNR) approach, firstly advocated by Davidson and Mackinnon (1981 Davidson , R. , Mackinnon , J. G. ( 1981 ). Several tests for model specification in the presence of alternative hypotheses . Econometrica 49 : 78193 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), will be used to obtain the results.  相似文献   
For linear regression models with non normally distributed errors, the least squares estimate (LSE) will lose some efficiency compared to the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). In this article, we propose a kernel density-based regression estimate (KDRE) that is adaptive to the unknown error distribution. The key idea is to approximate the likelihood function by using a nonparametric kernel density estimate of the error density based on some initial parameter estimate. The proposed estimate is shown to be asymptotically as efficient as the oracle MLE which assumes the error density were known. In addition, we propose an EM type algorithm to maximize the estimated likelihood function and show that the KDRE can be considered as an iterated weighted least squares estimate, which provides us some insights on the adaptiveness of KDRE to the unknown error distribution. Our Monte Carlo simulation studies show that, while comparable to the traditional LSE for normal errors, the proposed estimation procedure can have substantial efficiency gain for non normal errors. Moreover, the efficiency gain can be achieved even for a small sample size.  相似文献   
A simultaneous confidence band provides useful information on the plausible range of an unknown regression model function, just as a confidence interval gives the plausible range of an unknown parameter. For a multiple linear regression model, confidence bands of different shapes, such as the hyperbolic band and the constant width band, can be constructed and the predictor variable region over which a confidence band is constructed can take various forms. One interesting but unsolved problem is to find the optimal (shape) confidence band over an ellipsoidal region χE under the Minimum Volume Confidence Set (MVCS) criterion of Liu and Hayter (2007 Liu, W., Hayter, A.J. (2007). Minimum area confidence set optimality for confidence bands in simple linear regression. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 102:181190.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Liu et al. (2009 Liu, W., Bretz, F., Hayter, A.J., Wynn, H.P. (2009). Assessing non-superiority, non-inferiority or equivalence when comparing two regression models over a restricted covariate region. Biometrics 65:12791287.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This problem is challenging as it involves optimization over an unknown function that determines the shape of the confidence band over χE. As a step towards solving this difficult problem, in this paper, we introduce a family of confidence bands over χE, called the inner-hyperbolic bands, which includes the hyperbolic and constant-width bands as special cases. We then search for the optimal confidence band within this family under the MVCS criterion. The conclusion from this study is that the hyperbolic band is not optimal even within this family of inner-hyperbolic bands and so cannot be the overall optimal band. On the other hand, the constant width band can be optimal within the family of inner-hyperbolic bands when the region χE is small and so might be the overall optimal band.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a compressive sensing based framework for generalized linear model regression that employs a two-component noise model and convex optimization techniques to simultaneously detect outliers and determine optimally sparse representations of noisy data from arbitrary sets of basis functions. We then extend our model to include model order reduction capabilities that can uncover inherent sparsity in regression coefficients and achieve simple, superior fits. Second, we use the mixed ?2/?1 norm to develop another model that can efficiently uncover block-sparsity in regression coefficients. By performing model order reduction over all independent variables and basis functions, our algorithms successfully deemphasize the effect of independent variables that become uncorrelated with dependent variables. This desirable property has various applications in real-time anomaly detection, such as faulty sensor detection and sensor jamming in wireless sensor networks. After developing our framework and inheriting a stable recovery theorem from compressive sensing theory, we present two simulation studies on sparse or block-sparse problems that demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithms with respect to (1) classic outlier-invariant regression techniques like least absolute value and iteratively reweighted least-squares and (2) classic sparse-regularized regression techniques like LASSO.  相似文献   
In this paper, we are concerned with a test for the index parameter and index function in the single-index model. Based on the estimates obtained by the quantile regression, we extend the generalized analysis-of-variance-type test to the single-index model. We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the proposed test and demonstrate that its limiting null distribution follows an asymptotically χ2-distribution. The simulation studies and real data applications are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper searches for A-optimal designs for Kronecker product and additive regression models when the errors are heteroscedastic. Sufficient conditions are given so that A-optimal designs for the multifactor models can be built from A-optimal designs for their sub-models with a single factor. The results of an efficiency study carried out to check the adequacy of the products of optimal designs for uni-factor marginal models when these are used to estimate different multi-factor models are also reported.  相似文献   
Analytical properties of regression and the variance–covariance matrix of asymmetric generalized scale mixture of multivariate Gaussian variables are presented. The analysis includes an in-depth analytical investigation of the first two conditional moments of the mixing variable. Exact computable expressions for the prediction and the conditional variance are presented for the generalized hyperbolic distribution using the inversion theorem for Fourier transforms. An application to financial log returns is demonstrated via the classical Euler approximation. The methodology is illustrated by analyzing the regression of intraday log returns for CISCO against the corresponding data from S&P 500.  相似文献   
A measure of multicollinearity is defined which is useful in evaluating maintained hypotheses and aiding estimator selection as it suggests when a non-traditional estimator proposed by Bock (1975) is minimax and dominates ordinary least squares. An example is used to illustrate the presented methodology.  相似文献   
The mean absolute deviation (MAD) estimator has recently received a great deal of attention as applied to full-rank linear regression models. This paper provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the MAD estimator to be a non-linear estimator, in which case conditions for the variance of the MAD estimator to be larger or smaller than those for OLS are, in general, unknown. The non-linearity of the MAD estimator is examined for several two-way designs; in particular (1) randomized block design (2) two-way nested design (3) two-way classification with interaction and (4) partially balanced incomplete block design  相似文献   
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