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We describe methods to detect influential observations in a sample of pre-shapes when the underlying distribution is assumed to be complex Bingham. One of these methods is based on Cook's distance, which is derived from the likelihood of the complex Bingham distribution. Other method is related to the tangent space, which is based on the local influence for the multivariate normal distribution. A method to detect outliers is also explained. The application of the methods is illustrated in both a real dataset and a simulated sample.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the M-estimators in the case that λF:(β)=EF:(φ(Z,β))=0 has more than one solution, We show that the numerical iterative procedures converge and that the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. We apply them to the non-linear regression models, and then, we find an optimal M-estimate among those that have bounded gross error sensitivity.  相似文献   
An approximation is presented that can be used to gain insight into the characteristics – such as outlier sensitivity, bias, and variability – of a wide class of estimators, including maximum likelihood and least squares. The approximation relies on a convenient form for an arbitrary order Taylor expansion in a multivariate setting. The implicit function theorem can be used to construct the expansion when the estimator is not defined in closed form. We present several finite-sample and asymptotic properties of such Taylor expansions, which are useful in characterizing the difference between the estimator and the expansion.  相似文献   
In a recent paper, Hampel (1985) studied the properties of rejection-plus-mean procedures as estimators of a location parameter. He reported that these procedures have low breakdown and high variance. In this article it is pointed out that these results are due to the outliers being rejected in a forwards-stepping manner, and when a more appropriate backwards-stepping approach is used, rejection-plus-mean procedures lead to estimators with high breakdown and high variance. In this article it is pointed out that these results are due to the outliers being rejected in a forwards-stepping manner, and when a more appropriate backwards-stepping approach is used, rejection-plus-mean procedures lead to estimator with high breakdown and redescending theoretical influence function.  相似文献   
In this paper we obtain several influence measures for the multivariate linear general model through the approach proposed by Muñoz-Pichardo et al. (1995), which is based on the concept of conditional bias. An interesting charasteristic of this approach is that it does not require any distributional hypothesis. Appling the obtained results to the multivariate regression model, we obtain some measures proposed by other authors. Nevertheless, on the results obtained in this paper, we emphasize two aspects. First, they provide a theoretical foundation for measures proposed by other authors for the mul¬tivariate regression model. Second, they can be applied to any linear model that can be formulated as a particular case of the multivariate linear general model. In particular, we carry out an application to the multivariate analysis of covariance.  相似文献   
The joint effect of the deletion of the ith and jih cases is given by Gray and Ling (1984), they discussed the influence measures for influential subsets in linear regression analysis. The present paper is concerned with multiple sets of deletion measures in the linear regression model. In particular we are interested in the effects of the jointly and conditional influence analysis for the detection of two influential subsets.  相似文献   
Matthias Kohl 《Statistics》2013,47(4):473-488
Bednarski and Müller [Optimal bounded influence regression and scale M-estimators in the context of experimental design, Statistics 35 (2001), pp. 349–369] introduced a class of bounded influence M estimates for the simultaneous estimation of regression and scale in the linear model with normal errors by solving the corresponding normal location and scale problem at each design point. This limits the proposal to regressor distributions with finite support. Based on their approach, we propose a slightly extended class of M estimates that is not restricted to finite support and is numerically easier to handle. Moreover, we employ the even more general class of asymptotically linear (AL) estimators which, in addition, is not restricted to normal errors. The superiority of AL estimates is demonstrated by numerical comparisons of the maximum asymptotic mean-squared error over infinitesimal contamination neighbourhoods.  相似文献   
The exclusion restriction is usually assumed for identifying causal effects in true or only natural randomized experiments with noncompliance. It requires that the assignment to treatment does not have a direct causal effect on the outcome. Despite its importance, the restriction can often be unrealistic, especially in situations of natural experiments. It is shown that, without the exclusion restriction, the parametric model is identified if the outcome distributions of various compliance statuses are in the same parametric class and that class is a linearly independent set over the field of real numbers. However, the relaxation of the exclusion restriction yields a parametric model that is characterized by the presence of mixtures of distributions. This scenario complicates the likelihood‐based estimation procedures because it implies more than one maximum likelihood point. A two‐step estimation procedure based on detecting the root that is closest to the method of moments estimate of the parameter vector is then proposed and analyzed in detail, under normally distributed outcomes. An economic example with real data concerning returns to schooling concludes the paper.  相似文献   
对在一维无限深势阱中运动的粒子的动量测量问题进行了全面的分析和仔细的讨论,补充了量子力学教材中对这个问题的处理.  相似文献   
求开放平板线、外正三角形內圆同轴线、外方內圆同轴线、外正六边形內圆同轴线的特性阻抗而建立的精确保角变换的基础上,本文进一步讨论了显式逆变换函数,从而求得了这几种传输线的场分布的闭合表达式。由于所用保角变换的精确性,所得的显式场分布在内导体和外导体的内接圆尺寸之比小于0.5in。基本上是准确的,在这个尺寸比稍大些时也可作为参考。这些场分布对于了解传输线的功率容量,计算衰减常数,考虑功率耦合,设计有关的有源器件等都是必不可少的。文中获得的几种传输线的场分布的显著特点是计算方便,在一般实用范围內有足够的精度。  相似文献   
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