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我国股票市场波动表现出随时间变化的动态特征。文章采用多重消除趋势波动分析法(MFDFA),对沪深股市四个主要指数的日波动率时间序列进行了分析。结果表明,沪深股市四个主要指数的日波动率时间序列均表现出多重分形特征,且上证指数和中证500指数日波动率序列相对于其他两个指数日波动率序列表现出更强的多重分形特征。各指数日波动率时间序列的多重分形特征均是自身的长程相关性和波动的厚尾分布共同作用的结果,且波动的厚尾分布对原始序列的多重分形特征的影响比长程相关性大。  相似文献   
目的/意义大数据时代的到来和数据经济的发展,数据的财产价值逐渐凸显,数据信息资源的争夺也随之愈演愈烈,但迄今为止我国立法上并没有明确的应对之策,面对普遍的数据侵权现象,传统的数据信息保护思路不仅未能对个人信息安全进行有效保护,甚至阻碍了数据的商业发展活力。设计/方法随着大数据的发展,合同法保护路径以及侵权法保护路径必定会难以应对复杂多变的数据利益关系,在数据财产权具有优化市场资源配置和发挥数据优势的积极意义的局面下,一种新型的财产权保护理论呼之欲出。结论/发现随着网络运营商对推动数据经济发展发挥的作用越来越不可替代,网络用户和网络运营商都应该作为数据财产权的主体,数据财产权应在双层结构的前提下构建,网络用户同时拥有个人信息利益和数据利益,网络运营商应配置数据经营权和数据资产权。  相似文献   
中国选择外交谈判路径解决海洋争端具有积极效用,同时也面临双重困境。以中菲南海争端作为考察对象可以发现,外交谈判路径的内部困境主要来源于内部运行机制的局限,包括谈判前提的设限、谈判过程的曲折及谈判结果的争议。外部困境主要来源于司法路径的挑战,包括司法渐进背景下有限的司法受益和消极的司法结果。欲实现外交谈判路径的良好功效,应从内外两方面予以突破:内部可对争端进行识别、将国土型争端转化为资源型争端,适用临时性安排;外部可在充分应对利用程序利益的基础上理性参与司法前置程序,阻却案件进入实质审理。  相似文献   

中国农民工的工作参与和市场地位一直是备受关注的话题。以个体工作搜寻角度切入,利用2013年和2014年两期\  相似文献   

在中国政府鼓励企业“走出去”之际,阿根廷也积极扩大油气投资,推动可再生能源的发展,鼓励国内外企业参与投资,这为中阿两国能源合作提供了契机。在中国与拉美整体合作的大背景下,两国的能源合作也将为中国和拉美其他国家能源合作提供参考。借助全球影响力分析框架,分析两国合作现状、问题及影响两国能源合作的国际影响因素,并对两国能源合作前景加以展望,对潜在风险综合评估,提出了投资之前需科学预评、规避政治风险、尊重文化差异、增加西班牙语人才的培养、处理好与相关利益国家的关系等建议,以利两国能源合作稳健发展。  相似文献   


围绕企业冗余资源的存在是否必要及其通过何种机制才能创造最大组织绩效的问题,以我国沪深两市159家高新技术企业为研究样本,构建了未吸收冗余、竞争行为多样性与企业绩效的分析框架,同时将高管的社会资本纳入研究模型。实证结果表明未吸收冗余通过提高竞争行为的多样性促使了企业绩效的提升;高管学术资本增强了未吸收冗余与企业绩效的正向关系;高管政府资本削弱了未吸收冗余与企业绩效的正向关系。  相似文献   
Despite policy efforts to increase adolescent happiness, their impact has been unsatisfactory. Their limited impact may be rooted from a discrepancy between values that adolescents pursued and those that the policies were based on. To provide policy implications, our study aims to identify prevailing values for South Korean, Japanese, and Chinese adolescents and to examine the relationship between the values and self-rated happiness (SRH). A cross-sectional study was conducted using survey data collected on approximately 2000 middle and high school students (7th to 12th school grade) from each country in 2008. Firstly, an explanatory factor analysis was conducted to identify salient adolescent values from each country. Subsequently, a multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted for each population group to examine the relationship between the identified values and adolescent SRH after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. We found that benevolence and altruism were positively associated with adolescent SRH in all three population groups. Patriarchy was associated with SRH positively in Chinese yet inversely in Japanese. Success pursuit was inversely associated with SRH in Korean. Policy efforts based on values of communities or social harmony may benefit adolescents’ SRH in these three countries.  相似文献   
In this article, I explore the power dynamics at play in religious place‐making. I critically discuss the uneven co‐configurations of imaginaries of the ‘local’ and ‘global’ within global evangelicalism. Specifically, I analyse the recent recording of a live album by the famous charismatic Australian band Hillsong United (of Hillsong Church) at various locations in Israel‐Palestine, which was followed by a concert tour in Israel. Palestinian evangelical Christians were critical of this endeavour, for they felt that it marginalized and excluded them from their global evangelical faith family. The frictions between the Palestinian evangelical community and Hillsong United illustrate how dominant evangelical actors create an imagination of the ‘local’, which enters the imaginary of global evangelicalism (and bears material consequences). In the article, I thus argue that privileged financial and cultural resources and travel regimes lead to specific notions of geometries of power in global evangelicalism.  相似文献   
The majority of children and young people removed from the care of their parents by the state of Victoria, Australia, reside in foster or kinship care. These children have experienced a broad range of adverse conditions and are up to 4 times more likely to experience problems with mental health than their mainstream peers. This paper draws on the perspectives of foster and kinship carers, describing the disconnection between their role as mental health advocates and their interest in early intervention in a field which is dominated by crisis and the historic marginalisation of foster and kinship carers. Thirty‐one foster and kinship carers across greater metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, contributed to this study through interviews and focus groups. Participants demonstrated a practical understanding of mental health and an ability to identify a range of conditions that have an adverse impact on the mental health of children and young people in their care. The paper concludes that there is a lack of systemic support and even a range of barriers that affect the capacity of foster and kinship carers to promote the mental health and well‐being of the children and young people in their care.  相似文献   
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