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当前,面对国际金融危机冲击和国内经济增长放缓的严峻局面,保持经济平稳较快增长是首要任务。上海土地资源有限,劣势产业及时退出去才能实现“腾笼换鸟”,把优势产业引进来。优胜劣汰是市场竞争的基本原则,是提高经济运行效率、保持经济快速增长的源泉,而劣势产业退出机制的建立是实现优胜劣汰的前提。对上海而言,“调结构”是“保增长”的基础、捷径和出路。金融危机对我们是一个挑战,但也是产业结构调整和优化升级的一次机遇,顺势而为,把市场“倒逼”机制和政府的主动调整相结合,及时帮助劣势产业实现退出,对上海经济的长期平稳增长具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The ‘geographies of disability’ is an important and evolving area of scholarship within human geography. Uniting the disparate areas of inquiry in this sub‐discipline are researchers’ shared interests in understanding processes of disablement and socio‐spatial experiences of disability. What drives human geographers to engage with this scholarship? We address this and other introspective questions through presenting an analysis of the findings of an online survey conducted with 30 such disability researchers. The overriding purpose is to understand how and why these researchers do what they do. Our presentation of the survey findings is divided into four organizational categories: (1) the researcher; (2) the inquiry; (3) the research outputs; and (4) the institutions. A key finding is that conducting disability research in human geography is very much about negotiating around or through constraints while identifying and enacting enablers in order to accomplish goals associated with producing disability research.  相似文献   
In linear mixed‐effects (LME) models, if a fitted model has more random‐effect terms than the true model, a regularity condition required in the asymptotic theory may not hold. In such cases, the marginal Akaike information criterion (AIC) is positively biased for (?2) times the expected log‐likelihood. The asymptotic bias of the maximum log‐likelihood as an estimator of the expected log‐likelihood is evaluated for LME models with balanced design in the context of parameter‐constrained models. Moreover, bias‐reduced marginal AICs for LME models based on a Monte Carlo method are proposed. The performance of the proposed criteria is compared with existing criteria by using example data and by a simulation study. It was found that the bias of the proposed criteria was smaller than that of the existing marginal AIC when a larger model was fitted and that the probability of choosing a smaller model incorrectly was decreased.  相似文献   
农村最低生活保障退出机制构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖云  吴国举  刘慧 《西北人口》2009,30(4):43-47
低保退出机制是农村最低生活保障制度的重要组成部分,它的建立对于完善农村最低生活保障制度有着十分重要意义。但目前低保退出机制相对滞后,其中低保标准较低、福利依赖、收入核定困难是主要制约因素。建立分类救助模式与脱贫扶助体系、完善家庭收入核定手段、对低保对象实施动态管理以及强化村级监督等是突破障碍。构建我国农村最低生活保障退出机制的有效途径。  相似文献   
This paper presents a two-period human capital investment model, which is used to study the optimal investment decisions of credit-constrained married immigrants relative to single immigrants and native couples facing a perfect capital market. The model predicts that: (1) The comparative advantage in investment in local skills of one of the spouses may emerge from his/her higher growth rate of imported human capital. (2) The optimal investment of each spouse is non-increasing in the level of imported human capital of the spouse with the comparative advantage in investment, while it is non-decreasing in the level of imported human capital of the other spouse. (3) When two immigrants get married, the spouse with the comparative advantage in investment invests more than when he/she was single whereas the other spouse invests less.
Nava KahanaEmail:
强化行政自由裁量权的制度性约束——基于行政问责制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
行政问责的缺失是造成行政自由裁量权滥用的深层次体制性因素之一。改革方向是以完善行政问责制来推动对行政自由裁量权的约束,重点是将问责对象扩展为包括执行层面责任人的广义问责,这种问责方式最直接体现了权力执行层面--基层公务人员应履行的责任和义务。必须正确认识与调整行政问责制与行政自由裁量权间的辩证关系,进一步强化行政问责制度性建设,从而有效地制约行政自由裁量权的行使。  相似文献   
利用回归模型方法,根据275家战略新兴产业上市公司的2011-2014年样本数据,构建面板计量模型,实证检验了股权集中度、债务约束对技术创新的影响,研究发现:股权集中度与企业技术创新能力呈显著的正相关,且债务水平对企业股权集中度与企业技术创新能力的影响具有一定的约束能力,具体表现在高债务水平下的企业股权集中度对企业技术创新能力的影响明显弱于低债务水平下的企业。债务水平与企业技术创新能力呈显著的负相关,且股权集中强度对企业股权集中度与企业技术创新的影响有一定的促进作用,具体表现在高股权集中度的企业债务水平对企业技术创新的约束能力要强于低股权集中度企业。  相似文献   
基于约束理论的供应链协作绩效优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链协作是当前供应链管理研究的一个热点问题。供应链协作可以为供应链整体带来更多利润,供应链各成员均能在协作中受益。但是在实际供应链管理实践中,阻碍供应链协作的约束往往被忽视,从而导致供应链协作效率低下。本文试图运用约束理论的方法来克服阻碍供应链协作潜在利益释放的困难,建立协作补货体系与协作绩效体系,这些基于约束理论方法的策略对于优化供应链协作绩效有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
培育机构投资者是建设高质量资本市场的重点,对推动供给侧结构性改革和优化企业资源配置起着关键作用。基于2010—2018年中国A股上市公司样本,从公司治理的角度出发,考察了机构投资者持股对劳动投资效率的影响。研究结果表明,机构投资者持股能够显著提高企业劳动投资效率,具体表现为机构投资者持股抑制了雇佣冗余,缓解了雇佣不足和解雇过度。中介效应检验结果显示,两类代理成本的降低和融资约束的缓解是机构投资者提高企业劳动投资效率的重要机制。进一步研究发现,在市场化程度高的地区,机构投资者持股对劳动投资效率的影响更显著,劳动密集度则对两者关系无显著影响。因而,吸引优质机构投资者、健全上市公司信息披露制度和加强市场化建设是提高企业劳动力资源配置效率的关键。  相似文献   
采用2014年CFPS微观调查数据和Logit模型实证研究了社会资本异质性、融资约束对农户家庭多维贫困的影响。研究结果表明:农村地区农户多维贫困发生率相对较高,融资约束依然存在,融资约束显著抑制了农户家庭多维贫困缓解。不同类型社会资本对农户融资约束与多维贫困的影响存在显著差异。家庭总体社会网络规模、邻里信任、政治关联性组织参与显著降低了家庭融资约束和多维贫困概率;干部信任显著降低了家庭融资约束概率,而亲戚交往显著增加了农户融资约束概率。社会资本与融资约束交互影响农户多维贫困,但存在差异。家庭社会网络总体规模、政治关联性组织参与两类优质社会资本介入显著抑制了融资约束的致贫效应,而亲戚交往联络进一步强化了融资约束的致贫效应。  相似文献   
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