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The aim of this case study is to discuss the role of technology in addressing environmental problems. The paper tries to scratch beneath the surface of the increasingly frequent ‘quick-fix’ solutions to the present environmental problems, based on such beguiling catchwords as Cleaner Technologies, Best Available Technologies, and Best Available Technologies Not Exceeding Excessive Costs, etc., in an attempt to discover whether there is any substance in them, or whether they are just full of hot air. Recent data from case studies performed by the author in Germany and Finland as well as a postal questionnaire in Denmark are presented. The paper analyses and discusses the roles and responsibilities of designers, industrialists, and government policy-makers. It is argued that existing regulatory regimes, supranational industrial structures, and market mechanisms do not favour the development of cleaner technologies, nor do they promote a reduction in consumption patterns. Evidence from ongoing empirical research in Northwest Europe suggests that industry is far from developing and/or implementing cleaner technologies. The paper closes with a discussion of some of the policy implications involved and some examples of urgently needed further research.  相似文献   
The close alignment of applied research and development units with manufacturing operational structures can provide excellent opportunities for maintaining robust product pipelines and reducing product development cycle times. Within such an integrated organizational model (IOM), however, lies a potentially disruptive psychological mechanism that can lead to the dissolution of this delicate partnership if it is not handled properly. This mechanism is cognitive gap, which can take several basic forms: first, as differences between the nature and difficulty of the problem at hand and the cognitive resources of the problem solvers tasked with its solution; and second, as differences between the cognitive abilities and approaches of the problem solvers themselves. In this paper, we define and discuss cognitive gap within the context of Kirton's Adaption-Innovation theory, a useful framework for understanding problem solving (and problem solvers) in general. Specific implications (both favourable and potentially destructive) of cognitive gaps for high performance product development organizations are discussed, and suggestions for their effective management are offered.  相似文献   
This study examines when and why employees engage in external communicative behaviors during the periods of a corporate crisis. Combining a cross-situational factor (i.e., pre-crisis relationship quality) and a situational factor (i.e., crisis-specific perceptions), this study segments internal publics to understand employees’ motivations of becoming advocates for or adversaries of their organization. The results of an online survey demonstrated that employees’ pre-crisis relationship to their organization plays a critical role in encouraging them to advocate for their company; meanwhile, their crisis-perception—whether they feel fewer constraints in solving a crisis—is more likely to make them share negative information externally. Segmented groups of employees with high levels of both relationship and activeness are most likely to engage in both positive and negative external communication behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications for public relations and internal crisis communication are suggested.  相似文献   
民营企业的创业过程与企业家形成过程是统一的,而国有企业往往是先有企业后有经营者的。从理论和实践上看,国有企业经营者选拔中存在诸多难题,它体现在风险承担的不对称、信息缺陷严重、选拔标准在实践中扭曲、经营者身份的准官员化、能力信号显示与专用性知识投资之间的突出矛盾上。如果不能很好地解决这些问题,任何意义上的国有企业改革都不可能取得实效。为此,要通过对国企准确定位,区分不同类型的经营者,政府主动"淡出"选拔过程与相机干预相结合,发挥机构投资者的作用及发展完善的经理市场来加以优化。  相似文献   
大学生的音乐素质作为开展大学音乐教育的实践基础与依据,其素质现状、存在问题与解决对策是研究大学音乐教育的中心课题。文章通过对南通工学院大学生音乐素质现状的调查与分析,提出了如何加强大学生音乐素质教育的对策构想。  相似文献   
This study replicates a previous finding forthe U.S. counties that showed a strongassociation, net of controls between``structural pluralism' and lower mortality. ``Structural pluralism' refers to a community'scapacity for political competition, and is acore element of ``democracy.' Pluralism hasthis effect because it facilitates theacquisition of appropriate medical facilitiesand because it tends to optimize the biologicalfunctioning of the residents. Working from amajor component of pluralism, minorityparticipation, this hypothesis is tested byshowing that women's status in less developedcountries improves life expectancy net ofcontrols. A path analysis demonstrates thatthe structural dimensions work through healthorganization as an intervening variable, andthe future testing of biological optimizationis outlined. Location in Africa south of theSahara is a partially unexplained controlvariable that has a powerful negative impact. Interpreting women's status as a component ofpluralism explains why it predicts increasedlife expectancy for all citizens, not justwomen. It is a global dimension that affectsall the members of a community.  相似文献   
后现代语境下网络造句现象的解读与反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
后现代语境下的网络造句既是一种文化现象,也是一种社会现象。它采用复制拼贴、移植杂揉、反讽戏谑等手法,把“娱乐至死”精神发挥到极致,刻画出了一幅全民参与的狂欢图景。并非所有的网络造句现象都是无实质意义的娱乐化产物,有相当部分的网络造句现象来源于现实社会问题,只不过表达形式采取了娱乐式的戏谑手法。然而过度娱乐化,却会造成文化消费主义、虚无主义、非理性主义、个人主义伴随着网络造句现象不断蔓延。为此,需要对后现代语境下网络造句现象的消极影响进行理性反思,有针对性地加以消解,从而保障虚拟社会得以秩序化运行。  相似文献   
通过对十七届世界杯决赛阶段小组赛场上出现的"围拢"状况及裁判员当时处理方法的临场统计分析发现,场上"围拢"的对象主要是双方队员、个别为裁判员;围拢时均与犯规有关, 与裁判员对明显犯规动作可能造成的后果和鸣笛后可能出现情况的预见性等有着密切关系;围拢裁判员时同其处以"极刑"相关;出现"围拢"状况与比赛轮次、球队赛风关系密切.  相似文献   
GF Smith 《Omega》1990,18(6)
Problem analysis is a critical element of managerial problem solving that has not been included in or explicated by traditional stage models of the process. This paper argues that an analysis stage is needed to develop the implications of a problem's definition and to direct the selection and pursuit of solution strategies. Problem analysis is a beuristic activity. The paper explains and applies seven heuristic methods of analysis to a classic management case, generating a richer understanding and broader set of solution alternatives. Strategies for future research on problem analysis are discussed.  相似文献   
由于管理问题的情景依赖性和复杂性,本身并没有一个固定的解决模式,从某种程度上讲,解决管理问题也就成了一种创新性问题。基于这一思想,利用TRIZ理论,通过构建管理系统的技术参数和创新原理,引入一种管理问题特定解的求解方法,在此基础上提出一种基于TRIZ理论的复杂管理问题求解模式。  相似文献   
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