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This article develops a new cumulative sum statistic to identify aberrant behavior in a sequentially administered multiple-choice standardized examination. The examination responses can be described as finite Poisson trials, and the statistic can be used for other applications which fit this framework. The standardized examination setting uses a maximum likelihood estimate of examinee ability and an item response theory model. Aberrant and non aberrant probabilities are computed by an odds ratio analogous to risk adjusted CUSUM schemes. The significance level of a hypothesis test, where the null hypothesis is non-aberrant examinee behavior, is computed with Markov chains. A smoothing process is used to spread probabilities across the Markov states. The practicality of the approach to detect aberrant examinee behavior is demonstrated with results from both simulated and empirical data.  相似文献   
Response surface methodology is widely used for developing, improving, and optimizing processes in various fields. In this article, we present a method for constructing three-level designs in order to explore and optimize response surfaces combining orthogonal arrays and covering arrays in a particular manner. The produced designs achieve the properties of rotatability, predictive performance and efficiency for the estimation of a second-order model.  相似文献   
Standard resulrs on the extrema of quotients of quadratic forms are extended to the non-negative definite case. The maximum and the set over which it is achieved are characterized explicitly both in terms of generalized inverse matrices and generalized eigenvalues. These results become the basis of Scheffe type multiple comparisons in the usual way. To demonstrate their application to statistics with singular covariance matrices, the method is detailed for Mantel-Haenszel, Breslow, and Cox statistics. An example is presented illustrating a situation where the proposed Scheffe type comparisons may be better than the pairwise method.  相似文献   
Severe departures from normality occur frequently for null distributions of statistics associated with applications of mulLi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) for either small or large finite populations. This paper describes the commonly encountered situation associated with asymptotic non-normality for null distributions of MRPP statistics which does not depend on the underlying multivariate distribution. In addition, this paper establishes the existence of a non-degenerate underlying distribution for which the null distributions of MRPP statistics are asymptotically non-normal for essentially all size structure configurations. It is known that MRPP statistics are symmetric versions of a broader class of statistics, most of which are asymmetric. Because of the non-normality associated with null distributions of MRPP statistics, this paper includes necessary results for inferences based on the exact first three moments of anv statistic in this broader class (analogous to existing results for MRPP statistics).  相似文献   
In this paper, conditions for a set of points to form a rotatable design of order four have been worked out. These condi- tions form the basis for obtaining a set of rotatable designs of order four.  相似文献   
In estimating the proportion of people bearing a sensitive attribute A, say, in a given community, following Warner’s (J Am Stat Assoc 60:63–69, 1965) pioneering work, certain randomized response (RR) techniques are available for application. These are intended to ensure efficient and unbiased estimation protecting a respondent’s privacy when it touches a person’s socially stigmatizing feature like rash driving, tax evasion, induced abortion, testing HIV positive, etc. Lanke (Int Stat Rev 44:197–203, 1976), Leysieffer and Warner (J Am Stat Assoc 71:649–656, 1976), Anderson (Int Stat Rev 44:213–217, 1976, Scand J Stat 4:11–19, 1977) and Nayak (Commun Stat Theor Method 23:3303–3321, 1994) among others have discussed how maintenance of efficiency is in conflict with protection of privacy. In their RR-related activities the sample selection is traditionally by simple random sampling (SRS) with replacement (WR). In this paper, an extension of an essential similarity in case of general unequal probability sample selection even without replacement is reported. Large scale surveys overwhelmingly employ complex designs other than SRSWR. So extension of RR techniques to complex designs is essential and hence this paper principally refers to them. New jeopardy measures to protect revelation of secrecy presented here are needed as modifications of those in the literature covering SRSWR alone. Observing that multiple responses are feasible in addressing such a dichotomous situation especially with Kuk’s (Biometrika 77:436–438, 1990) and Christofides’ (Metrika 57:195–200, 2003) RR devices, an average of the response-specific jeopardizing measures is proposed. This measure which is device dependent, could be regarded as a technical characteristic of the device and it should be made known to the participants before they agree to use the randomization device. The views expressed are the authors’, not of the organizations they work for. Prof Chaudhuri’s research is partially supported by CSIR Grant No. 21(0539)/02/EMR-II.  相似文献   
This article deals with the problem of estimation of the finite population mean using auxiliary information in the presence of random non response. Three different situations where random non response occurs either in study variate, or in auxiliary variate, or in both the variates, have been discussed. The asymptotically optimum estimators (AOEs) for each strategy are also identified. Expressions of biases and mean squared errors of the proposed estimators have been derived up to the first degree of approximation. Proposed estimators have been compared with the usual unbiased estimator, ratio estimator, and product estimator in the presence of random non response. Empirical studies are also carried out to show the performance of the proposed estimators over other estimators.  相似文献   
The randomized response (RR) technique with two decks of cards proposed by Odumade and Singh (2009) can always be made more efficient than the RR techniques proposed by Warner (1965), Mangat and Singh (1990), and Mangat (1994) by adjusting the proportion of cards in the decks. Arnab et al. (2012) generalized Odumade and Singh strategy (2009) for complex survey designs and wider class of estimators. In this paper improvement of Arnab et al. (2012) estimator has been made by using maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

This paper considers the use of stratified random sampling with proportional as well as Neyman allocations to unrelated question randomized response strategy. It has been shown that, for the prior information given, our new model is more efficient in terms of variance (in the case of completely truthful reporting) and mean square error (in case of less than completely truthful reporting). Numerical illustrations are also given in support of the present study.  相似文献   

In this article, a new “Partial” randomized response model has been proposed. Its properties are studied both theoretically and empirically. The proposed model is proved to be more efficient than the randomized response models studied by Eichhorn and Hayre (1983 Eichhorn, B.H., Hayre, L.S. (1983). Scrambled randomized response methods for obtaining sensitive quantitative dada. J. Stat. Plann. Inference. 7:307316.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the “Partial” randomized response model.  相似文献   
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