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The 1990s, internationally co-produced, television series Highlander was an early, successful example of everyday television produced under the pressures of negotiating the dictates of internationally conceived agreements concerning culture, representation, finance, and circulation. This essay parallels an institutional analysis of the series with a textual analysis of its fictive world and characters to examine the series’ attempts to elide the structural conditions and textual constraints underwriting its existence. To do so, the essay teases out the intricacies and implications of a new take on the colonial-era fantasy of cosmopolitan existence embraced by the series and embodied by the program's hero. It argues that this immortal cosmopolitanism offers a means for understanding the series as characteristic of transformations in the practice of transnational television production and circulation as a response to the globalization of neo-liberal economies. The machinations behind what gets displayed on screens around the world reveal a great deal about the substance of the global circulation of culture. At the same time, the text itself negotiated the pressures of attempting to appear constantly local and amenable as it traveled around the world. Highlander is significant for the specific ways in which it negotiated these pressures, revealing something of an allegorical take on its own existence as it imagined a hero that was relevant and interesting to globally-dispersed audiences in the 1990s: the immortal cosmopolitan.  相似文献   
高等职业教育以培养高级应用型专门人才为主要任务,要培养出“上手快,功底厚”的电视节目制作人才,必须加强专业建设:将培养目标定位为从事电视节目策划、编导、摄像、制作和新闻采访等方面工作的高等技术应用型专门人才;制订科学、动态的教学计划,以应用为主旨构建课程体系;编制实践性、操作性强的教学大纲;构建以校园电视台为实验基地的实践教学模式;建设“双师型”师资队伍;编制实用性强、层次清楚、综合性高、灵活多样的教材。  相似文献   
视像时代:命名及特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如果从人类文化传播载体形式的特征来看,迄今为止的人类文明史主要可分为图画时代、文字时代、印刷时代及视像时代四个阶段。在视像时代,个人文化规范的传承、社会组织形态的构建、信息的传播与交流,以至于文化创造的具象表现、文明发展的外在表征,都莫不以视像为其重要的传播手段与存在形式。  相似文献   

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007–2008 added significant stress and anxieties to the already precarious lives of many young people. Despite this, there is emerging evidence that young people are able to demonstrate remarkable resilience in the midst of economic uncertainties that render the trajectories of their futures uncertain. The pressure to be resilient, to find effective ways to manage the uncertainties inherent to the liberal democracies of the twenty-first century, can be significant. The consequences of failure include deteriorating health and well-being, losses in motivation and hope, economic marginalisation, and ambivalence about the markers of what is means to be an adult. In this paper we spotlight moments in post-GFC television that have drawn on these social narratives, depicting young people's experiences of resilience and uncertainties. We view these moments as more than just television or popular culture. The stories we tell are allegorical, but they are not mere fictions. We focus on the popular television comedy Broad City (2014-) that focusses on the marginalised lifeworlds of trendy, college-educated, young hipsters Ilana and Abbi who are barely getting by in New York City.  相似文献   
英语影视欣赏课程作为外语听说教学的辅助课程或非外语专业的选修课程,以其特有的真实语言优势和良好的教学效果,越来越被广大师生认可。在浩如烟海的影视资料面前,如何选择影视作品和设计课堂成为英语影视课程教学成功与否的关键。因此,教师应了解影视作品的特点并根据学生的接受程度进行选择,精心作好课堂设计。  相似文献   
当文学嫁给影视——文学新桂军“触电”现象探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西文学的边缘崛起引起了国内文坛的广泛关注,同时作家们频频进军影视界,也成为了广西文学的一大亮点。在与影视的亲密接触中,广西文学显示出独特的优势并形成了巨大的影响力,这将进一步推动广西文学的长足发展。  相似文献   
我国数字电视的推广工作虽然已经取得了一定的阶段性成果,但遭遇阻力之大在全世界确实具有代表性。尽管我国广播电视行业已经探索出免费提供机顶盒、分时段逐小区关停模拟电视等有效措施并取得了不菲的成绩,但针对市场中存在的一些潜在阻力因素进行深入而全面的分析并提出解决问题的思路,仍然具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
传统的阴极射线管电视的生产技术虽然越来越成熟,相对成本较低,社会拥有量很大,但由于其受成像原理的限制,体形庞大,在显示面积上难有进一步的突破。液晶显示电视技术以其体积小,显示面积大,重量轻,无辐射,低功耗等特点,近年来得到了迅速的发展,液晶显示电视机将取代CRT显示电视机成为家电市场最大的亮点。  相似文献   
当以《非诚勿扰》为代表的各地婚恋交友节目再度掀起热潮,形成新一轮蔚为壮观的电视交友收视奇观之时,它引起的震撼已经远远超出电视领域,向文化、社会、心理等领域扩展。这场奇观不仅昭示了婚恋交友节目的转型,更彰显着整个电视文化的后现代转向。本文以婚恋交友奇观为研究对象,透过它的发展态势,探析电视文化的后现代本质。  相似文献   
在秦皇岛市选取了10所高校进行调查研究,发现秦皇岛市高校的影视教育主要存在:"课程地位尴尬、课程建设薄弱、专业教师匮乏、教学内容随意、教学方法单调"5个方面的问题,这些问题严重阻碍了秦皇岛市影视教育的发展。要想提高秦皇岛市影视教育的质量,建议从"提高课程地位、加强课程建设、培养师资力量、规范教学内容、丰富教学方法"等方面进行努力。  相似文献   
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