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We introduce a new goodness-of-fit test which can be applied to hypothesis testing about the marginal distribution of dependent data. We derive a new test for the equivalent hypothesis in the space of wavelet coefficients. Such properties of the wavelet transform as orthogonality, localisation and sparsity make the hypothesis testing in wavelet domain easier than in the domain of distribution functions. We propose to test the null hypothesis separately at each wavelet decomposition level to overcome the problem of bi-dimensionality of wavelet indices and to be able to find the frequency where the empirical distribution function differs from the null in case the null hypothesis is rejected. We suggest a test statistic and state its asymptotic distribution under the null and under some of the alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   
基于对北京市C救助站的个案调查,以实践社会学为理论指导,比较分析我国救助管理制度的核心理念从"收容"转向"救助"的转变,尤其对实施过程中的实践逻辑进行了深入探究。研究认为,救助管理制度在运行中,其实践逻辑发生了偏误。要完善救助管理制度,不仅要充分调动社会救助主体的积极性,加强部门合作,而且要从理念上升为行动,确保制度的执行。  相似文献   
商标权的客体为相关公众所认知的商标与商标所标识的商品或服务之间的联系,以此为基础可以认定商标俗称的抢注构成对商标权的侵犯,同时,商标俗称可以被认定为近似商标的一种形式,从而适用《商标法》第52条的规定。此外,在商标俗称的问题上,不能适用法律对驰名商标的特殊保护。  相似文献   
书序具有重要的传播作用,以北宋诗文集序为对象考察,书序作者在选择推动传播的因素时,对作品艺术性、知识性等文本因素的关注不如对作家身份、生平轶事等非文本因素普遍。其中原因,从书序作者的操作层面来看,是因为在书序中进行文艺批评是很难把握的;从面对读者的传播效果层面来分析,是因为非文本因素较之文本相关的评论因素可以产生显著的传播效果。于是,非文本因素在文学传播中变成了一位无形的操纵者,虽然它不是长远的传播之道,但却常常起着奇妙的传播作用,从而给书序这一文体增加活力。  相似文献   
We show how a simple normal approximation to Erlang's delay formula can be used to analyze capacity and staffing problems in service systems that can be modeled as M/M/s queues. The numbers of servers, s, needed in an M/M/s queueing system to assure a probability of delay of, at most, p can be well approximated by sp + z***I-p+, where z1-p, is the (1 - p)th percentile of the standard normal distribution and ρ, the presented load on the system, is the ratio of Λ, the customer arrival rate, to μ, the service rate. We examine the accuracy of this approximation over a set of parameters typical of service operations ranging from police patrol, through telemarketing to automatic teller machines, and we demonstrate that it tends to slightly underestimate the number of servers actually needed to hit the delay probability target—adding one server to the number suggested by the above formula typically gives the exact result. More importantly, the structure of the approximation promotes operational insight by explicitly linking the number of servers with server utilization and the customer service level. Using a scenario based on an actual teleservicing operation, we show how operations managers and designers can quickly obtain insights about the trade-offs between system size, system utilization and customer service. We argue that this little used approach deserves a prominent role in the operations analyst's and operations manager's toolbags.  相似文献   
本文用X射线衍射法对铅蓄电池正极活性材料二氧化铅进行了结构分析。结果表明:正极的二氧化铅同时存在二种不同的晶体结构。正方晶系的β—PbO_2主要分布在电极表面,针方晶系的α—PbO_2则分布在电极内部。如果将块状电极碾磨测量,α—PbO_2与β—PbO_2的含量几乎是相等的。  相似文献   
本文用Winkler法测定隆线溞(Caphnia carinata king)不同龄期个体的耗氧量及二幼龄个体在不同温度下的耗氧量。测得幼龄与成龄两阶段,其耗氧量分别以4.88×10~(-2)与1.695×10~(-1)的速率随体重增加而增大,耗氧率则分别随体重的增加而逐渐降低;在常温下,隆线溞耗氧量Y与温度X呈Y=3.69×10~(-3)×1.07~x的指数函数关系,由此得到,17℃—19℃是隆线搔生长速率快而耗氧量较小的最适人工培养温度。  相似文献   
A recursive scheme for the calculation of the distribution of the test statistic of a modified Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test for a rectangular distribution with unknown parameters is given.  相似文献   
地表组成物质是影响三川河流域土壤侵蚀及滑坡发育的重要因素。本文在分析该流域的地表组成物质的类型、性质及分布规律的基础上,探讨了地表组成物质与土侵馒蚀的关系。  相似文献   
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