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本研究将"文本—话语实践—社会实践"三维分析框架与语料库辅助的批评话语研究相结合,探讨日本大三主流报纸中"爆买"现象的话语构建方式。研究发现:2015年初以来,"爆买"现象的话语建构方式呈现"积极推进"到"消极评价"的阶段性差异;其行为主体的"中国赴日游客"呈现为"积极服务的对象""不理智的购物者""社会秩序的挑战者""中国经济表现的缩影"等多元化、渐变式的形象特征。此外,"爆买"一词的语义范围扩展至"双11"、海外采购、科技界的人才竞争等领域,标签化和污名化的消极语义韵特征日渐明显。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to conduct a stress audit among construction industry site managers in the UK as a precursor to a stress management intervention programme. Qualitative data were obtained from in-dept interviews with a total of 36 male middle and senior construction site managers; and aquantitative data were obtained by questionnaire. Based on the analysis of 561 postal quenstionnaires, eight stressor factors were identified, most significantly, ambiguity (i.e. role and task). Job satisfaction levels were low compared to a normative population and influenced by grade level. Measures of mental health were similar to the norm for males, but both grade of management and type of contract affected mental health. Anxiety levels were signficantly high, independent of managerial grade. The stress of work overload and role insecurity (fear of failure) were associated with reduced mental health and high anxiety, and the stress of the organizational culture and climate was the strongest predictor of job dissatisfaction. There was some cause for concern for the vulnerable high-risk groups, i.e. the extreme type A and those working overtime. Medical data from a small subset of managers (n = 78) revealed that this group evidenced a better quality of psychological health than the group in total; but a high percentage of personnel had high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Recommendations for action focused on the needs of specific subgroups, and guided the organization on the acceptability of possible interventions at individual, interpersonal and organizational levels.  相似文献   
Talking of HRD     
This paper draws upon research exploring the emergence of HRD within the British National Health Service (NHS), the aim being to investigate how HRD has been talked into being, is talked about and accomplished through talk. HRD is conceptualized as a socialand discursive construction, and as discursive action. It is argued that conceptualizing HRD as a social and discursive construction can help identify and explain changes in ways of thinking and talking about HRD. Conceptualizing HRD as discursive action can help explain and justify HRD activity, in that much of what HRD practitioners and academics ‘do’ is ‘talk’. This paper explores these concepts and introduces a typology of the discourses of training and development (T&D), HRD and strategic HRD (SHRD), labelled Tell, Sell and Gel. It is suggested that this typology is a useful analytical tool for those practising HRD, providing ameans for HRD professionals to identify and analyse, and possibly change, their practices and discourse(s). The paper introduces a way of identifying how HRD might be talked ‘about’ and theorizes how discursive activities (the talk) might be changing.  相似文献   
现代城市建设越来越脱离人居的局限性,成为重要的人文文化体现和展示地域文化的重要手段.围绕现代城市建设及城市建设中环境艺术设计的重要性,探讨中国现代城市建设中环境艺术设计的不足之处,使传统文化的内涵和艺术观在城市建设中有所体现,使现代城市建设成为新的文化形式和文化认知.  相似文献   
社会工作在为单亲家庭进行服务时,面临专业身份认可度低、可利用公共资源不足、难以保持家庭与个体平衡发展三大困境。以能力视角理论为依据,通过对单亲家庭实施辅导,在实践中探索出以能力为中心的社会工作介入模式。这种新模式通过关注点的转变和积极关注、迅速建立信任合作关系、运用循环策略挖掘潜能等方法灵活地处理单亲家庭生活中的问题,有力地促进了个人和家庭能力的整合,有效地解决了针对单亲家庭的社会工作实务困境。  相似文献   
澳门特别行政区的检察制度在回归后已有很大改变,它一方面对葡国法律制度有所承袭,另一方面又作出了自己独特的改革,呈现出与内地截然不同的特色,其特殊的"一院建制,三级派任"制度又对内地有着极为现实的启示。  相似文献   
目前我国的翻译理论研究正处于解构主义多元化的阶段,解构主义翻译观的新思路和新视角对于我国当代翻译理论建设有着的积极作用。不可否认解构主义理论本身有诸多的局限性,但其所蕴涵、倡导的解构精神,对于开拓研究视野、深入认识翻译的本质、建构更加科学理性的翻译理论体系无疑具有重要的启示意义。在借鉴外国思想文化的同时也要继承地发展我国优秀的传统翻译理论,以期科学系统地构建自己的翻译理论。  相似文献   
农村金融改革和支农服务的首要目标是建立起一个能满足三农发展的金融体系。甘肃省农村金融体系存在金融主体稀缺等问题,为更好服务社会主义新农村建设,必须重构与农业发展相适应的金融体系。农村金融体系的重构内容除了银行业,还应包括农业保险、资产管理、期货等其他金融业。甘肃省农村金融体系重构应依据农村金融体系建设的目标做出相应路径选择。  相似文献   
江苏高校优势学科建设工程是地方政府推动高等教育追求卓越的精英政策之一,其目标定位、涉及范围、支持力度都是前所未有的。虽然工程权衡了学术性与功利性、效率与公平以及中央与地方的关系,但是仍然无法摆脱强化精英主义的质疑。在工程实施过程中,政治场域和学术场域的行动者和机构围绕优势学科建设同台博弈,或竞争,或合谋,最终促成优势学科建设工程的顺利实施,进而加剧了精英主义制度化的进程。破解精英主义制度化,也就是精英主义再生产的难题,一方面要实现公平正义的政策环境,制定合理公平的教育政策,同时建立必要的补偿机制;另一方面,则需要处于场域斗争中的教育机构的觉醒,来争取自身的各种权利。  相似文献   
本文围绕"导游基础"精品课程建设,对师资队伍、课程体系、课程内容、教学手段和方法、教学资源等方面的建设与改革进行了探索,旨在促进精品课程建设的可持续发展,提升课堂教学质量。  相似文献   
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