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民族互嵌社区是中华民族多元一体格局空间场域延展的实践形态,是对“各民族相互嵌入式的社会结构和社区环境”这一时代命题的现实阐释。现代城市社区功能的集聚和细化为民族互嵌的再造及重释提供了场域空间,由于民族互嵌社区具有公共性、聚合性和互动性的本质特征,从而形成了立体化嵌套结构,催生出精准互嵌理论和实践的“双重愿景”:理论层面,要深刻把握民族互嵌社区精准治理的目标向度、方法向度、内容向度;实践层面,要精准识别民族互嵌社区的场域情境,以智能技术描绘民族互嵌过程的“全景图”和“晴雨表”,通过社区制度体系的精准供给,提升民族互嵌社区精准治理的效能。  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article:
Joan Dunayer, Animal Equality: Language and Liberation  相似文献   
福建宁德畲族(聚居区)文化遗产保护与利用的调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
福建宁德畲族文化作为中华畲族文化的主源头之一,在团结与凝聚当地和国内外的畲族同胞,增进人们对畲族历史文化和现实了解方面发挥了不可替代的纽带作用,它与聚居区内景色秀丽的山水风光相映成趣,具有潜力巨大的旅游价值与产业价值。但近期以来,该地畲族传统文化也面临着逐渐失传的现实危机。抓紧实施抢救与发展畲族文化遗产系统工程的各项具体工作,对于继承畲族优秀传统文化,促进地方自然生态、文化生态与经济的和谐发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
在中国历史上大多数少数民族帝王和萨满教发生过密切关系。北方少数民族建立的巫王合一、巫王合作型的政权形态是中国历史上政治与宗教有机结合的产物。在这种政权形态中 ,王权和神权结合在一起 ,但二者相互干预 ,并在双向互动过程中发生作用。萨满巫师和北方少数民族帝王合伙建构了中国历史上的一种典型的政治宗教形态。建立在萨满教观念基础上的北方少数民族政治宗教的核心是“王权神授”和“汗权天授”思想。这与中原王朝历代统治者宣扬的“君权神授”观念基本一致。  相似文献   
Surname analysis is a potentially useful technique for identifying members of particular racial, ethnic, or language communities within a population. We review the existing state of the art for identifying persons of Hispanic or Asian origin, based on surnames distinctive of each group. We describe the logic of surname analysis, profile several available surname dictionaries, and illustrate their applications in local redistricting. Results of our ongoing validation studies suggest promising future directions for improving accuracy and broadening applications.This article is based on a paper presented at the annual Population Association of America meetings at Cincinnati, 1 April 1993.  相似文献   
“人与自然和谐相处”是社会主义和谐社会的六个基本特征之一,民族地区构建社会主义和谐社会必须考虑到传统多元生态文化的功能。在开放的、以市场经济为主导的现代社会生态经济系统下,传统多元生态文化的约束力远不如在传统社会生态经济系统中那么有效、广泛。民族地区只有在维护自身生态经济系统可持续运作的基础上,进一步加强对传统多元生态文化的利用和改造,才能充分发挥生态文化的协调功能。因此,民族地区应当在继续维护传统生态文化的多元性、科学性和合理性的同时,根据现行社会生态经济系统的特征,把其改造成为“强生态文化”,构建以科学发展观为基础,具有较强约束力的、适应现行社会生态经济系统的、协调人与自然关系的,包括精神、物质、制度层面的整体文化体系。  相似文献   
侗族以族群的智慧创造了丰富多彩的文化艺术,拥有本民族突出的社会生活价值观。重义轻利、克己利人、热心公益是侗族人最为突出的传统美德。宽容儒雅、趋静求稳、崇尚和谐是侗族最为基本的民族品性。  相似文献   


Meconium stained amniotic fluid commonly occurs postdates (?>40 weeks gestation) indicating fetal maturity. Previous literature indicates that different ethnicities mature at different rates.


To compare the rate of meconium stained amniotic fluid of Australian-born and non-Australian born women.


A retrospective correlation study design was implemented, using data collected in the birth outcomes system at one tertiary hospital. Data was collected from all women who gave birth to a term (>/=37 weeks gestation), singleton, liveborn baby between January 1st to December 31st, 2014. Maternal country of birth was used for comparison. Categorical data was analyzed using Chi-Square test for Independence. Continuous variables were assessed for normality, and differences were compared using an Independent t-test or a Mann–Whitney U test. All tests were two-tailed and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


3,041 women were included; 1131 Australian-born and 1910 non-Australian born. Meconium stained amniotic fluid occurred more frequently in non-Australian born women compared to Australian-born women (23.5% vs. 19.8 p = 0.02). Their babies were significantly smaller (Mean = 3265 g, Standard Deviation 463.8 vs Mean = 3442 g, Standard Deviation 499.2, p < 0.001), with no difference in gestational length (Mean = 39.4, Standard Deviation 1.28 vs Mean = 39.5, Standard Deviation 1.18, p = 0.06). Increasing gestational age had the strongest association with meconium stained amniotic fluid;?>/=42 weeks gestation occurring 3.52 (95% Confidence Interval: 2.00, 6.22, p = <0.001) more than <40 weeks gestation.


Maternity health services should record ethnicity and region of birth to provide individualised care as women born overseas often have poorer perinatal outcomes when compared to Australian-born women.  相似文献   
This study examines the contribution of the psychological contract (PC) framework to the understanding of ethnic minority employees’ employment relationships. First, it tests the generalizability of PC types (transactional, relational, and balanced) observed in the general population to ethnic minority employees. Then, to further address the unique needs and motivators of minority employees, this study considers diversity-related PCs. It adopts social exchange theory to explain how transactional, relational, balanced, and diversity-related PC breaches predict organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Moreover, it draws insights from social identity theory and examines the mediating role of organizational identification in the relationship between types of PC breach and OCB. Data from 361 Turkish employees working as ethnic minorities in Belgium indicate that relational and diversity-related PC breaches predict OCB partially via organizational identification while transactional and balanced PC breaches directly affect OCB.  相似文献   
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