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<正>科技论文摘要可以分为指示性摘要、报道性摘要、指示-报道性摘要、资料性摘要几种。社会科学论文一般采用报道性摘要,而不采用自然科学论文的指示性摘要。报道性摘要就是在对论文进行总结的基础上,用简单、明确、易懂、精辟的语言对全文内容进行最精炼的概括。要提炼出文章中重要而有新意的主要观点或结论,直接进行客观、概括的陈述,应避免带主观性或情绪化的自评性口吻或脱离具体内容的解释方式来做摘要,比如应避免下述用语:(1)本文/本研究从几个方面论  相似文献   
一、2008年统计工作回顾 一年来,在省委、省政府和国家统计局的正确领导下,全省统计系统坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕“创业富民、创新强省”总战略和“全面小康六大行动计划”,求真务实,开拓创新,全省统计事业取得新的进展。  相似文献   
<正>一、来稿结构、格式要求1.来稿要求选题新颖、观点明确、资料可靠、论证严密、文字精练,字数一般不超过10000字。2.文稿依次应包括:篇名;作者署名及工作单位;中文摘要、中文关键词;基金项目;作者简介;正文、注释;参考文献;文稿的篇名、作者署名及工作单位、中文摘要和中文关键词的英文翻译;作者详细通信地址和联系方式。3.题名。题名应简明、  相似文献   
( 1 )Preliminary Analysis on the Model of Transactional Analysis in Social Work
Wen Jun Yi Zhenzhen · 3 ·
The transactional analysis (TA) is considered a technique to interpret and analyzed the process of communication. Distinct behaviors and feelings are measured through different ego states that represent the attributes of parent, adult and child. As TA is exchange of expression, so it may be categorized in terms of complementary, crossed and ulterior transactions. The interactive concepts of TA are easy to read and understand, so its applicability is wide, especially in the field of social work in recent years. The author point out that with its development, we should not just be limited to the individual' s inner psychological analysis, but also pay more attention to the role of external factors, and concentrate ef- forts on the self-remodeling of clients.  相似文献   
On Schiller's Aesthetics of Drama --His Theory of Comedy
ZHA NG Yu-neng (College of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079) Abstract: Throughout his life Schiller never wrote a comedy or an essay specifically on comedy. His limited discussion of comedy, however, formed the most unique theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics in the history of Western Aesthetics and literary theory. Schiller thinks tragedy ranks higher than comedy in terms of dramatic subject and objectives, but seen from the freedom of representation comedy should be superior to tragedy. Comedy represents the beautiful mind, and helps maintain the freedom of soul, but the comedian pursues an even higher purpose, which, once achieved, will make all tragedies become redundant. Schiller's theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics ended the classical comedy theory which degrades comedy and comedy art, and returned comedy to its due position, sublime purpose and great function. Key words: aesthetics of drama;drama ;comedy ;theory of comedy; aesthetics of comedy  相似文献   
1来稿要求 来稿应论点明确、内容充实、数据可靠、逻辑严密、文字精炼、图表简明清晰。每篇论文必须包括中英文题名、中英文作者名、中英文作者单位、中英文作者单位所在地名及邮政编码、中英文摘要和关键词、正文、参考文献及第一作者简介。  相似文献   
Exploration and Enlightenment on Chinization of Humanism Thought of China's Bourgeoisie
Tan Peiwen
Abstract: As a proposition with special connotation, the Chinization of Marxist humanism thought was gradually formed in the 1990s. However, this does not mean there was no Chinization of humanism thought during China's bourgeois revolution before the time. The humanism thought of China's bourgeois revolution, with Sun Yat-sen as a representative, is the combination of western humanitarianism thought and bourgeois-democratic revolution in China. The Chinization process of bourgeois humanism thought can be classified as the early publicity, communication, critic, filter and reform of western humanitarian thought. Sun Yat-sen emphasized on people's livelihood and proposed democratic politics, rejected selfishness and regarded the whole world as one community, which enrich the people-oriented connotation and provide important reference for China during its construction of a socialist and harmonious society.  相似文献   
《高校社科动态》辟有“学术会议述要”、“综述述评”、“学科研究展望”、“学科建设”、“理论争鸣论点辑要”、“科研心得交流”、“研究生课题”、“研究生论文摘要”、“国外社科动态译介”、“情报资料”、“高校社科机构简介”等栏目。欢迎撰写下列方面的稿件:  相似文献   
论文摘要可以分为指示性摘要、报道性摘要、指示一报道性摘要、资料性摘要几种。社会科学论文一般采用报道性摘要,而不采用自然科学论文的指示性摘要。报道性摘要就是在对论文进行总结的基础之上,用简单、明确、易懂、精辟的语言对全文内容进行最精炼的概括。要提炼出文章中重要而有新意的主要观点或结论,直接进行客观、概括的陈述,  相似文献   
The Development of Social Work Research Paradigm and its Implications for Social Science Research
LI Xiao-feng (Department of Sociology, Law School, Shenzhen University, Guangdong, 518060, China)  相似文献   
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