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概念合成理论模型通过对话语信息的在线处理过程进行实验和分析,解释语义的表达、理解和管理。大量研究对此模型的具体操作过程进行了阐释、完善乃至批判。其中,对类属空间的构建、作用机制与意义进行了许多讨论。笔者分析了类属空间的实质,把类属空间理解为动态的、心理真实性的神经心理信息连接过程,以期证明类属空间的存在必然性,进而完善概念合成模型。  相似文献   
概念整合是一种非常普遍的认知活动。Fauconnier及Turner提出的概念整合理论被广泛运用于许多语言现象的意义构建过程,为研究各个层次的意义构建开拓了广阔的前景。文章以概念整合理论为框架,从意象的角度来论证诗歌意义构建的认知过程,分别运用概念整合的四种网络模式具体分析意象构建诗歌的认知过程。其主要目的在于证明概念整合在诗歌意义构建的认知过程中具有关键性的作用,论证诗人运用意象构建诗歌意境的过程即是诗人压缩各种重要关系,整合各种意象的认知过程。  相似文献   
在“概论课”中采用的立体化、人性化教学模式,必须做到:第一,制作了一套注重艺术性与实用性相结合的课件,利用计算机的魅力充分调动学生学习的兴趣和积极性,导入可操作性强、实用性强、针对性强且极具人性化的教学方法。第二,在教学中注重营造研究性学习氛围,对社会热点问题和教学中的难点问题,作为研究性学习课题,培养学生解决问题的能力。第三,指导学生从事社会调查实践活动,加强理论与实际的结合。  相似文献   
本文以概念整合理论的核心内容即语用函数射为指导,从外部衔接和内部衔接两个方面来分析语篇衔接。  相似文献   
Journal impact factors typically rely on the number of citations to a journal as well as the number of citable items published in the journal during specific time parameters. If journal impact factors accurately differentiate journals along a quality continuum, journals with higher impact factors should be referenced more often than journals with lower impact factors as sources of influence on scholars’ conceptual and methodological approaches to inquiry. To investigate this claim, a sample consisting of all twelve issues of Human Communication Research (HCR) and Communication Monographs (CM) published from 2007 through 2009 were content analyzed and every citation to either journal in the articles appearing in HCR and CM was coded. Results indicated that, despite higher impact factors for HCR, there were not more citations to HCR than CM as sources of conceptual or methodological influence appearing in articles appearing in HCR or CM.  相似文献   
概念整合理论与翻译认知过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为认知语言学的重要组成部分,概念整合理论为研究语言运用背后的认知活动搭建了一个统一的理论框架。翻译是一种特殊的语言使用活动,即语际交际活动,必然也与人的认知分不开。文章试图用认知语言学中Fauconnier的概念整合理论来分析翻译中译者的思维认知活动,即译者转换意义时的心理运作过程。  相似文献   
隐喻作为一种较为常见的语言现象,在人类的认知中具有重要的作用,因此被广泛应用于政治语篇中用以说服群众,引起共鸣,从而达到服从自己的功效。国内外学者已对西方政治语篇进行了较为详细地分析。本文从认知角度分析《人民日报》元旦社论中的概念隐喻,通过对文章中概念隐喻的分类和功能分析,探讨政治隐喻与时代和国家所处环境的关系,从分析时代和国家所处环境的变化中探究政治隐喻在语篇中所起的作用。  相似文献   
隐喻与政治关系密切,在政治语篇中,隐喻发挥着重要的作用。以概念隐喻理论为理论基础,以近五年来中美政府工作报告为语料,通过对比分析总结出中美政治语篇中概念隐喻的异同,旨在加深对政治语篇中的隐喻认知的理解,使学习者更好地了解政治语言的特色。  相似文献   
概念合成理论认为,概念合成是自然语言意义建构过程中的一种极为普遍的认知过程,而隐喻是人类认知世界的一种重要方式和手段,概念合成过程同样存在于隐喻现象中。文章在分析了电视广告语篇中隐喻产生的基本条件及分类后,用概念合成理论对其进行认知解读,提出:(1)电视广告语篇中的隐喻是概念合成的临时结构;(2)电视广告语篇中隐喻意义的获得与人类的认知紧密相关,它依靠的是概念合成认知理据。  相似文献   
Young people who provide unpaid care for a relative with chronic illness or disability are a growing focus of public policy and research in Australia and internationally. Support services for these young carers have emerged, but not enough is known about their effectiveness. This article develops an analytical framework that categorizes young carer support services according to their goals and the types of intervention provided. The analytical framework is based on Australian data. It is applied to young carer support services available in Australia but may be applicable to other countries. The aim of the framework is to provide a structure for assessing the effectiveness of current services in supporting young carers by clarifying service goals and identifying gaps in existing service provision. The framework contributes to conceptual discussions about young carer supports, and it can be used to guide future policy development. The article draws on Australian and international literature as well as findings from a recent Australian study on young carers. The proposed framework groups young carer support services according to three overarching goals: assisting young people who provide care; mitigating the care‐giving responsibility; and preventing the entrenchment of a young person's caring role. The framework is applied to an audit of Australian support services for young carers, illustrating how it can be used to assess existing supports for young carers and inform future policy development. The findings suggest that most services in Australia fall into the categories of assistance and mitigation, while few contain preventative elements.  相似文献   
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