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民国时期的小学地域布局表现出分布较为全面但分布不均衡的特征;校别布局上表现出主要分布在公立小学,私立小学也占一定比例;时间分布上呈现出抗战后公立小学数量依然增加,私立小学数量减少。这些特征的形成主要缘于政府政策、经费支撑以及社会需求等因素。当前学校布局调整要合理继承和创新,重视政府的整体调控,布局及调整中要以学生为本位,制定好合理的标准并做好合理评估。  相似文献   
新中国成立六十年来,中日两国经历了从敌对到恢复邦交再到建立战略互惠的不同阶段.关系是一步步深入,是近代以来中日关系最好的时期.六十年来,国际形势、中日力量对比都发生了很大变化,中日两国关系也在发生着变化.民间交流始终是中日关系发展的推动力.中日两国的杰出政治家在历史的重大转折时期,都很好地把握住了历史机遇,把中日关系推向了一个新的阶段.进入2l世纪以后,中日逐渐形成一种竞争、合作、发展的态势.中日两国共同努力,发展这种良好的态势.不仅对中日两国,而且对东亚乃至世界的和平发展也是一大贡献.  相似文献   
在清代民国时期,四川自贡井盐生产过程中出现了“出山约”、“上、中、下节约”等特殊契约形式,导致这种契约形式出现的原因是多方面的,其中自然环境、盐井开采技术以及市场竞争是导致这些契约关系出现的重要原因。这些契约形式的出现对当时自贡地区盐业生产产生了极大的影响,有效地解决了投资者与地主之间的矛盾,保证了井盐开采所需资金来源,分散了投资风险,优化了盐井生产组织形式,提升了投资的积极性,从而使自贡地区的井盐生产能形成独特的生产模式,长盛不衰。  相似文献   
从某种程度说,1930年代中国政治学研究已经达到了相当高的研究水平,涌现出一批优秀政治学家,出版了一批高质量的研究专著,并于1932年成立了中国政治学会。此种研究状态的持存自有其独特的社会政治空间。首先,社会自由促发民主革命的政治革命逻辑使任何当政者都不得不宣称政府的民主合法性;其次,教授治校和出版言论自由,为政治学研究提供了政治民主空间;最后,流动迁徙自由与相对优厚的教员薪俸,为政治学研究提供了社会自由的社会经济基础。  相似文献   
Games and toys are irreplaceable basic needs of children of almost every age. They are also some of the most significant traces of culture. Some of our games and toys lost their original functions, and it is not remembered why they were functionally significant in Turkish Cypriot culture. Families and cultural identity also play a major role regarding different factors leading to changes in toy selection. The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge and opinions of families regarding games and, in particular, toy selection for 6–12 year old children of Turkish Cypriot families. A survey was administered to 100 households in North Cyprus, and was used as a data collection tool. It was found that the most important factors in the selection of children’s games and toys were (1) the economic opportunities, and (2) children’s desires for toys after seeing them with their friends. A considerable number of families in Northern Cyprus see game-toy selection as important in a child’s social, psychomotor, mental, and cultural construction. Families, especially those living with difficulties, indicated that they cannot afford enough time to encourage playing traditional games. Although new versions of traditional games and toys are being developed and used, it is seen that educated and high-income families are more conscious about the importance of having information about them than others.  相似文献   
On the basis of largely unused archival materials in Kyiv, this article re-examines the responsibility of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) for the pogroms of 1919. It consciously puts aside the question of Symon Petliura’s personal guilt, preferring to concentrate on the broader responsibility of members of the Ukrainian national movement for propagating antisemitic stereotypes and engaging in anti-Jewish violence. This approach reveals a widely held belief among members of the UNR that they were fighting a Jewish Bolshevik enemy. This led to pogroms but also probably prevented the UNR from punishing its soldiers who had perpetrated them. Despite the declarations by UNR figures condemning pogroms and the creation of an organ to investigate them, there were apparently very few, if any, convictions, at least in 1919, the year of the worst pogroms.  相似文献   
白朗起义是民初政府面临的重大政治危机。袁世凯政府在危机应对方面存在如下问题:官员重视不够,大意轻视;官军素质低下,腐败无能;官军之间协作缺失,关系不睦;基层政府力量薄弱,疏于防备;未能有效阻断白朗与革命派之间的互动联系。白朗起义之所以能够转战5省、持续3年有余,对民初袁世凯政府造成沉重打击,上述因素值得关注。  相似文献   
1979年伊朗爆发了伊斯兰革命,从表面看,革命的胜利是政教合一体制建立的主要原因。然而在经过两伊战争、政治孤立、经济制裁、伊核危机和总统大选风波后,这种政治体制仍能稳步发展且依然具有活力的深层原因很值得研究。本文将通过波斯传统的政治思想、伊斯兰教什叶派的宗教思想、外来现代化思想的影响和其他模式尝试的失败等四个方面来揭示这一体制得以确立和发展的内在根源。  相似文献   
民国时期瘟疫频仍,经常爆发天花、霍乱、鼠疫、疟疾等重大疫情,给劳动人民带来了巨大的痛苦。由于民智低下以及医学卫生条件的不发达等原因,许多人只能听天由命,出现求神驱鬼等消极迷信的思想。现代文学真实地展现了疫灾之下迷信之风盛行,产生了招魂、求神、躲病等形形色色的迷信救治现象。  相似文献   
官方邮局与民信局为争夺邮政市场,在资费与业务等领域展开激烈竞争。为适应形势变化,民信局开始利用新式交通工具发展业务。民信局虽然通过请愿、走私等形式规避官邮控制,但还是走向衰落。民信局与官方邮局的竞争促使官方邮局更趋商业化。民信局积极利用轮船等新式交通工具,而大清邮局则积极学习民信局优点,拓展业务范围。  相似文献   
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