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本文从水的崇拜、传统节日、文身和口头语言民俗等层面,对黎族与南方百越后裔诸民族民俗加以比较研究。  相似文献   
So far, analyses of apologetic rhetoric strategies as used by individuals or organizations to respond to accusations of wrongdoing have been concentrated in the West. An analysis of political apologia in an African setting – in this case Kenya – reveals that while Kenyan politicians have used denial, victimization, mortification, and counterattacking among other self-defense strategies, one particular strategy emerges as the most commonly used by Kenyan politicians – ethnic appeal.  相似文献   
‘North East India’ composed of different ethnicity is plagued with ethnic assertions and regionalism with that of centuries of alienation. Development is one big issue that need to be address in the region. The North East India after decades of independence is still lagging behind in term of socio, economic, education, political, cultural and social development. A deeper study reveals that movement for separate homeland, regionalism, tribalism, ethnic clash, crime, mass poverty, etc in the region are caused by backwardness of the region. The distinct geo-ethnic and socio-historical characters of North-East India constitute the hotbed of ethnic strife and extreme radicalism. The solution lies partly in resolving the conflict between primordial ethnic loyalties or ‘ethno-nationalism’ and the ‘nationalism of the nation state’, and partly a conscious and voluntary effort to resist corruption and unholy alliance between the militants and the politicians in the region. In any case, ethnic reconciliation would result in the reduction of ethnic violence of all kinds and would eventually restore law and order in the region. When the civil governance in the region will be spared from combating militancy or appeasing the militants, the whole energy of the government would be for strengthening the institutions of local self-government, which act as potential agents of development in the conflict-ridden states of the North-East India.  相似文献   
在中国民族学的理论来源及其发展上,无论是舶来说、本土化,还是中国化,都是把西方民族学作为中国民族学研究的理论出发点和立足点,难免会陷入一种以经典诠释现实、以今套古、以外导内的研究困境。坚持中国民族理论的中国特色论,就在于从我国统一多民族国家的历史以及几千年的民族传统文化的解读和研究出发,以中国各民族的发展史来作为中国民族理论研究的主干思想,中学为主西学为用,这样才能促进中国特色社会主义民族理论体系的完善和发展。  相似文献   
中东地区民族、宗教状况极为复杂,这导致几乎所有中东国家都存在着大量少数族群,如何处理与少数族群的关系,是影响中东民族国家构建的关键因素之一。本文主要以埃及科普特人为例,阐明少数族群与主体民族间关系的演变及他们如何在中东民族国家构建进程中被边缘化。此外,本文还讨论了中东国家对待少数族群的政策性失误对民族国家构建的影响。本文认为政策及执行的公平性是确保中东国家各族群和平共处、共同发展的唯一出路。  相似文献   
The paper explores diglossic relations between Central Thai and phasa isan, a variety officially known as a dialect of Thai, but linguistically close to Lao. Phasa isan is spoken by almost one‐third of Thailand's population but its speakers in the Northeast are often stigmatized as uneducated and backward. We conducted field research mainly among university students in Ubon Ratchathani, a northeastern border province, by drawing upon data from survey questionnaires, reflective essays, interviews, and field observations. The findings suggest a transitional diglossic relationship in which Central Thai is the High and phasa isan the Low variety. These relationships are discussed in terms of nationalism, social hierarchy, and language maintenance and shift.  相似文献   
与日韩两国相比,上海文化与金融融合发展起步晚,但起点高、步子实、进度快。中共十八届三中全会以来,上海将文化与金融融合发展作为重点工作推进,以国际视野、创新方式和落细落小落实举措,着力推动上海文化与金融融合发展并取得显著进展。学习和借鉴日韩两国经验,最重要的是坚持政府融合主导,发挥市场融合优势,激活社会融合主体,创新开放融合方式,合力推动融合发展。  相似文献   
There is a growing body of literature positively linking dimensions of social capital to economic benefits. Yet recent research also points to a potential “dark side” of social capital, where over-embeddedness in networks and the pressures associated with brokerage are hypothesized to constrain actors, having a negative effect on economic outcomes. This dichotomy suggests that context is important, yet the overwhelming majority of existing empirical evidence stems from socially homogenous populations in corporate and organizational settings, limiting a broader understanding of when and how context matters. We advance this discourse to a socially fragmented, ethnically diverse common-pool resource system where information is highly valuable and competition is fierce. Merging several unique datasets from Hawaii's pelagic tuna fishery, we find that network prominence, i.e., being well connected locally, has a significant, positive effect on economic productivity. In contrast, we find that brokerage, defined here as ties that bridge either structurally distinct or ethnically distinct groups, has a significant, negative effect. Taken together, our results provide empirical support to widespread claims of the value of information access in common-pool resource systems, yet suggest that in ethnically diverse, competitive environments, brokers may be penalized for sharing information across social divides. Our results thus contribute to an emerging theory on the fragile nature of brokerage that recognizes its potential perils and the importance of context.  相似文献   
由于近现代回族报刊中并没有专门的经济类报刊,因而普通报刊的经济功能被开发出来,对广大回族企业和相关经济活动起到了较好的引导和规范作用。诸如《边铎》《天山》《晨熹》等一系列回族报刊的出现,其中所描述的经济行为,所解析的经济政策等相关内容不仅提供了重要的回族经济史依据,而且还在客观上也大大缓解了当时回族聚居区的经济压力,刺激了当时回族产业的新模式的生成,并促进了当地经济和社区的繁荣,从而协调了部分政治性矛盾,进而推动了一些文化问题的解决。  相似文献   
民族乡虽然只是区域经济范畴中的一些较小区域,但它们却是我国民族经济、民族政策的重要组成部分,因而民族乡区域经济发展研究十分重要。本文基于区域经济学的视角,探讨了"十一五"时期以来我国民族乡经济发展的显著成效,分析它们存在的主要问题,总结民族乡经济发展的经验和教训,提出民族乡区域经济发展方式优化调整的建议,以便更好地促进民族乡经济社会的科学发展。  相似文献   
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