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从疍民研究看中国民族史与族群研究的百年探索 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
疍民是历史上广泛分布于我国东南沿海地区的水居族群,疍民的源流及其与陆居族群的关系,历来是东南民族史、区域社会文化史与族群研究的重要内容.墨民研究不仅完整地体现了百年来不同时代的话语背景与不同的学术关怀,同时也是近代以来中国人文社会科学的学科发展历程、理论方法更新及学术视野拓展的一个缩影. 相似文献
肃南裕固族自治县新型农村合作医疗的个案研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究发现,农牧民对这一制度的认知方式、农牧民参加新型农村合作医疗的原因、农民参合后未得到报偿时对这一制度的基本态度以及农牧民参合后最担心的问题等方面依然存在一定的问题,应当以满足农牧民自身实际需要为基本出发点,真正实现新农合制度的基本目标。 相似文献
我国五个民族自治区经济发展和人口变动研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
改革开放以来,内蒙古、广西、西藏、宁夏和新疆等5个民族自治区的经济社会都得到了有史以来的最快发展。但是,5个民族地区因历史和自然条件的差异导致发展的进程有所不同,其中内蒙古基础最好、发展最快,广西次之,西藏、宁夏和新疆等3个自治区的发展速度相对较慢。5个民族地区的经济和人口变动显示出3个不同队列特征,反映了决定经济社会发展的主导因素是那些影响国家和民族现代工业化进程的社会历史基础及自然地理等经济发展条件,而不是民族和人口因素。5个民族自治区的人口变动状况都直接反映了各个民族地区经济因素的作用结果,而生育政策对人口过程却没有显示出预期应有的关联性。 相似文献
Maja Cederberg 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2019,45(1):115-132
The literature on ethnic entrepreneurship has focused on structural factors, group characteristics or a combination of both when explaining the entry and/or success of different ethnic groups in/to self-employment. While the active involvement of individuals has often been noted, agency has been under-theorised, and frequently conflated with what are considered as ‘cultural’ factors. This article explores the question of agency in ethnic entrepreneurship by looking at how entrepreneurs access and mobilise different kinds of resources. Using a forms-of-capital approach, the article draws on qualitative data from the U.K. and Spain, and looks at how entrepreneurs mobilise cultural, social and economic resources in structural contexts that include constraining as well as enabling features. Our findings show that the entrepreneurs are active agents who play an important role in shaping ethnic businesses. However, their agency varies significantly depending on the extent to which entrepreneurs have access to different kinds of resources, which is closely linked to their socioeconomic position. The article contributes to the literature through its direct engagement with the question of agency in ethnic entrepreneurship, and by highlighting the relevance of social class in entrepreneurial processes. 相似文献
Aline-Sophia Hirseland Oliver Strijbis 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2019,45(11):2006-2025
With the election of Evo Morales and his party Movement to Socialism (MAS) in 2005, Bolivia has become the only country in Latin America to have an indigenous party in power. However, it is misleading to take the MAS government as representing all of Bolivia’s ethnic diversity. Its indigenous population can be classified into peoples from the Andean highlands and from the Amazonian lowlands. Research has treated the indigenous population as uniform or focused on the Andean peoples and on parties rather than voters. This paper aims to differentiate this picture by showing that variances between highland and lowland indigenous peoples started with the appearance of Homeland’s Consciousness (CONDEPA) and have increased since MAS came to power. While the highland indigenous peoples have preferred left political parties, parties with pro-indigenous agendas or which used indigenous symbolism, the lowland peoples have tended to support centre-right parties. The paper attempts to explain these differences in the voting behaviour of Bolivia’s indigenous peoples. Ethnic voting is analysed in the time span from 1985 until 2014 within a mixed-methods design. 相似文献
近些年,部分高校进行书院制学生管理模式改革,为进一步完善高校少数民族学生工作服务体系、创建特色文化提供新的契机。少数民族学生中存在文化基础薄弱、理想信仰认识模糊、小团体意识较强等教育管理难点,高校学生管理的一般模式对少数民族学生的特点敏感度不够,针对性不强。高校可充分发挥书院制模式的特点,依托书院制学生社区,依靠强大的导师团队,开展"第二课堂"通识教育,做好少数民族学生的"三贴近"工作,完善奖助体系,强化学生"四个认同",引导学生树立正确的宗教观。 相似文献
“蒙古浩腾”人是对居住于内蒙古自治区西部阿拉善盟阿拉善左旗东北部境内的一部分信仰伊斯兰教的蒙古族穆斯林的称谓。本文作者等一行多人历经多年田野考察,对这一独特族群进行了较为深入的研究,不仅全面地进行了摸底调查,分析了该族群独特的民族传承、独特的民族习俗、独特的宗教信仰、独特的民族心理素质,而且还通过历史文献与现实状况的比较,廓清了学术界的一些模糊甚至不准确的认识,使这一既与蒙古族有着明显区别,又与穆斯林民族有着较大差异的“边缘化群体”的历史与现状,能够比较充分地展示在学术界与世人面前。 相似文献
Hatib Kadir 《The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology》2019,20(2):184-199
This article is about the domination of Butonese migrant traders in three urban marketplaces (pasar) of Ambon in the aftermath of sectarian conflict. The research examines how Butonese migrant traders struggle for their sovereign space and how they deal with the dissatisfied local traders in light of their domination in the market. The Butonese migrant traders also demonstrate an uncanny ability in political lobbying and creating businesses based on family networking. At the horizontal level, they construct their emotional connections and minimalise local people’s jealousy over their dominance in the market by reinventing local ceremonies in the marketplace, while at the vertical level, the Butonese traders create credit access and political contacts with the central government in Jakarta and with local legislators—most of whom belong to Islamic parties. The market has become a space for leveling-up the migrant trader’s self-esteem since, outside the market, local people (orang negeri) question their citizenship status. 相似文献
长期以来,科普特人与穆斯林间的族群矛盾是困扰埃及的主要社会问题之一。历史上,每当国家形势动荡、社会关系紧张时,埃及的族群问题就格外突出。2011年"一·二五革命"爆发后,埃及的族群的矛盾再次凸显,对埃及政府构成挑战。出于稳定国内形势、重塑外交格局以及巩固个人政治地位的需要,塞西自上任以来将缓和族群矛盾作为执政重点之一,主要措施包括安抚科普特人、打击宗教极端势力、推广温和宗教思想等。塞西政府针对科普特人所实施的族群政策取得了一定成效,但仍面临民众不满情绪蔓延、极端势力猖獗等现实困境。 相似文献
实施西部大开发战略是我国21世纪社会主义现代化建设的主旋律。依据政策的区际差异理论,结合经济特区实施特殊政策的实践,分析西部大开发过程中政策选择时应该注意的有关问题。 相似文献