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本文在对萨提·胡斯里的生平与著作进行了简单介绍后分析了他的阿拉伯民族主义思想与伊斯兰教的关系:在民族、民族主义与宗教的关系问题上,萨提·胡斯里把语言和历史作为民族和民族主义的基础与构成要素,反对把宗教作为民族和民族主义的基础。在阿拉伯民族主义与泛伊斯兰主义的关系问题上,胡斯里提出了反对泛伊斯兰主义的“穆斯林统一”,倡导“阿拉伯统一”的政治主张,实际上也就是以泛阿拉伯主义取代泛伊斯兰主义。  相似文献   
清江清真寺现存两方清代的碑刻,一为乾隆五十七年(1792年)的禁谕碑,一为同治九年(1870年)的《重修清真寺大殿碑记》碑,文章公布了这两篇碑记文字,并作了初步的研究。  相似文献   
竹枝词原为巴蜀民歌,可抒情和吟咏风土。自唐代以后竹枝词成为文人喜爱创作的诗体,并以歌咏爱情为主。清以后的西湖竹枝词和宁波竹枝词则以吟咏地方风土人情为主,与前朝风格迥异。这一变化与清代诗人们的创作心态和创作理念有着重要关系。  相似文献   
The lack of attention in academic discourse to representations of disability in films from the Middle East has led to an incomplete picture of representations of disability in global cinema. For instance, the diverse meanings of disability in Iranian cinema and the influence of disability on the emergence of Iranian New Wave cinema have been almost completely ignored by scholars. A number of award-winning films from Iran have featured disability as central to their narratives – such as The House is Black (1963), Taste of Cherry (1997), The Color of Paradise (1999), The Willow Tree (2005), and The Painting Pool (2013). Disability in these films serves alternatively as a symbol of spiritual possibility, a mark of marginalization, and a covert social critique. These films examine the emotional, physical, and social implications of disability, while celebrating the cultural power of film to challenge social, religious, and artistic barriers.  相似文献   
在甘、青、宁和新疆地区 ,在民间婚礼中 ,曾经活跃着三种婚俗性的民间舞蹈表演。然而 ,随着历史的推进 ,也出现了舞蹈历史兴衰的现象。本文以中国西北地区的撒拉族、回族、维吾尔族婚礼中的舞蹈为研究对象 ,在大量第一手调查资料、文献资料的基础上 ,试图分析《堆依奥依纳》、《宴席舞》、《纳孜尔库姆》这三种婚俗舞蹈各自兴衰的过程  相似文献   
贺圣达 《学术探索》2004,(10):77-83
伊斯兰教对当代东南亚政治发展的影响 ,集中表现在三个大问题上。这三个大问题是 :分离主义对国家稳定和统一的威胁 ;宗教极端主义和恐怖主义对政治和社会稳定的破坏和冲击 ;政教分离还是政教合一之争对国内政治格局、民族、宗教关系和国家发展道路的影响。作者分析了这三个问题的背景、特点、影响和发展趋势  相似文献   
朱伟东 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):69-72
1979年的伊朗伊斯兰革命的爆发是美国在中东外交的一大挫败。美国在这一革命前后所采取的政策充分表明了美国试图控制伊朗局势的努力与伊朗社会现实的不合拍,表明美国行政当局对伊朗社会演变的不了解。而美国外交政策在伊期兰革命前后的摇摆,更表明了美国外交中某些外强中干的本质。  相似文献   
陆芸 《学术探索》2007,(2):94-99
中国东南沿海的广州、泉州、扬州、杭州以及海南岛曾发现了大量的穆斯林墓葬石刻,它们的出土说明了宋、元时期外国穆斯林留居中国的事实,也说明当时上述沿海港口城市的繁华和吸引力。通过对各地穆斯林墓葬石刻研究,可以展示当时穆斯林的生活、信仰等情况。一些证据表明,当时中国可能存在着十叶派穆斯林。  相似文献   
Although most traditional Muslim scholars condemn same-sex desires and acts, revisionist Muslim scholars have offered a more tolerant approach on this issue over the last two decades. Building on an essentialist approach to same-sex desires and acts, these scholars have argued that Islam accepts difference and diversity, including sexual diversity, as part of God’s creation. Homosexuality, which in their view is an innate disposition to the same sex, is an alternative sexuality and, thus, accepted by the Qur’an and Islam. This article argues that an essentialist approach is not suitable to defend all manifestations of same-sex desires and acts, not only because it is narrow (as it excludes both bisexual Muslims and homosexual Muslims who believe that their sexual orientation is socially constructed), but also because it cannot even argue the case for the view of homosexuality as inborn. This article proposes to open up the debate beyond essentialism and constructivism, which both have their limitations, to accommodate a more inclusive and tolerant Islamic approach to same-sex desires and acts.  相似文献   
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