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Social work educators, employers and policy-makers have increasingly recognised the importance of continuing professional development. The UK social work qualification (DipSW) provides a broad base of practice skills, knowledge and values. However, increasingly complex work, frequent legislative and policy changes, research findings and challenges of working in a societal context of increasing change and diversity all contribute to the necessity of developing strategies for continuing professional development which adequately equip social workers. Such education cannot be alienated from social workers' employment context, and thus needs to remain mindful of employers' needs while concurrently maintaining academic rigour. This paper explores the development and delivery of a year-long post-qualifying training course run collaboratively between West Sussex Social and Caring Services and University College Chichester. It places some of the experiences of tutors, candidates and Training and Development Officers within the wider context of social work education, training and the delivery of social care. In exploring some of the contradictions and tensions experienced it seeks to further understand the challenge of delivering effective training in an increasingly complex and fragmented arena. Finally, it considers possible future developments, mindful of future changes in UK social work education.  相似文献   
中国金融业是一个众所注目的领域之一。而在中国金融业中,银行业更是一个焦点。随着我国正式加入WTO,《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)和新的金融服务协议(FSA)的规定要求我国金融市场将全面开放,其中包括开放银行业、允许外资银行在我国各地设立分支机构、外资银行与国内银行享有同等待遇等。同时,根据对等原则,我国在引进外国金融机构的同时也可以走出去,向海外发展。因此,“入世”给我国银行业带来了冲击和竞争的压力,同时,也给我国银行业提供了加快发展和参与国际竞争的良好机遇。  相似文献   
本文认为, 高考科目与内容设置应依据三个基本方面: 有利于高校选拔人才, 有利于促进中学素质教育, 有利于扩大高校办学自主权。本文就此问题进行了讨论, 试图为我国高考科目政策提供相应的理论参考框架  相似文献   
Many countries adopt economic development strategies, within which an important element is the maintenance of low and stable food prices. In Indonesia, this is achieved principally through government subsidies to consumers of imported rice, the total cost of which fluctuates considerably from year to year, depending on world price movements and domestic production performance. Higher and possibly less stable domestic food prices appear inevitable in Indonesia, however, as the spectre of reduced oil revenues increases the government's concern with the cost of its food policy. Results from a stochastic simulation model of the agricultural sector show that the food price risk to which consumers and producers would be exposed in the absence of the stabilizing component of Indonesia's food policy would be considerable, rendering this component an unlikely area for significant change. A viable policy option appears to be the continuance of rice and wheat price stabilization, but with a graduated increase in the relative price of rice, reaching a total of 10% by 1985. Such a policy could result in net self-sufficiency in foreign exchange from staple food trade by 1990 and an improvement in aggregate economic surplus, although the expected decade improvement in food-energy consumption per capita would fall from 10% to 8%.  相似文献   
儒家文明是一个世界地缘政治的摹状词.作为政统的儒学,早在"五·四"前后就已崩塌;但作为一种文明体系、文化积淀的结晶,它本来就存活着,而且日益显现出强大的生命活力.儒家文明的生命活力蕴涵在与时俱进的人文精神、历久弥新的道统至德中,其仁爱的原精神已经包容和涵摄了西方的科学理性精神,其宏观哲学思想、和谐辩证法可以为唯物辩证法提供动态中发展的文化资源,成为中国人做人的信仰根基.  相似文献   
There has been much discussion about the factors underlying inflation in the health care sector and the means to moderate increases in health expenditures. This paper identifies various costcontainment strategies and synthesizes research findings that may be helpful in evaluating their effectiveness. The review demonstrates the complexity of the issues and relationships that must be confronted and understood in cost containment. The delivery system is shown to be not well-suited to improving efficiency and restraining health care expenditure. Any single strategy, whether it involves restructuring the market or more direct regulation, cannot in itself accomplish the combination of expenditure control and adequacy of services that is socially desirable. A number of mutually reinforcing strategies are required. Finally, more empirical and analytical information on incentives, provider and regulatory decisionmaking, costs of regulation, and the dynamics of negotiation, is essential for the design of an effective costcontainment program.  相似文献   
《论法的精神》的研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本着“让存在自己显现自身”的现象学释义学精神。以“方法是主客体的中介 ,是概念的内在规定和对象的原则”作为指导 ,阐发《论法的精神》所贯穿的“整体的、历史的、比较的实证研究方法”。这一方法使孟德斯鸠与古典自然学派区别开来 ,由此对“孟德斯鸠属于自然法学派”的传统观点提出质疑  相似文献   
中国共产党自从成立以来就非常重视民族问题,尤其是重视解决民族与国家安全问题。本文从以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的三代领导集体关于“民族与国家安全问题”的论述出发,总结了建国以来我党在处理这一问题中的决策、理论和成功的经验.  相似文献   
茵加登运用现象学的方法分析文学作品的构成,在四层次结构说之外,他又提出了一个更为重要的因素--形而上学性质.因其所论抽象玄奥令人费解,故本文特从功能、来源、存在方式三个角度,借助于中西美学的比较对其作出释读.文章指出,"形而上学性质"的含义与中国古典美学中的"道"、"气"、"神"、"意"有相近或相通之处,即通于"道"、"气"、"神"、"意"的哲理层面.但这个哲理层面,不是指抽象的纯思想,而是包含了情感、形象和思想于一体并被气化之后而通向虚无通向无限的一种东西.功能、来源、存在方式这三个角度,恰恰可以被看作是对"形而上学性质"的三个方面的规定.借助于这些规定,就可以深化我们对它的理解.  相似文献   
作为北宋四大书法家之一的蔡襄,以其真、行、草书皆优且概入妙品或精品而卓冠一时,并以其高尚的人品和书品而被誉为"当时第一"。蔡襄的书法风格以平和温厚为主,端庄严整而不刻板,温厚平和而不抵触。其论书标举"神气",反对奇诡失正,追求奇特。蔡襄通过自己的书法实践,不仅改变了宋初书坛的一片靡弱风气,而且使后人能在晋韵唐风中找到书法创作的依据,为书法史的发展注入了新的活力。  相似文献   
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