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《野草》是鲁迅全部生命哲学的诗话抒写,是反映鲁迅意志和"野草精神"的独特诗学文本。鲁迅的人格与意志、黑暗与虚无、绝望与孤独的情绪都得到了象征性的隐喻书写。《野草》所反映的鲁迅内心深处的孤寂之感和绝望意识,不仅仅是作者生命个体独自一人的,同时也是整个时代广阔而深沉的精神现象———坚持追寻精神的独立和自由意志,坚定地反抗现实层或思想层的绝望。孤寂与绝望的美学蕴藉,是生命个体独立桀骜的不屈品格,是号召千千万战士砥砺坚强的人格意志为精神之自由独立而奋勇抗争。  相似文献   
中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会是在我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会。这次大会对科学发展观的发展是多方面的,它赋予科学发展观新的历史地位、新的精神实质,构建科学发展观新的逻辑结构、新的理论体系,勾画了我国现代化进程中新的发展目标、新的总体布局,也提出了一系列相互联系的新观点、新论断、新举措。  相似文献   
助人为乐是雷锋精神的重要组成部分,在德性论的阐释视域中,雷锋助人为乐的精神展现出深刻的价值内涵和时代意义:它崇尚助人之“乐”,在德性完善中实现精神愉悦;在“乐”于助人的行为实践中,彰显自觉自主的道德精神境界;在助人“乐”己的人生信条中,绽放“人我舍一”的“他者”情怀。  相似文献   
This article emphasises the individualising nature of much current community care provision and then discusses opportunities which may have been presented by the emphasis on user-empowerment within the community care changes. Drawing on personal experience and written from a perspective that we need a community care provision infused with the practices and values of community work, the article considers how community work needs to change and how community care workers need to change. The implications for social work educators are brought out throughout the article.  相似文献   
新时期广西精神是中华民族精神在广西的集中体现.但广西在建设民族文化强区过程中,存在文化建设投入、公共文化服务体系建设、文化产业发展、文化体制改革、文化人才队伍建设相对滞后等问题。究其原因,主要是讲文化工作重要多而实际重视少、文化工作发展机遇多而落实少、文化工作任务多而得到支持少、文化工作困难多而办法少、文化工作责任多而得到的关怀少。因此,要弘扬广西精神、建设民族文化强区.必须坚持学习宣传核心价值体系与凝炼共同核心价值观相互促进,坚持做强文化产业与打造文化精品同时并举,坚持面向市场与防止低俗化不可偏废,坚持文化顶层设计与群众首创精神相结合。坚持继承保护与开发创新互为条件。  相似文献   
王船山以天下为己任,强调士人应担负起匡维世教、救君之失的社会责任,经世致用,参变知常,不丧所依,集中地凸显出湖湘文化的担当精神。这种责任意识不仅在历史上发挥着激浊扬清的积极作用,激励着一代又一代湖湘儿女为国为民艰苦拼博,而且亦启示当代学人脚踏实地,承担起振兴中华的历史重任!  相似文献   
This article examines the process of national identity formation among ethnic minorities in the Crimea – specifically, how a new common identity develops in the system of existing identities, what meaning group identities have for different minorities group and how this process influences attitudes and stereotypes toward the ingroup and outgroup. Based on surveys in the Crimea, results show that formation of a common national and regional identity leads to developing of positive stereotypes toward members of other groups, who now are involved in a new group identity, but also is connected with formation of negative attitudes and stereotypes toward other groups. The meaning of identity depends on its position in the system of identities and can be used as a criterion for early warning of conflicts.  相似文献   
In 1912, a group of women within the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) undertook to become architects of the first continuous transcontinental automobile route, to be called the ‘National Old Trails Road’ highway. Consistent with many of the private road improvement initiatives during the heyday of America's good roads movement, ‘Daughters’ in many states were involved in mapping the route and posing a variety of marking schemes that would etch upon the landscape the DAR's sponsorship of the route. In doing so, the Daughters staked an explicit claim for the DAR and for American women in the project of nation‐building, by promoting their National Old Trails Road as a culmination of Manifest Destiny. This episode highlights the interrelationship of gender and the nation. This article argues that while women function passively in nationalist rhetoric to symbolise the nation, one must also acknowledge the agency of conservative women's groups in constructing and perpetuating nationalist narratives in ways that were often surprisingly complex and not simply imitative of men.  相似文献   
A striking feature of scholarship on national identity is the relative absence of rhetorical theory, or theory related to the persuasive dimensions of discourse, especially given the fact that rhetorical theorists have been concerned with the manufacturing of public opinion and collective identity for over two millennia. To address this absence, this article discusses how rhetorical theories dealing with narrative theory, the social construction of publics, rhetorical constraints, ideology critique, public memory, political history and post-national identity help both to illuminate and critique emergent patterns of national identification.  相似文献   
In 1963 the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah formed the Federation of Malaysia. In the same year Indonesia gained control over West Papua. In the first case the integration was accomplished participatory and peacefully, in the second violence reigned supreme. I argue that different visions of community, nation and state, developed during the decades of decolonisation and the early years of state- and nation-building, are responsible for the different outcomes. Contrary to the expectations of the predominant theories on nationalism the ethno-cultural variant of nation-building in Malaysia proved to be much more integrative than the civic variant espoused by the Indonesian nation-builders.  相似文献   
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