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 通过建立讨价还价理论模型,本文证明了谈判过程中让步成本较小的一方获得的收益较少。由于存在预算软约束和相对严重的委托代理问题,国有企业的让步并不会给代理人造成相应损失,相应地国有企业议价能力较低。运用2006年海关进出口交易数据,使用双边随机前沿分析方法(Two-tier SFA)测度谈判底线,本文估算了中国国有企业的国际议价能力。结果显示:(1)国有企业的讨价还价能力低于民营企业和外资企业;(2)国有企业的讨价还价能力也低于进出口交易伙伴,其进口价格高于公允价格3.69%,出口价格低于公允价格6.17%。因而继续推进市场化改革,中国才能在国际市场上获取公平的贸易收益。  相似文献   
Structuring and simulating negotiation: An approach and an example   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Negotiation is a complex and dynamic decision process during which parties perceptions, preferences, and roles may change. Modelling such a process requires flexible and powerful tools. The use of rule-based formalism is therefore expanded from its traditional expert system type technique, to structuring and restructuring non-trivial processes like negotiation. Using rules we build a model of a negotiation problem. Some rules are used to infer positions and reactions of the parties, other rules are used to modify problem representation when such a modification is necessary. We illustrate the approach with a contract negotiation case between two large companies. We also show how this approach could help one party to realize that negotiations are being carried on against their assumptions and expectations.  相似文献   
This paper reports on a study that examined the impact of computer presentation of suggested solutions during negotiation, in bargaining situations that can be characterized as integrative or distributive. It was found that in the integrative task, the bargainers achieved higher joint outcomes when presented with suggestions. They had a more negative perception of the negotiation atmosphere, however. In the distributive task, the suggestions did not help achieve joint gains, but it lessened negative attitudes of the bargainers. Bargainers who received suggestions felt both they and their partner had been somewhat more flexible, cooperative, considerate, and less suspicious. Thus, regardless of negotiation situation, the suggestions resulted in some benefit to the negotiators.  相似文献   
Decision support and negotiation research: A researcher's perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intellectual interchange between methodologists interested in supporting negotiation practice and negotiation researchers who have been developing conceptual frameworks of the process and outcome must be enlivened. Taking the perspective of a researcher concerned with understanding and explaining the process of negotiation, the author highlights several key theoretical concepts that DSS developers should consider in designing techniques for practitioners which will introduce dynamic and creative aspects and provide a firm theoretical underpinning for their DSS approaches.  相似文献   
1870年的中日交涉--以总署大臣历届办法的运用为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般来说,他国与清政府开始国交之时,外国使臣需有钦差头衔,条约的商议地点应在天津及需有已订约国的介绍,此为"历届办法".在以"历届办法"处理日本使臣访中并要求缔结通商条约这一外交事务过程中,清朝最高外交机构的总理各国事务衙门的大臣所表述的"人云亦云"的对日认识,从一个侧面反映了当时中国官员对日认识的水准.以"新形式"向历届办法进行挑战的日本使臣,在李鸿章等中国官员的支持下,取得了一些外交成果,同时也对以后的交涉产生了影响.  相似文献   
靳华 《北方论丛》2002,(6):67-70
宋金嘉定议和后,金方逐渐丧失了以往那种控制宋金关系发展方向的主动权,这个过程大致经历了三个阶段.其中金的衰弱,金的内忧外患严重,宋始终不忘与金的世仇是导致这种状况的主要原因.与此同时,嘉定议和后的宋金关系的变化,客观上加速了两国灭亡的历史进程.  相似文献   
曾纪泽作为晚清驻英法俄三国公使,在中国近代外交史上扮演了重要角色。在中俄伊犁问题交涉期间,他审时度势,采取了备战促和的谈判策略,较好地维护了国家利益。同时,伊犁谈判也反映了此一时期中外关系的发展脉络和晚清政府的外交态势,对清政府更好地开展外交活动提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   
WTO多哈回合谈判历经曲折一直未能圆满完成,其在农业谈判中确定的取消发达国家出口补贴、设立特殊保障机制、对粮食欠缺国家进行粮食援助等议题将有助于发展中国家解决粮食危机问题,但农产品市场的进一步开放,特殊产品等议题拖延未决,以及发达国家对取消农业补贴承诺的实质履行效果等对发展中国家粮食安全会产生潜在不良影响。未来的多哈农业谈判应进一步关注发展中国家粮食安全问题,落实之前谈判中已达成的有关议题,并考虑组织创建发展中国家协调性的粮食安全保障机制,拓宽粮食议题谈判范围等,确保发展中国家粮食安全问题得到真正解决。  相似文献   
在60年代,中苏关系最低落的时期,两国边界出现严峻的武装冲突的同时,也有许多重要的利益相互重叠;两国不仅避免了战争的爆发,而且建立了相当频繁的接触;两国关系的改善,是由于两国谈判达成的谅解,对缓和中苏关系注入有限的、可贵的成分。  相似文献   
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