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Public Relations Review is the oldest academic journal of public relations, celebrating its 45th year in 2020. This research analyzes the journal through a bibliometric census and co-citation analysis of every article in its history. Initial findings were shared with 17 senior scholars, who provided their insights on the history of the journal and its impact on the growth of the discipline. The interviews produced multiple themes regarding the impact of the journal and the evolution of research. Findings from the mixed-methods analysis include that research in the journal has grown exponentially and become more cohesive over time, that Public Relations Review has been a responsive vehicle for scholarly growth, that a wide variety of economic incentives have driven the agendas of the journal (and of researchers), and that fostering healthy disagreement among researchers is among the next steps forward for the discipline.  相似文献   
The past few decades have witnessed numerous crises that have drawn increasing attention to the study of crisis leadership. However, research in this field remains fragmented and existing reviews often adopt a subjective approach to identify and synthesize the findings of relevant articles. These limitations make it difficult for scholars to appreciate the progress made in the literature, to derive comprehensive and objective insights, and to forge a path ahead. This study synthesizes theoretical insights and empirical findings in the crisis leadership literature using bibliometric techniques. We first review the intellectual structure of the crisis leadership literature by conducting co-citation and bibliographic coupling analyses. We then map the major conceptual themes in the crisis leadership literature via a co-word analysis. To supplement the findings of the bibliometric analyses, we review the key methodological approaches adopted by crisis leadership researchers. Based on the integrative insights, we propose a research agenda highlighting opportunities for theoretical and methodological advancements in crisis leadership research.  相似文献   
农村信用社省联社改革虽然在特定历史阶段发挥了积极作用,但由于改革的不彻底性,双重身份的法律定位模糊,股权关系错位造成权责归属倒置,对基层社的独立自主经营造成干扰,难以避免地方政府的干预,地方不断提高农村信用社法人层级的趋势明显,信用社产权制度边缘化,面临"内部人控制"和"外部人干预"的双重风险。深化省联社改革应渐进式改良,对省联社职能边界重新界定,强化服务、弱化管理,抑制其转型为银行总部的利益冲动。地方政府应通过职能转变合理履行管理职能。  相似文献   
目前广泛使用的"违宪审查"概念在内容上对应于西方语境中的"constitutional review",但是反过来,"constitutional review"的原译很难直接对应"违宪审查"."违宪审查"概念在方法论层面主要表现为审查中的一种方法以及否定性功能."宪法审查"、"违宪审查"与"合宪性审查"概念间的混用,在很大程度上源于方法论认识的缺失."是否违宪"与"是否合宪"在方法论上具有截然不同的内容.这种方法论上的区分,在学理上可以溯源至塞耶谦抑主义.从作为实践形态的合宪性推定方法可知,"合宪性审查"概念在方法论层面具有特定的内容.通过在方法论层面辨析"宪法诉讼"、"司法审查"、"宪法实施"、"宪法遵守"、"宪法适用"、"宪法执行"、"宪法监督"等相关概念,构建以方法论为中心的概念体系,对于宪法方法的知识完备以及中国宪法审查制度的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   


In February 2009 the Improving Maternity Services in Australia – The Report of the Maternity Services Review (MSR) was released, with the personal stories of women making up 407 of the more than 900 submissions received. A significant proportion (53%) of the women were said to have had personal experience with homebirth. Little information is provided on what was said about homebirth in these submissions and the decision by the MSR not to include homebirth in the funding and insurance reforms being proposed is at odds with the apparent demand for this option of care.


Data for this study comprised 832 submissions to the MSR that are publicly available on the Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health and Aging website. All 832 submissions were downloaded, coded and then entered into NVivo. Content analysis was used to analyse the data that related to homebirth.


450 of the submissions were from consumers of maternity services (54%). Four hundred and seventy (60%) of the submissions mentioned homebirth. Overall there were 715 references to home birth in the submissions. The submissions mentioning homebirth most commonly discussed the ‘Benefits’ and ‘Barriers’ in accessing this option of care. Benefits to the baby, mother and family were described, along with the benefits obtained from having a midwife at the birth, receiving continuity of care and having a good birth experience. Barriers were described as not having access to a midwife, no funding, no insurance and lack of clinical privileging for midwives.


Many positive recommendations have come from the MSR, however the decision to exclude homebirth from these reforms is perplexing considering the large number of submissions describing the benefits of and barriers to homebirth in Australia. A concerning number of submissions discuss having had or having considered an unattended birth at home due to these barriers. Overall there is the belief that not enabling access to funded, insured homebirth in Australia is a violation of human rights. It appears that homebirth was considered by the MSR as ‘too hot to handle’ and by dismissing it as a minority issue the government sought to avoided dealing with homebirth as a ‘sensitive and controversial issue.’  相似文献   
1911-1920年毛泽东的编辑实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
青年毛泽东早期积极投身革命报刊的编辑实践 ,在创办《湘江评论》和主编《新湖南》以及为《大公报》、《申报》等国内诸多报刊撰写、编辑稿件、设立各类通讯组织等编辑实践中都表现出以报刊为阵地 ,与封建专制制度、与军阀作战斗 ;表现出积极扩大马克思主义在湖南的传播和宣传的编辑实践特点  相似文献   
综括而言,国内有关公务员激励机制的研究大致可分为六种路径:一是激励原则;二是公务员制度;三是公务员行政伦理法制化;四是公务员激励要素;五是公务员行政环境;六是公务员人力资本产权。其中,公务员人力资本产权激励是一个亟待探索的领域。  相似文献   
1893年,美国康奈尔大学的三位教师创办了《物理评论》,成为美国第一本物理学刊物。大约40年后,发展为物理学界最核心的权威期刊。文章介绍了《物理评论》最初60年的发展历程,并对此期间期刊的容量进行了统计研究,结合统计期间美国的时代特征,分析社会变革对学术期刊的影响。  相似文献   
《独立评论》是民国时期非常有影响的政论性刊物,曾积极参与20世纪30年代中国乡村建设方案的讨论和设计,它提出在中国乡村现代化进程中以工业带动农业、以都市救济乡村、发展工商业、节制农村人口等独到见解,体现了一代知识分子对中国乡村命运的关注,丰富和深化了民国时期乡村建设理论,也为当代新农村建设提供了有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
<红楼梦>开篇就宣称此书是"大旨谈情",脂砚斋也在批语中明确指出,<红楼梦>主要是写"情"的,是"一篇尽情文字".<红楼梦>中的"情",主要是指"儿女之情",作者的目的就是"要将儿女之情发泄一二","儿女之情"是"情情"与"情不情"的统一."情情",是指"谁对我有情,我即对谁有情."是对爱情的专一,情之所钟,一往情深;"情不情"是指对所有人和物都付诸真情,是一种博爱精神.<红楼梦>中的"情"又是一种悲情,揭示的是作者"情"的破灭、审美理想幻灭的悲剧.  相似文献   
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