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学术界对于武则天的家世生平多有研究 ,但仍有许多问题悬而未决。史实证明 ,武则天并非出于胡族 ;其母亲杨氏亦非出身寒微 ,以往有关她的年龄记载亦有误。据此 ,杨氏的年龄不足以成为武则天出生地的判断依据。而她出生于广元 ,亦非空穴来风之说  相似文献   
为纪念曹雪芹逝世240周年,应当对这位特立独出的中国伟大小说家在以往研究的基础上作出新的审视和理解。本文认为,曹雪芹的文学成就并非个人的才华所至,而是一种氏族文化特色的丰厚积累的高层造诣。本文即以此为出发点,提出应从氏族文化的角度纵观弘览,方能认识曹雪芹的才华、造诣是一种三千年的中华文化珍贵积累;若将他“孤立”起来,把《红楼梦》视为一个“个体”的一时的偶然的文艺产物,必致失于肤浅甚至走样失实。本文从周初武王克商为始,以“诗礼簪缨”为表现为脉络,论证了曹氏自周初至明末的曹姓氏族文化概貌、文化特点,抉示了他们的“门风”“世德”——即曹雪芹开卷即特笔标出的“诗礼簪缨”之族的具体历史内容及其意义,从而显示了《红楼梦》是中华文化小说这一命题的实义。  相似文献   
Scholars know far less about ‘national identity’ than ‘nations’ and ‘nationalism’. The authors argue that the concept is sociologically important and briefly discuss its relationship with language. They examine empirically how people living in the Gàidhealtachd, the area of Scotland associated with Gaelic language and culture, whether they are Gaelic speakers or not, whether incomers or not, go about their territorial identity business. The article shows how respondents’ Gaelic identity relates to their British and Scottish identity; how people living in the Gàidhealtachd assess putative claims to a Gaelic identity based variously on language, residence and ancestry; and how they see the balance between ‘cultural’ and ‘political’ elements in Gaelic. The authors argue that to study ‘what makes a Gael?’ highlights the key role territorial identity plays in connecting social structure to social action, and also that identity provides a set of meanings and understandings through which people experience social structure and feel empowered to act.  相似文献   
This paper explores how multiracial parents with White partners articulate narratives of ethnic and racial ‘dilution’ and cultural loss in relation to the socialization of their children. In our broader study of how multiracial parents raise their children, we found that parents commonly spoke of concerns around dilution and generational change in relation to four key themes: the loss of cultural knowledge and diminishing practices that connected parents and their children to a minority ancestry; the embodiment of White‐appearing children and the implications of this for family relationships; the use of biological or genetic discourses in relation to reduced blood quantum; and concerns amongst Black/White participants about whitening and the loss of racial consciousness. Parental understandings of dilution varied greatly; some expressed sadness at ‘inevitable’ loss; others were more philosophical about generational change; and others still proactively countered loss through strategies to connect their children to their minority heritages. We show that despite growing awareness of the social constructedness of race and an emergent cosmopolitanism among these parents, discourses of genetics, cultural lineage, and the ‘naturalness’ of race continue to hold sway amongst many multiracial parents.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the history and future directions of ethnic sensitive social work practice. We highlight the context within which the approach was developed and current sociodemographic trends. The various rights movements of the sixties and seventies pointed to the need to refocus on social class and ethnicity. The new demographic landscape, largely a function policies, reinforces the importance of concepts such as the ethnic reality and other aspects of our work.  相似文献   
合水"唐朝列圣之碑"是唐薛王十三世孙李天章为纪念其先祖而立,该碑正面记载了自唐高祖至唐昭宣帝294年间21个皇帝的尊号、名讳、在位数、寿数、陵址、皇后、子嗣等。这些记载为研究唐代历史、尤其是唐王朝世系提供了宝贵资料。但由于碑文历时久远,剥蚀严重,今人释文存在明显的错误,补其所缺及正确释文将对人们的研究有所补益。  相似文献   
陈桂枝 《阴山学刊》2001,14(1):11-15
古人有“崇祀高禖”以求子的习俗.《诗经》中的《大雅  相似文献   
一祖多宗现象,是中国姓氏文化的重要特色。屈原在《离骚》起句就寻根认祖,意在表明自己和楚怀王共为颛顼之胄,有一脉相承、休戚与共的关系,希望怀王能接受自己的赤子忠心,体察自己改革荆楚弊政,实现统一大业的苦心。  相似文献   
把儒教放在更广阔的视野(如社会学、经济学、宗教学、人类学等多方面)来考察,儒教的宗教信仰核心为“敬天法祖”。宗教的西者的地位随着中国社会的发展、政治形势的变化而有所变化。儒教享有君主制下独占的特权,神权皇权高度统一。  相似文献   
Asia‐born migrants form a majority of Australia's immigrants. Most of the larger Asian birthplace groups are ethnically heterogeneous. However, the literature on the occupations of migrants in Australia has tended to overlook the diversity within individual migrant groups. Using 2011 census data, this study details for the first time the significant variation in the occupational distributions between ancestry subgroups of the 10 largest Asian birthplace groups in Australia. A majority of the birthplace and ancestry groups have higher overall occupational status scores than the Australia‐born. The European and Australian ancestry subgroups are more likely to be managers, while the Chinese and Indian ancestry groups are more likely to be in particular professional occupations and to have higher overall occupational status than other ancestry groups from the same birthplace. In other ancestry subgroups such as Punjabi and Sikh ancestry India‐born, high proportions of migrants are in low‐skilled occupations, indicating wastage of skills.  相似文献   
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