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Because of the inherent complexity of biological systems, there is often a choice between a number of apparently equally applicable physiologically based models to describe uptake and metabolism processes in toxicology or risk assessment. These models may fit the particular data sets of interest equally well, but may give quite different parameter estimates or predictions under different (extrapolated) conditions. Such competing models can be discriminated by a number of methods, including potential refutation by means of strategic experiments, and their ability to suitably incorporate all relevant physiological processes. For illustration, three currently used models for steady-state hepatic elimination--the venous equilibration model, the parallel tube model, and the distributed sinusoidal perfusion model--are reviewed and compared with particular reference to their application in the area of risk assessment. The ability of each of the models to describe and incorporate such physiological processes as protein binding, precursor-metabolite relations and hepatic zones of elimination, capillary recruitment, capillary heterogeneity, and intrahepatic shunting is discussed. Differences between the models in hepatic parameter estimation, extrapolation to different conditions, and interspecies scaling are discussed, and criteria for choosing one model over the others are presented. In this case, the distributed model provides the most general framework for describing physiological processes taking place in the liver, and has so far not been experimentally refuted, as have the other two models. These simpler models may, however, provide useful bounds on parameter estimates and on extrapolations and risk assessments.  相似文献   
针对汽液两相流升压装置利用经验模型计算的过程中,仅能对出口压力进行计算,且计算值与实验值有较大误差的弱点,提出了用直接接触凝结(DCC)的理论求解汽液两相流的一维理论模型。计算升压装置的最大出口压力,分析其他参量的变化规律。结果表明,汽液两相流在凝结激波前为泡沫流,在凝结激波后完全凝结成单相水的情况下,升压装置的出口压力达到最大值。  相似文献   
This paper presents a quantitative study of syntactic change in the context of Mayan language revitalization in Guatemala. Quantitative analyses of grammatical variation and code‐switching patterns were used to examine the degree of Spanish influence in the speech of three generations of Sipakapense‐Spanish bilinguals. The younger generations show lower frequencies of code‐switching compared to the oldest generation. In terms of syntactic variation, younger speakers show patterns that suggest a resistance to influence from Spanish. The results suggest that younger speakers are hyperdifferentiating the two languages by avoiding traditional Sipakapense constructions that could be interpreted as resulting from Spanish influence. The analysis highlights the important role of language ideology in cases of language change due to contact and language shift.  相似文献   
巫术在远古时代是人们生活的核心,汉字是先民以概念的形式和理性的认识对自然现象、社会现象的分析和概括。本文旨在通过"对鬼""﹑巫""﹑修""、姅"等相关汉字初形、语义场的分析,采用逻辑分析的方法,以考察原始巫术的源头发生,追踪其流变历史,探析其形式背后的规律。我们认为,巫术的实质是一种错误联系,"但公众巫术"在历史发展中起到了一定的积极作用,因此,对巫术应进行辩证的认识。  相似文献   
各民族交往交流交融是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的路径选择。民族社会结构的存在和发展为各民族交往交流交融提供了可实现的行动空间及空间生产基础,运用空间生产理论对民族交往交流交融的空间生产与空间结构进行分析,即各民族交往的物质空间生产是基于共同利益与互惠发展的经济交往、各民族交流的符号空间生产是注重共有价值和情感寄托的文化交流、各民族交融的精神空间生产是强调生活互嵌和共生体验的精神交融。基于此,加强各民族交往交流交融的实践路径应是推动民族地区经济交往,构建以平衡互惠为原则的多民族经济圈;促进民族乡土文化交流,发展以情感共鸣为重心的乡村文化中心;深化各族群众生活交融,规划以结构互嵌为内核的社区公共空间。通过上述路径,达成铸牢中华民族共同体意识的根本目标。  相似文献   
高甲布努瑶歌文本是瑶族用壮族古壮字传抄并以北部壮语方言为主要演述语言的民间口承文献。桂西北壮汉瑶三族交错杂居的分布特征为群际接触提供重要场域,也为民族交往交流交融奠定空间基础。受接触场景中政治、交通、经济与教育等各种因素的影响,清末民初桂西北壮汉瑶三族的群际接触分为积极与消极两种接触情况,其群际接触的中介变量包括群体间的依存关系、群际互动、群际情绪和认知因素等,这些中介变量所凝练出的历史经验对当前推动民族交流交融仍具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
冷战期间由于各种各样错综复杂的原因,在中国周边地区曾经发生多次国际危机。它们对中国的内政外交、国家统一、国际地位乃至世界格局影响重大而深远。时至今日,一些问题仍悬而未决,并困扰着中国。进入后冷战时期,在中国周边地区又发生多次国际危机,其中一些危机不仅与冷战时期的危机有密切联系,而且与中国的国家利益攸关。汲取冷战时期中国应对国际危机的经验和教训,今后中国政府面对可能发生的国际危机,应该增强国家综合实力,促使解决国际危机手段的多样化,建立和完善国际危机预警和管理机制,重视军事手段在化解危机中的重要性。  相似文献   
从分尖团到不分尖团,是汉语方言发展演变的大趋势。无锡方言尖团音似分又混的现象初露端倪,表明它正处在由分到混的初始阶段。它所体现出的参差不齐的语音现象,正是我们考察这一发展进程的活化石。本文采用随机抽样调查的手段,结合变项规则分析法来考察与无锡市区方言精组尖音字的变化相关的语言因素,从而揭示出方言在和普通话接触之下是如何逐渐向普通话靠拢的。  相似文献   
赵兵 《民族学刊》2015,6(3):68-71,123-124
岷江流域是长江上游重要的支流,其生态地位特别重要,本文分析了岷江上游地区面临的基本生态问题,提出了岷江上游地区生态屏障体系建设的原则、依据与目标,根据岷江上游区域生态系统的空间特征、生态敏感性和生态系统服务功能,将该区域划分为三个生态功能区并确立了森林牧草、水域湿地、农田作物等生态屏障建设重点内容,切实有效维护该区域的生态经济可持续发展和资源环境的有效保护。  相似文献   
This study uses a service operations management (SOM) strategy lens to investigate chain store retailers' strategic design responsiveness (SDR)—a term that captures the degree to which retailers dynamically coordinate investments in human and structural capital with the complexity of their service and product offerings. Labor force and physical capital are respectively used as proxies for investments in human capital and structural capital, whereas gross margins are proxies for product/service offering complexity. Consequently, SDR broadly reflects three salient complementary choices of SOM design strategy. We test the effects of “brick and mortar” chain store retailers' SDR on current and future firm performance using publically available panel data collected from Compustat and the University of Michigan American Customer Satisfaction Index databases for the period 1996–2011. We find that retailers that fail to keep pace with investments in both structural and human capital exhibit short‐term financial benefits, but have worse ongoing operational performance. These findings corroborate the importance of managers strategically maintaining the complementarity of design‐related choices for improving and maintaining business performance.  相似文献   
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