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龙头企业带动型农业产业化模式思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业产业化经营是为节约交易费用而发生的诱致性制度变迁。我国典型的农业产业化经营组织形式是龙头企业带动型。文章分析了农业产业化经营龙头企业与农户的3种主要利益联结模式:市场联结、契约联结与产权联结。探讨了契约式利益模式的缺陷并提出优化对策。  相似文献   
This paper discusses key issues emerging from a review of theliterature on reuniting children in public care with their families,examining the basis for common assumptions about reunification.It focuses on three important issues: the evidence on the timingof discharge, the evidence on parental contact and the viewthat reunion is necessarily a positive outcome for children.Reviewing the research on the links between time in care andthe probability of reunification, it argues that this researchevidence has sometimes been misinterpreted. This has also beenthe case in relation to studies of the links between contactand reunification. The paper then presents the limited evidenceon the outcomes of reunification, including evidence on re-entry,re-abuse and psychosocial outcomes, arguing that such evidenceas exists clearly indicates a need for caution when returningabused or neglected children to their families. It is arguedthat greater attention to assessment, planning and follow-upsupport is needed if children are to be successfully reunitedwith their families and that more research is needed into theoutcomes of reunification.  相似文献   
洪命熹在朝鲜现代文学史上占有举足轻重的地位,他和崔南善、李光洙被称为"朝鲜三天才"。他不仅作为一名作家,更是作为一名民族解放运动家而名满天下。他的创作大力推进了朝鲜文学从近代到现代的过渡。洪命熹仅有的作品《林巨正》是一部百科全书似的大河历史小说,被誉为"奇书"。主人公林巨正在小说中先后与六名女性建立关系,背后隐藏着丰富的文化意蕴,两性关系属社会敏感的神经,研究它能够以斑见豹,达到解读林巨正形象的复杂多面及科学解析小说的最终目的。  相似文献   
河套文化体现了游牧与农耕文化的互惠共生和相融共生的共生关系。文化接触带独特的自然地理环境、人文地理环境对河套文化形成、发展和演进起了主要的作用。  相似文献   
历史上由于河湟地区回汉民族在居住空间上的杂居特点,因而使回汉两族在文化、经济等方面有着广泛的交流。从而使回汉民族不仅在思想文化上有许多共通之处,而且在社会经济发展中互相学习、取长补短、共同发展,形成了一种比较亲密的主流关系。回汉关系是我国民族关系中非常重要的一种族际关系。探讨这一关系形成的原因及特点,不仅有利于促进民族团结、稳定边疆,而且对各民族共同发展亦有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
海外华人与中国大陆的联系十分广泛和密切。特别是从中国大陆1978年改革开放以来,这种联系的程度更加深化,方式也更加多元化,其中海外华人与中国大陆的经济联系,如直接和间接投资,对中国经济的快速发展和日趋繁荣发挥了不可替代的推动作用。  相似文献   
目前中国非国有经济的高速增长主要得益于内部融资,而外部金融支持却很少,这与资本自由流动的属性及其存在的前提是相矛盾的。造成这种局面的主要原因是资本供给方面的约束,即融资主体存在着“预算软约束”,信贷市场中存在着非市场化的“隐含契约”关系及证券市场的不完善。  相似文献   
Regardless of the variability and complexity in the linguistic environment around them, children begin constructing stable linguistic identities at a young age. Prior research has effectively modeled child dialect acquisition in terms of parent influence versus peer influence, and peer influence has often been shown to be the key determiner. The present study takes the next step by showing that the parent/peer group contrast in prior studies should be viewed as a special case of a more general pattern: children learn and construct dialect identity as a process of group distinction. Using data the author collected among exogamous Sui clans in rural southwest China, the present study shows how diverse cultures can lend new perspectives to the issue of parent/peer influence; Sui children's linguistic worlds are not divided along parent/peer lines but rather along clan lines, yet a similar process of group distinction occurs.  相似文献   
清末中国在一些有识之士的推动下 ,参加国际博览会 2 0多次 ,走过了由借助外国人应酬到专派华员监督、精心组织的不凡历程 ,发展了国际交往 ,开阔了视野。为改变中国的落后局面 ,一些爱国之士因此走上了振兴工商业的道路  相似文献   
文章根据国内外语言接触研究现状,从语言接触有界还是无界、语言接触是否会产生系统的同构和对应以及语言接触的决定性因素是社会因素还是结构因素三个根本问题方面介绍了国内外学者的观点,并重点介绍了陈保亚的观点:语言接触涉及到词汇、语音,甚至语法,变异的“度”由结构因素决定;社会因素决定接触的深度;结构因素决定了同构和对应的产生。  相似文献   
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