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Despite the attention given to what actors do, identity theorists give virtually no attention to those behaviors in which individuals do not engage, the assumption being that these acts are not influential. In this article, I use the generic case of the virgin identity to demonstrate the social construction of what I term never identities, a subcategory of the various identities based on not engaging in particular acts (simply, not doings). Through the use of fictional genre, it becomes evident that such identities are not based on absence alone, but are more about demonstrated resistance to the trials of temptation and the evaluation of these tests by others. While this article focuses on the construction of such identities under specific historical circumstances, I argue that the findings lay the groundwork for further exploration of a largely overlooked yet critical area of identity research. Future research on never identities should consider the temporal norms of such identities (e.g., the expected stay in such states), the degree of technical purity required, and the issue of directionality (i.e., whether one can return to such identities subsequent to exiting).  相似文献   
Prior research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has documented how specific CSR activities relate to responses of relevant stakeholders, mainly examining employees. However, it is as yet unclear whether these findings generalize to other types of CSR activities or to responses of other stakeholder groups. In fact, results from studies to date also show inconsistent effects in need of further explanation.In this contribution we offer a new perspective on this literature. We extend current insights on organizational CSR activities and stakeholder support, by elaborating on the psychological mechanisms that can explain these relations. We draw together recent developments on organizational anthropomorphism with insights on organizational identification, to argue that the impact of CSR activities on a broad range of stakeholder responses depends on perceptions of organizational morality. We connect prior work on organizational ethics, CSR, and stakeholder support, to social psychological theory and research on impression formation, impression management, and impression updating. This new perspective allows us to broaden the current debate on CSR and stakeholder support.Building on this analysis, we propose a new model that offers a roadmap for future research. We explain the impact of organizational CSR on stakeholder responses, by highlighting perceived organizational morality as a key mediating variable. We then proceed to consider likely moderators of this relation distinguishing between (a) characteristics of the organization, (b) characteristics of (communications about) CSR activities, and (c) characteristics of the perceivers. On the basis of this extended model we develop specific predictions, and review initial evidence supporting these prediction.  相似文献   
现有研究对于威胁情境和个体亲社会行为的关系并未达成共识.对于两者之间的关系,本研究以新冠肺炎疫情为具体研究情境,从威胁情境的时间和类型两个角度填补了以往研究的空白,以内群体认同和关注他人为中介机制,提出重大公共威胁情境下影响个体捐赠意愿的双路径形成机制和相关调节变量.本文的研究表明,对于新冠疫情这种捐赠方和受助方同时面对的公共威胁情境:1)潜在捐助者所在地的疫情严重程度对其捐赠意愿的影响没有显著差异.2)群体认同和关注他人具有相反的中介作用,其掩盖了潜在捐助者所在地的疫情严重程度对其捐赠意愿的影响;本地疫情严重程度一方面会增强个体的内群体认同继而正向影响捐赠意愿,另一方面会使个体减少关注他人继而减弱其捐赠意愿.3)威胁情境影响过程中,区域文化取向调节了内群体认同的正向中介作用和关注他人的负向中介作用.具体而言,相较于偏个体主义,当区域文化取向为偏集体主义时,本地疫情严重程度对于内群体认同的正向影响能够增强,对于关注他人的负向影响能够减弱.  相似文献   
历史记忆与族群认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借鉴安东尼.史密斯的族群—象征主义理论,分别从神话、仪式两方面论述历史记忆与族群认同的关系以及族群认同的变动,认为族群认同既是情感—象征的,也是工具—政治—经济的,我们应该看到它们之间的关联以及利益、竞争的分配和规则。  相似文献   
This paper explores the dialectic of place and community identity in Mount Pleasant, a multi–ethnic and multi–class U.S. neighborhood where definitions of place are hotly contested among its residents. In a grant proposal for public toilets, Mount Pleasant writers use linguistic strategies such as presupposition, deixis, and contrast, coupled with discursive themes of filth and geography, to construct a core of the Mount Pleasant community. The writers place themselves and people who share their values in that core, and immigrants at the margins. These strategies serve as a discursive type of spatial purification practice (cf. Sibley 1988) through which the grantwriters set up a moral and spatial order where they and other core community members are deemed to use space ‘appropriately’, and thus inhabit positive moral positions, while immigrant community members’ imputed ‘inappropriate’ use of space is used to construct negative moral positions for them.  相似文献   
歌唱学习者成长的道路问题是一个认知能力的把握问题,这种认知能力把握水平的高低决定了他们的定位。在歌唱学习过程中合理把握自我知觉与群体评价的和谐关系,全面参照现实形象与角色形象,保持同一性,度衡自尊性,是自我意象在当前的歌唱学习大潮中所衍生的重要要求,更是歌唱学习健康发展的必要保障。  相似文献   
准市民的身份定位   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
无论在学术界还是日常生活语境中,对农民的定义有两个涵义,一是职业的,二是身份的,人们更偏向于从身份的角度理解农民。大批的农民工进城,在城市形成了一个新的准市民阶层,他们中的多数人将自己的身份定位在农村。而制度障碍、土地牵制、交往局限、社会歧视等因素,使准市民难以与城市和市民融合。长期的不融合会引发诸多的社会问题,影响城市化、现代化的进展。  相似文献   
同妻群体的虚拟互动实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网的快速发展和广泛使用,为同妻这一在现实生活中由于地域、文化等原因无法进行群体间社会互动的特殊文化群体提供了一个必要的交流平台和场域,因而虚拟互动对于同妻群体具有极其重要的现实意义。以网络同妻群体作为研究对象,采用人类学中虚拟田野调查的方法,通过参与观察和结构性访谈对同妻群体的虚拟互动过程进行描述分析,认为同妻群体因情感亲和与寻求社会支持等原因进入虚拟互动场域之中,通过同妻与客户端、同妻与同妻志愿者、同妻与其他同妻等不同类型的交谈互动,不断质疑"我是谁",倾诉自己的痛苦感受,不断反思自身,重建自我的存在价值和生活意义,并在此过程中逐步建构"自我"与"他者"的边界。虚拟互动实践促进了同妻群体对其自身身份的确立和认同,为从虚拟社会工作的层面合理地疏导同妻问题,提升同妻生活质量提供了有益的现实基础。  相似文献   
李永政  王李霞 《民族学刊》2014,5(1):88-91,127-128
文化融合是一种客观的历史现象,也是现今的一种社会存在状态;是民族关系的重要内容,也是文化得以发展的重要途径。国家的概念则是近现代才从西方国家传入的新鲜产物,是生活在其地域范围内的人们对其所在国家的认识、评价与情感,主要表现于国家政治共同体和结构层面以及共同的中华民族的精神层面的认同。国家认同于国家本身、于个人都具有非常重要的意义,其中少数民族的国家认同问题显得尤为迫切。而国家认同教育是国家认同构建中的重要内容和方式。学校教育是建立国家认同的有效途径。我国的各民族的文化融合是少数民族国家认同教育的前提与基础、有力保障、表现形式,也是少数民族大学生国家认同教育的高级目标,具有重要的意义与深远的影响。我国也从中国的实际情况出发,并吸收了中国历来坚持"和而不同"处理民族关系的宝贵经验与优秀传统,制定出了相应的民族政策,坚定地保障民族文化融合,加强少数民族的国家认同教育,促进国家的稳定与团结。  相似文献   
第一代美国犹太文学是犹太美国人的隔离苦难史。第二代美国犹太作家则刻意疏离犹太身份,其作品也被贴上了"同化"标签。上世纪70年代末,第三代犹太美国作家在作品中毫不掩饰对犹太传统回归的渴望,其文学也随之呈现出"回归"趋势。在全球化背景下,随着第四代美国犹太作家的崛起,流散转向逐渐形成,而介于"流散"趋势与"同化"主题之间的"回归"浪潮是研究美国犹太文学历史和未来的重要连接点,其地位和意义非凡。  相似文献   
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