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Summary This report assesses the primary factor for the evolution of summer diapause of the three species of sawfly,Athalia japonica, A. rosae andA. infumata that feed on cruciferous plants and coexist in the same area.A. japonica has two discrete spring and autumn generations, butA. rosae andA. infumata 5–6 generations. OnlyA. japonica enters summer diapause in response to the long daylengths in spring. Although these three sawflies usually feed on the same cultivated crucifers, they differ markedly in the utilization of wild crucifers. They oviposit only on young leaves.A. japonica mainly usesCardamine plants which sprout in spring and autumn.A. rosae andA. infumata primarily use hosts with new leaves all the year round, i.e. cultivated crucifers andRorippa indica, respectively. The thermal threshold for development is lower inA. japonica than in the other two species. The low heat tolerance ofA. japonica is adapted only to cool shady habitats whereCardamine grows. Presumably, summer diapause ofA. japonica is adaptation to the deterioration of the primary host plants rather than unfavorable climatic conditions. This interpretation is supported by the movement patterns of the threeAthalia sawflies, alternative means to escape from deteriorated habitat conditions.  相似文献   
文学的地域性与气候(物候)的差异性有密切关系。中国气候(物候)的南北差异、东西差异、高下差异和时代差异,深刻影响了中国古典诗歌的南北差异、东西差异、高下差异和时代差异,使中国古典诗歌呈现出不同的地域景观、地域色彩和地域风格。气候(物候)的差异性与文学的地域性关系是文学地理学的一个基本问题,对这个问题的考察,可以让我们比较具体地理解文学与气候的关系,进而理解文学与自然地理环境的关系。  相似文献   
Reducing the risk of introduction to North America of the invasive Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar asiatica Vnukovskij and L. d. japonica [Motschulsky]) on international maritime vessels involves two tactics: (1) vessels that wish to arrive in Canada or the United States and have visited any Asian port that is subject to regulation during designated times must obtain a predeparture inspection certificate from an approved entity; and (2) vessels with a certificate may be subjected to an additional inspection upon arrival. A decision support tool is described here with which the allocation of inspection resources at North American ports can be partitioned among multiple vessels according to estimates of the potential onboard Asian gypsy moth population and estimates of the onboard larval emergence pattern. The decision support tool assumes that port inspection is uniformly imperfect at the Asian ports and that each visit to a regulated port has potential for the vessel to be contaminated with gypsy moth egg masses. The decision support tool uses a multigenerational phenology model to estimate the potential onboard population of egg masses by calculating the temporal intersection between the dates of port visits to regulated ports and the simulated oviposition pattern in each port. The phenological development of the onboard population is simulated each day of the vessel log until the vessel arrives at the port being protected from introduction. Multiple independent simulations are used to create a probability distribution of the size and timing of larval emergence.  相似文献   
《夏小正》是中国现存最早的气候物候历,书中记载了大量的植物物候信息。植物考证可以解决历代注释中植物名莫衷一是的问题,客观认知早期农业发展和植物的关系,同时有助于重建历史时期的气候变化。《夏小正》中共记录29种植物,除一种存疑外,其他隶属17科26属,其中木本植物占31%,草本植物占69%,禾本科和菊科出现的植物最多,水生植物和湿生植物占据一定的比重。蓼蓝、芸苔、韭、桃、杏、枣等植物的栽培首次见于文献,反映了该时期的农业技术已初具规模;大部分植物具有较强的实用性,主要作为早期先民的食物、香料、染料、木材以及衣物原料。  相似文献   
北方民族在长期的渔猎生产中逐渐形成了以物候确定年岁、季节的自然物候历, 用以指导人们的生产与生活。由于萨满教仪式常常与经济活动的节律相关, 北方民族萨满祭祀的时间、内容和祭祀重心都一定程度上受到经济活动以及物候历的影响, 反映了原始萨满教与自然科学的密切关系。  相似文献   
十二地支的文化说解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十二地支是在远古物候历的基础上形成的,它不仅是一套记时系统,而且是一个万物生息、变化的系统。先民近取诸身,远取诸物,通过不同的取象,揭示了万物孕育、生长、衰亡、复生的全过程。它是中国后代历法的基石,并对古代的政治、经济、哲学、宗教、医学等产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   
历史上对《诗经.召南.驺虞》一诗的释读理解多有歧异,多数人认为该诗是对武艺高强的猎人的赞颂之辞。在中国古代小农经济的大背景下,从巫术思维和动植物意象的演化角度来看,我们认为这是一首反映古人观察植物物候与猪的发育、兴旺之关系的民间歌谣。  相似文献   
“二十四番花信风”考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程杰 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):111-122
“二十四番花信风”的说法,最初并非出于南朝宗懔的《荆楚岁时记》,而是南唐徐锴的《岁时广记》。两书都被简称《岁时记》,后者又早已失传,因而后世遂将本属徐锴《岁时广记》的花信风说法误属《荆楚岁时记》。徐锴《岁时广记》只称“花信风”,本指三月鲜花盛开时的风候,其义重在风信,而非花信。稍后出现的“二十四番花信风”,最初所指也主要是清明时节的风信。北宋中期以来遂有初春至初夏,以梅花为首、楝花为尾共二十四番花信风的说法,但具体是哪些名目宋人已莫得其详,或者本就是一种模糊说法。纵观宋元明清的文献材料,所谓“二十四番花信风”中真正可以确认的也只梅花、杏花、海棠、楝花等少数几种。明初王逵提出了完整的二十四番花信风的名目及其象数学依据,影响甚大,后世所说一出于此。但该说将花信风的起始时间上推至小寒,不仅与宋人有关花信风起于立春的说法不合,而且所说小寒、大寒两气的几种花信与实际花期误差明显。针对这一缺陷,清人王廷鼎提出了一套三春六气,每气四种花信的新说法,但未能流行。  相似文献   
《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集 ,内容丰富多彩 ,其中所反映的周代丰富的自然科学知识 ,主要表现为 :有关土地整治、农田水利建设及农业耕作技术等方面的农学知识 ;有关天象星宿、天文历法及地文现象等方面的天文学知识 ;有关地震及不同的山川河流、地形地貌等方面的地学知识 ;有关物候现象及时令物候与人们生产生活的密切关系等方面的物候学知识 ;有关庙宇、家室建筑和多种建筑物及其形貌等方面的建筑学知识。从中可以看出《诗经》在我国历史及文学史上的重要地位和价值 ,以及我国古代劳动人民的勤奋、聪慧和才智。  相似文献   
Effects of urbanization on plant flowering phenology: A review   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Studies of flowering and leafing phenology have dramatically increased during the last few decades because changes in plant phenology can be indicative of possible effects of climate change at multiple scales. This article reviews the available literature focusing on the effects of urbanization on flowering phenology. The literature of flowering phenology in urban environments suggests that spring-blooming plants in a variety of ecosystems in North America, Europe, and China tend to bloom earlier in the city than in the surrounding un-urbanized habitat. Moreover, ephemerals, early spring bloomers, and insect-pollinated plants in these environments tend to be more sensitive than perennials, mid- or late-spring bloomers, and wind-pollinated plants. Researchers attribute advanced flowering in urban environments to the Heat Island Effect. The potential ecological consequences of changes in flowering phenology in urbanized areas are not well understood or explicitly studied. However, studies in global biology have suggested that climate change may result in a series of important ecological consequences as well as human-related problems such as earlier and extended allergy seasons. More field-based studies are needed to elucidate this issue.  相似文献   
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