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关于舜帝的卒葬地,传统一般认为在湖南省宁远县的九疑山。这本来不成问题。然而近些年来,某些地区,例如山西的学者,为了开发旅游资源和当地经济社会发展的需要,根据一些并不可靠的资料加以演绎,将当代的语言、思维和行为强加到古人身上,提出了"舜帝归葬山西"说,并在山西永济修建了规模庞大的舜帝陵墓。通过对历史文献的详细考察和缜密辨析,可以认为,舜帝的归葬地为九疑山是不可动摇的。  相似文献   
何群 《民族学刊》2020,11(1):51-59, 132-133
当今世界多民族国家大多面临如何实现国家社会凝聚,民族认同与国家认同如何一致起来的问题。利用“田野回望”这一认识和研究方法,从生活实际出发,在无论是作为俄罗斯地理的边缘,还是人文的边缘——图瓦,回望莫斯科,回望俄罗斯,回望中央、核心,在图瓦感受俄罗斯民族国家认同,把脉俄罗斯社会凝聚状况。研究显示,图瓦族传统文化功能依然发挥核心作用,同时大量吸收了俄罗斯文化及现代文化要素;“图瓦族”-“我们是图瓦人”的民族意识、民族情感、民族认同意识尚很浓厚,同时俄罗斯国家认同明确,并迫切希望本族、本地区获得高速发展。图瓦个案表明,二十一世纪俄罗斯民族关系的主流表现为民族共生,文化吸收,民族认同与国家认同日益一致的发展趋势。  相似文献   
刘俊哲 《民族学刊》2020,11(2):77-83, 138
宗喀巴指出,佛陀所创正法,唯在于“教”“证”两种,“教”是指佛教教理,“证”为修道中的证悟。宗喀巴《密宗道次第广论》具有鲜明的“教”与“证”相结合的特色。此著在“教”方面体现为本体论、佛性论、人生论、道德论、方法论等哲学思想,贯穿于《密宗道次第广论》的哲学主线是中观应成派一切诸法缘起性空论。通过灌顶、诵咒、观想及借助坛城、法器等修各种瑜伽,以亲证或体现这些哲学思想。诸如此类的哲学思想是《密宗道次第广论》所论述的各种修行实践的深刻内涵,而各种修行实践是其外在表现形式。  相似文献   
李涛  高亮 《民族学刊》2020,11(6):72-80, 166-167
罗兴亚问题是一个多世纪前英殖民者在亚洲埋下的诸多“民族问题”之一,也是孟加拉国与缅甸之间难解的“痼疾”。2017年8月以来,罗兴亚问题的再次爆发给相关国家造成巨大冲击。缅甸在打击罗兴亚暴力活动的同时,反对国际干涉,试图牢牢把握该问题解决进程中的主导权,而孟加拉国在政治、安全、经济和社会等不同层面基于自己的利益考量,寻求将罗兴亚人遣返缅甸,立场的对立使两国关系陷入僵局。而美国和印度介入罗兴亚问题则使地区秩序进一步复杂化,并在舆论和安全等领域影响中国的利益。2020年1月17日至18日,中国国家主席习近平应邀对缅甸进行国事访问,标志着中缅经济走廊从概念规划转入实质建设阶段,也给“罗兴亚问题”的解决带来新契机。  相似文献   
In realist evaluation, where researchers aim to make program theories explicit, they can encounter competing explanations as to how programs work. Managing explanatory tensions from different sources of evidence in multi-stakeholder projects can challenge external evaluators, especially when access to pertinent data, like client records, is mediated by program stakeholders. In this article, we consider two central questions: how can program stakeholder motives shape a realist evaluation project; and how might realist evaluators respond to stakeholders’ belief-motive explanations, including those about program effectiveness, based on factors such as supererogatory commitment or trying together in good faith? Drawing on our realist evaluation of a service reform initiative involving multiple agencies, we describe stakeholder motives at key phases, highlighting a need for tactics and skills that help to manage explanatory tensions. In conclusion, the relevance of stakeholders’ belief-motive explanations (‘we believe the program works’) in realist evaluation is clarified and discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines the fictional characterization of the real-life sex researchers and scientists William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson in the Showtime television program Masters of Sex (2013–2016). The historical Johnson had a complicated relationship with second-wave feminism: she disdained the movement and was interested primarily in improving heterosexual marriages and the sex lives of married couples. The Johnson character speaks in a language of postfeminism with minimal interest in collective action and broader social change. However, second-wave feminists later used her and Masters’ research in order to support their own beliefs about sexual autonomy and freedom, within and beyond marriage and heterosexuality. The television program demonstrates Johnson’s importance to both phases of her and Masters’ research—in the first phase, when they are based in a hospital and university environment, and in the second, when they establish their own research institute and raise funds directly from the clients that they serve. Johnson exemplifies postfeminist depictions of ambitious women in prestige television, her aim to have a successful career and marriage conflict, and while she is willing to compromise scientific values to serve her own goals, her male colleagues temper that ambition in service of “objective” science.  相似文献   

This article provides findings of a qualitative study exploring the interactions of eight Deaf participants and one hearing ally with the justice system in Northern Ireland, where the Disability Discrimination Act requires solicitors to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to provide effective access to Deaf clients. Three thematic categories emerged: (a) barriers to accessing justice, (b) work Deaf people do for access, and (c) the need to educate solicitors about access. A central strain ran through these themes: the idea that ‘reasonable adjustment’ must reflect the value of sign language interpreters in facilitating effective communication access for all the parties.  相似文献   
裘禾敏 《浙江社会科学》2012,(6):134-138,161
论文主要回顾了国内外《孙子兵法》英译研究概况,试图描绘主要译本在不同时期的传播规律,从历时与共时的维度比较、描摹《孙子兵法》在异质文化的运行轨迹与反拨情况,认为迄今为止因少有学者追踪该典籍英译本在英语世界的传播、接受与影响,所以造成了中国传统文化影响研究的不平衡与中外文化交流“逆差”的局面;论文还就英译本的整合、典籍英译与文化输出等问题对其未来传播研究作一些展望.  相似文献   
余江  刘雪妮 《云梦学刊》2012,33(5):76-84
汉赋作为有汉一代之文学,从产生之初就伴随和背负上了重重矛盾和尴尬,赋家本身更是充满了矛盾和煎熬。斑回作为“汉赋四大家”之一.其围绕赋表现出的矛盾有其深刻的内涵和原因.他的赋学观鲜明而独特。他基于儒家诗学观的矛盾赋学观、自相矛盾的赋体艺术批评以及理论与创作的自我割裂与背叛是他对赋这种特殊文体的认识矛盾重重的具体表现。班固的矛盾主要缘于其身份的复杂性和当时士人特殊的生存状态与心态。  相似文献   
吴亚玲 《学术探索》2012,(11):107-109
随着我国市场经济的不断发展和深入,全球化进程的不断加快,我国高等教育的发展也在不断地变革着。在任何一个时代,变革的进行都是紧跟时代的发展,我国高等教育管理体制的建立是市场经济的产物,随着经济改革的不断开放、科学技术的不断创新、人民生活水平的不断提高,我国的高等教育管理体制的改革应跟上时代的脚步,加强素质教育的贯彻实施,以科学发展观为导向,实现人文教育的教育理念。在我国政府的宏观调控下,各级政府的统筹管理下进行全面、先进的改革,来促进我国高等教育的革新步伐,与世界高等教育接轨。  相似文献   
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