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“三戒”之说,“屏四恶”思想,“绝四毋”之说,“尊五美”思想和“三贵之道”是儒家“德性”智慧的结晶。现代企业“形象管理”理论认为,成功的企业管理是由管理者的内在道德素质和外在礼仪形象决定的。打造企业家的“道德形象”,实施“自我管理”,应当从儒家“德性”智慧中汲取丰富的文化资源。  相似文献   
当前,影响和制约中国电子商务进一步发展的主要问题集中表现在“信用缺失”问题上,它导致人们对网上交易仍心存疑虑,物流配送滞后,商品流通不畅,企业计算机应用水平不高,高水平网络人才匮乏,与电子商务相关的法规体制不够健全。为此,中国电子商务必须建立诚信长效机制,加快物流配送体系建设,构筑有效的社会物流配送系统.加快推广电子商务知识,强化电子商务人才培养,健全与国际接轨的电子商务法律体系。  相似文献   
对理论联系实际学风发展的历史回顾及现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论联系实际是我们党的优良学风,是马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想一贯坚持的原则。我们党的理论联系实际的优良学风是在党的光辉历程中,在正反两方面经验教训的基础上逐渐形成并发扬光大。大力弘扬理论联系实际的马克思主义优良学风,既是现阶段社会发展的需要,也是党的建设工作客观实际的要求,具有非常重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly clear that scientists, managers, lawyers, public policymakers, and the public must decide how to value what is provided by, and is a consequence of, natural resources. While “Western” scientists have clear definitions for the goods and services that ecosystems provide, we contend that these categories do not encompass the full totality of the values provided by natural resources. Partly the confusion results from a limited view of natural resources derived from the need to monetize the value of ecosystems and their component parts. Partly it derives from the “Western” way of separating natural resources from cultural resources or values, and partly it derives from the false dichotomy of assuming that ecosystems are natural, and anything constructed by man is not natural. In this article, we explore the previous assumptions, and suggest that because cultural resources often derive from, and indeed require, intact and unspoiled natural ecosystems or settings, that these values are rightly part of natural resources. The distinction is not trivial because of the current emphasis on cleaning up chemically and radiologically contaminated sites, on restoration of damaged ecosystems, on natural resource damage assessments, and on long‐term stewardship goals. All of these processes depend upon defining natural resources appropriately. Several laws, regulations, and protocols depend upon natural resource trustees to protect natural resources on trust lands, which could lead to the circular definition that natural resources are those resources that the trustees feel they are responsible for. Where subsistence or tribal peoples are involved, the definition of natural resources should be broadened to include those ecocultural attributes that are dependent upon, and have incorporated, natural resources. For example, a traditional hunting and fishing ground is less valued by subsistence peoples if it is despoiled by contamination or physical ecosystem degradation; an Indian sacred ground is tarnished if the surrounding natural environment is degraded; a traditional homeland is less valued if the land itself is contaminated. Our argument is that intact natural resources are essential elements of many cultural resources, and this aspect requires and demands adequate consideration (and may therefore require compensation).  相似文献   
白先勇尝试运用现代派文学的表现技巧——意识流创作手法始于与台湾大学外文系同学创办《现代文学》杂志。以后,随着作家自身经历的变化和对意识流创作理论认识的深入,其笔下意识流这一创作手法呈现出鲜明的“模仿试睑一成熟定型——在扬弃中提升”的变化轨迹。  相似文献   
约翰·福尔斯的小说《魔法师》和《法国中尉的女人》在结构上模仿了莎士比亚《暴风雨》的“剧中剧”设置。这种设置给小说中的人物提供了一个“寻找自我”的舞台,福尔斯借此探索了人的自我本质以及个体自由,表达了存在主义人文关怀的创作思想。  相似文献   
构建高校学生心理健康教育长效机制的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学生心理健康教育是高等学校学生思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分,构建高校学生心理健康教育的长效机制,是此项工作经常、有序、健康、高效开展的重要保证,其核心内容是建立目标体系和运行机制,从而实现该项工作的持续性和实效性目标。  相似文献   
二世策墨林诺们罕是清代西藏著名活佛,原籍甘肃省洮州厅卓尼土司辖区,曾任西藏摄政(1819-1844)、第七十三任甘丹赤巴和十世达赖喇嘛的正师傅,是西藏历史上权势最大、结局最为悲惨的摄政活佛。道光二十四年(1844年)六月其被革职查办,拘禁拿问,次年(1845年)奉旨流放黑龙江,给披甲人为奴。国内外史学界对其最终结局、圆寂时间、圆寂地点、享年岁数及其呼毕勒罕三世策墨林活佛的出生年份历来众说纷纭。中国第一历史档案馆藏军机处录副奏折表明:成丰十年四月十九日(1860年6月8日),二世策墨林诺们罕活佛在新疆喀喇沙尔乌讷恩苏珠克图旧土尔扈特蒙古南部落的札萨克卓哩克图汗旗圆寂,享年69岁(1792-1860年),遗骨奉旨安葬于该旗境内的佑安寺(又称永安寺、巴伦台黄庙),其呼毕勒罕三世策墨林活佛出生于成丰十一年(1861年),而非其他年份。  相似文献   
唐诗之所以繁荣,成为中华文化的一个高峰,是诗歌发展到成熟阶段的必然结果,也是汉语发展到一定阶段的自然趋势。如何读诗,如何理解诗,是探讨唐诗时所不能回避的问题。诗并不神秘,要更好地理解唐诗,必须从文化传统和汉语言特点这两方面着手。  相似文献   
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is considered by many as the most important animal disease in the world. FMD is highly contagious and outbreaks incur significant costs as affected countries are severely limited in their ability to trade. A number of trade commodities may be contaminated with FMD virus (FMDV) including animal products, for example, meat. As a member of the European Union, Great Britain (GB) has put in place a number of regulations to prevent the importation of pathogens in imported meat products. However, the illegal importation of meat provides a route by which safety controls may be circumvented and meat from FMD affected areas may be imported. This study assesses the FMD infection risk posed to the livestock population of GB from the illegal importation of meat, and estimates the major contributors to this overall risk, through the development of a quantitative risk assessment model. From model results, the total amount of illegal meat entering GB each year is estimated on average to be 11,875 tonnes. with 90% certainty that this is between 4,398 and 28,626 tonnes per year; of which between 64.5 and 565 kg are contaminated with FMDV. This flow of illegal meat results in an estimate of a frequency of FMD infection in GB livestock of 0.015 cases of infected animals per year, with 90% certainty it is between 0.0017 and 0.053. Imports from the region Near and Middle East account for 47% of this risk, and 68% of the risk is attributed to bone-in and dried de-boned products.  相似文献   
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