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运用文献资料法 ,阐述了 4 0 0m跑的供能特点、训练方法及运动能力的评定 ,旨在为 4 0 0m跑的训练实践提供些理论依据  相似文献   
饥饿和再投喂对草鱼鱼种糖代谢的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了草鱼鱼种在饥饿和再投喂下血糖浓度和红肌、白肌和肝脏糖原含量的变化 .结果显示 ,饥饿状态下 ,草鱼鱼种肝糖原含量的下降快于血糖浓度的下降 ,饥饿 3d后肝糖原含量显著低于对照组 ,饥饿 15d血糖浓度显著降低 ,提示草鱼鱼种在饥饿状态下通过分解肝糖原维持血糖浓度 ;再投喂后 ,血糖浓度、肝糖原含量恢复正常 ,但均低于对照组 .饥饿使红肌糖原含量降低 ,并先于白肌糖原含量下降 ,饥饿 1d红肌糖原含量显著低于对照组 ,饥饿 7d白肌糖原含量显著下降 .再投喂 2 1d红肌糖原含量恢复正常 ,再投喂 7d白肌糖原含量恢复正常 .说明饥饿状态下糖原含量变化越快 ,再投喂后恢复就越慢  相似文献   
One of the most dynamic and fruitful areas of current health‐related research concerns the various roles of the human microbiome in disease. Evidence is accumulating that interactions between substances in the environment and the microbiome can affect risks of disease, in both beneficial and adverse ways. Although most of the research has concerned the roles of diet and certain pharmaceutical agents, there is increasing interest in the possible roles of environmental chemicals. Chemical risk assessment has, to date, not included consideration of the influence of the microbiome. We suggest that failure to consider the possible roles of the microbiome could lead to significant error in risk assessment results. Our purpose in this commentary is to summarize some of the evidence supporting our hypothesis and to urge the risk assessment community to begin considering and influencing how results from microbiome‐related research could be incorporated into chemical risk assessments. An additional emphasis in our commentary concerns the distinct possibility that research on chemical–microbiome interactions will also reduce some of the significant uncertainties that accompany current risk assessments. Of particular interest is evidence suggesting that the microbiome has an influence on variability in disease risk across populations and (of particular interest to chemical risk) in animal and human responses to chemical exposure. The possible explanatory power of the microbiome regarding sources of variability could reduce what might be the most significant source of uncertainty in chemical risk assessment.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the interrelation between the transport system and measures of resource consumption such as material and energy consumption over a 60-year period (1937–1997) in the UK. Non-motorized transport and time consumption for mobility are estimated in addition to conventional measures of transport. During the period analyzed, the UK population grew by 20% while transport of goods and persons increased more than threefold and material and energy consumption almost doubled. The transport intensity of domestic material input (DMI) doubled to 300 ton-kilometers (tkm) per ton of DMI while the transport intensity of domestic energy consumption (DEC) doubled to 20 tkm per gigajoule (GJ) of DEC. Thus, while the material and energy intensity of GDP declined significantly, a well-established trend in many advanced countries, the transport intensity of materials and energy consumption rose. These findings suggest a close link between transport, economic development, and long-term structural transformations. In the case of personal transport, a rebound effect was also observed: whereas the average speed of transport has greatly increased, the average number of hours per day devoted to personal transport has not declined.  相似文献   
本文介绍了小哺乳动物能量代谢测定的简易方法,并对影响测定结果的有关因素进行了综合讨论  相似文献   
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines for cancer risk assessment recognize that some chemical carcinogens may have a site-specific mode of action (MOA) involving mutation and cell-killing-induced hyperplasia. The guidelines recommend that for such dual MOA (DMOA) carcinogens, judgment should be used to compare and assess results using separate "linear" (genotoxic) versus "nonlinear" (nongenotoxic) approaches to low-level risk extrapolation. Because the guidelines allow this only when evidence supports reliable risk extrapolation using a validated mechanistic model, they effectively prevent addressing MOA uncertainty when data do not fully validate such a model but otherwise clearly support a DMOA. An adjustment-factor approach is proposed to address this gap, analogous to reference-dose procedures used for classic toxicity endpoints. By this method, even when a "nonlinear" toxicokinetic model cannot be fully validated, the effect of DMOA uncertainty on low-dose risk can be addressed. Application of the proposed approach was illustrated for the case of risk extrapolation from bioassay data on rat nasal tumors induced by chronic lifetime exposure to naphthalene. Bioassay data, toxicokinetic data, and pharmacokinetic analyses were determined to indicate that naphthalene is almost certainly a DMOA carcinogen. Plausibility bounds on rat-tumor-type-specific DMOA-related uncertainty were obtained using a mechanistic two-stage cancer risk model adapted to reflect the empirical link between genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of the most potent identified genotoxic naphthalene metabolites, 1,2- and 1,4-naphthoquinone. Bound-specific adjustment factors were then used to reduce naphthalene risk estimated by linear extrapolation (under the default genotoxic MOA assumption), to account for the DMOA exhibited by this compound.  相似文献   
The energy and mass balance of Los Angeles County   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We conducted an urban “metabolic” study of inputs and outputs of food, water, energy, and pollutants from Los Angeles County, USA. This region has been the subject of recent debate about the nature of population density and distribution as it relates to urban form and associated environmental impacts. We found that with the exception of food imports and wastewater outputs, inputs of resources and outputs of pollutants generally declined on a per capita basis from 1990 to 2000. Reductions likely reflected a combination of changes in public policy, improvements in technology and public infrastructure, and impacts of increases in population density. However, in comparison to other municipalities and urban regions, resource consumption per capita was still relatively high in some categories, particularly inputs of water and transportation energy. Per capita greenhouse gas emissions were lower in Los Angeles County than for the average of the USA as a whole but higher than previous analyses of urban areas internationally, largely due to comparatively high emissions from the transportation sector. Wastewater discharge accounted for less than 40% of water inputs excluding precipitation; however the partitioning of water outputs through other potential losses, specifically evapotranspiration, runoff, and groundwater recharge, remains highly uncertain. We suggest that more detailed information about water losses will greatly improve future mass and energy accounting for analyses of urban environmental sustainability in this semi-arid region.  相似文献   
马克思恩格斯生态思想及创新性发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人化自然作为人的无机身体是人类社会存在的前提,人与自然和谐统一是生态文明的核心;资本主义生产方式造成人与自然、人与人之间新陈代谢关系断裂是资本主义生态危机的主要原因;消灭私有制、建立自由人联合体的共产主义是解决生态危机的最终出路.马克思恩格斯生态思想是当代中国生态文明建设的理论基础和价值准则.以习近平总书记为核心的党中央继承和发展了马克思恩格斯生态思想,提出"生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰"的生态文明观;"绿水青山就是金山银山"的生态发展观以及"构建人类命运共同体"的生态价值观,是对马克思恩格斯生态思想的创新与发展.  相似文献   
生态学马克思主义是西方各种生态理论中非常重要的力量,他们的理论在很大程度上来源于马克思关于人与自然的新陈代谢的社会理论。他们把生态问题与政治问题联系在一起加以讨论,指出当今人类的生态危机是资本主义生产方式的必然结果,只有废除资本主义制度,才能从根本上解决生态危机。他们致力于生态原则和社会主义的结合,力图超越当代资本主义与现存的社会主义模式,构建一种新型的人与自然和谐的社会主义模式。这种理论基本继承了马克思主义的思想方法,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   
在马克思主义环境思想中,"物质变换"是一个十分重要的基础性概念。由于马克思和恩格斯在不同的层次和意义上使用这一概念,却又没有对这一概念给予清晰的界定和明确的说明,这就给人们的理解带来一定困难,甚至有人企图否定这一概念。本文针对这一概念歧见纷呈的情况分析指出,"物质变换"是马克思在生理学概念"新陈代谢"(德文为Stoffwechsel)的基础上创造性应用的结果,其内涵已远远大于"新陈代谢",不仅不能轻易否定,而且,要在不同层次、不同角度和意义上综合、全面地理解。  相似文献   
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