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国籍法的现代发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪以来,随着主权国家的大量兴起及跨国人员流动的愈趋频繁和复杂,国籍法的发展呈现出了以下四方面的态势:国内立法日益向单行法方向转化;国际渊源不断丰富,相关国际条约层出不穷;内容日趋先进,平等、非歧视观念逐渐得到贯彻;趋同化倾向正在不断加强。  相似文献   
湖北省入境旅游客源分析与区域促销策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章对20年来湖北省入境旅游市场发育状况及特征作了大量的统计分析,据此对湖北入境旅游市场进行了区域定位和功能定位,并提出湖北入境旅游市场的开拓应侧重于树品牌、塑形象、推重点,着力恢复日本、台湾、港澳、东南亚等传统市场,深层次拓展欧美市场,有针对性地开发韩国、俄罗斯、东欧、中东市场的思路,指出了重点促销区域和分区开发促销的策略。  相似文献   
This paper suggests a direction for the exploration of the causes of family violence. Explanatory models of family violence were considered in this regard, with the recommendation that a multi-determined model should be considered to ensure the most accurate explanation. We suggest that family violence will be best understood and prevented or alleviated, if a model is used that considers the interaction of structural violence and the personality features of all the family members.  相似文献   
通过深层次地解读传统徽派建筑聚落空间的几点重要创作手法,强调了保存和发展传统建筑文化的重要性,并认为具有乡土价值的空间创作手法可以成为新农村建设类设计的重要源泉。  相似文献   
鲁迅作为二十世纪初中国现代文学的开创者和奠基者,其创作影响了以后中国很多作家。余华被认为是当代与鲁迅精神相接近的一位年轻作家。本文试图从创作母题的角度对两位作家进行比较,从他们的相同与相异中探寻作家与作家之间的距离,以及时代文化变迁在作家身上潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   
社会化网络的发展增加了人们在互联网上的好友资源,好友推介激励机制也具有了更多的推介对象.基于依附理论,将网络消费者进行分类,运用实验研究的方法探讨了好友推介激励机制情景下依附模式对推介双方行为模式,以及奖金分配方式公平性的影响.实验结果表明,依附回避,负向影响邀请者的出价和被邀请者的采纳;依附焦虑,正向影响邀请者的出价和被邀请者的采纳.为了达成成功的好友推介,商家应该依据消费者的依附模式设计好友推介激励机制.  相似文献   
针对灾害事件发生的不确定性以及灾害发生后应急物资需求量的爆发式增长,本文设计了一个政府主导的基于数量柔性契约的双源应急物资采购模型。在存在一个现货市场的情况下,政府除了常规采购外,还会与供应方签订一份数量柔性契约,用以建立政企联合储备应急物资的合作关系。通过数理推导,本文发现灾害事件发生概率,政府自身储备量,现货市场采购价格会对双方决策产生重要影响,并给出三个影响因素在满足不同条件时政企双方的最优决策,同时进一步分析了这三个因素对政府采购成本与供应方利润的影响。最后,通过数值模拟的方式对所得结论进行了验证。本文的研究为政府与企业构建联合储备应急物资的合作关系提供了指导与依据。  相似文献   
The efficiency of education in East and Southeast Turkey (E&SE) has long been a subject of debate. Both regions are similar to each other and different from the other regions in terms of economy, culture, ethnic origin, and languages spoken. Sahin (1997) studied the efficiency of education in the E&SE and proposed that illiteracy is significantly the highest in both regions, the female student population is significantly lower, and students are significantly less successful in nationwide general proficiency examinations (OSS and OYS) compared to all the other regions. Social sources of failure were studied in terms of the distinguishing characteristics of both regions, from both practical and theoretical standpoints. The findings indicated inequality of educational opportunity rooted in geographical, economical, social (cultural, linguistic), and political factors.  相似文献   
Young people represent the future, but little is known about their attitudes towards climate change, one of the most serious issues facing the world today. The purpose of the present study is to contribute with improved and new knowledge of young Norwegians’ understanding of and attitudes towards this issue, with a special focus on perspectives of the future. Of particular interest is the influence of divergent framings of the climate question in Norway, due to conflicting interests between the petroleum industry and climate concern. The young people's voices are elicited through two different surveys undertaken during the fall of 2013, one national (Norwegian Citizen Panel) and one local (School survey conducted among high-school students). The study generated both quantitative and qualitative findings, stemming from closed-ended as well as open-ended questions. The data were handled through a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results show that the voices tend to be oriented towards the opinion that Norway has a responsibility to help poor countries as well as a duty to prevent climate change and that the country should reduce its oil production. We further observe that young Norwegians have an optimistic view of the future, based on a pronounced belief in technology and science.  相似文献   
翻译是两种语言的转换。在这个转换过程中,为了便于目的语读者理解,必然会出现语义非对等的现象。语言作为文化的产物,同时又是文化的载体。由于各民族文化都具有独一性,使这种语义非对等成为不可避免的现象。  相似文献   
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