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Unlike many of its western counterparts, Australia has been spared powerful surges of the extreme right throughout its history. While the nineteenth and twentieth centuries saw European democracies threatened time and time again by movements relying on ethno-exclusivism and thriving on capitalist crises, Australia suffered only relatively weak extreme right bursts whose impact remained marginal. Even the rise of the One Nation Party in 1996, as sudden as it was impressive, showed the limits in the Australian context for organisations which have proved long-lasting in Europe. This brief outline could bear a simple conclusion: Australia is immune to the extreme right. However, through a study of some of the most important extreme right failures in Australia, this article shows that rather than being immune, the country was spared an extreme right because of the policies put in place by mainstream parties and governments. By analysing mainstream politics in times of extreme right resurgence, this article highlights that by negating the extreme right's ability to appear as an alternative to the power in place, Australian mainstream politicians suffocated it. The conclusion of this article demonstrates that while the Australian extreme right has been mostly inaudible since 2001, extreme right politics, such as ethno-exclusivism, still play a crucial part in the shaping of Australian politics, notably during election campaigns.  相似文献   
结合陕西安康发生的"强制引产胎儿"事件,对"引产"进行了法理分析。认为:"强制引产"应属行政违法和行政侵权行为。强制引产行为的产生既有执法者主观方面的原因,如政治意识、法律观念、道德观念欠缺等,又有客观方面的原因,如一定社会环境中法制、经济状况的影响等。其中,执法者的"傲慢"和"偏见"是重要原因。就此提出了完善立法、依法行政、严格责任、体现以人为本的理念等建议,以解决计划生育行政执法难题。  相似文献   
唐代的原州“通衢”关陇,与其西边的“七关”构筑成一个有效的军事防御系统。安史之乱后。原州城沦陷于吐蕃并遭到废弃。代宗、德宗、宪宗朝宰相元载、杨炎以及泾原节度使王潜数次提出重筑原州城的建议,但均因唐廷态度消极而最终未果。原州城的数次“建废”争议,实质上反映了唐廷在安史之乱以后奉行的保守性消极边疆防御策略,轻视城防、堡垒性作战等传统边防策略,以及“安内”优先于“攘外”的主导性战略思维。  相似文献   
利用西方生态文学批评理论,从四个方面探讨了《浅滩》中的生态思想,即温顿态度坚决地批判了基督教和人类中心主义;批判了血腥的现代捕鲸业;小说体现了作者对社会开发的工具理性霸权批判,表明了工具理性向人类诗意栖居的乌托邦家园蚕食鲸吞的过程同时伴随着人的异化和大自然的物化;小说中也蕴含了温顿对澳洲土著文化生态智慧的吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   
Government policies sanctioning the systematic removal of Australian Aboriginal children from their families ended in the 1970s. However, trauma associated with removal remains active in the present day for those removed and their offspring, contributing to the pernicious interlinked set of health and social problems afflicting most Aboriginal communities. Child abuse and neglect are an important avenue of inter-generational transmission of trauma leaving many Aboriginal children challenge-averse and vulnerable to social disadvantage, substance abuse and mental health problems in later life. Child protection and health services have a poor record engaging and providing effective interventions to Aboriginal Australians. Sunset Surfers is a learn-to-surf programme targeting a disadvantaged urban neighbourhood with a high proportion of Aboriginal families. Qualitative evaluation shows that participants experienced positive effect associated with the challenging activity of learning to surf, allowing for reframing of children's negative beliefs about challenge. By providing an appropriate balance of challenge and support, and encouraging physical activity, Sunset Surfers represents a holistic, preventative approach to a pernicious array of social and health problems.  相似文献   
宋代三峡因其显要的战略地位,成为朝廷军事布防的重要区域。三峡拥有全国最为详备的地方武力,不仅兵种齐全、兵量众多,且具较强的战斗力,成为南宋后期西部抵御蒙古入侵的主力军。三峡宋军虽无统二的指挥系统,但它拥有全国独一无二的联防体系,密切了三峡地域军事合作,有力保障了宋代长江上游的军事安全。  相似文献   
王阳明《南赣乡约》一文设计了乡约这个基层自治组织形式.王阳明以他对基层社会的深刻了解,对乡村社会不同层次、不同情况的人规定了不同的礼法责任,对乡村社会生活各个方面的弊病进行了针对性的诊治,并将主要责任落实到约长等士绅阶层身上,使这些社会弊病能够得到有效地解决.同时,王阳明还设计了一个合理而简单易行的基层社会自治程序,这是王阳明《南赣乡约》的价值所在.但是,《南赣乡约》也有一个重大的失误,就是极大地挤压了普通民众的自由空间,为恶势力的扩张提供了更多的可能,这同样不利于乡村社会的治理.  相似文献   
孟子继承了孔子的正名路线,从名实关系的角度指出“弑君”与“诛一夫纣”的不同,从而肯定了“诛一夫纣”的正当性和合法性;他注意到语言是社会的产物,环境能够影响人的语言,客观上触及到了语言与世界的关系这一语言哲学的根本问题;提出了“言无实不祥”、“言近而指远”两大判别语言好坏的标准;并通过“知言养气”说将其语言哲学与人格修养论辩证地联接起来。质言之,孟子语言哲学所凸显的是其道德实用主义倾向及其语用学旨趣。  相似文献   
在宋代,厢军是役兵,从事杂役,如修城、铺路、造船等。然而,宋代主力作战部队主要集中于边疆,造成兵力短缺,鉴于此,宋廷不得不赋予厢军以重要的军事职能。在这样一种情况下,厢军不仅被当成内部主要镇守兵力,执行对内镇压职能,如镇守地方、参与巡检等,还被当做对外防御的兵力,执行对外防御职能,如戍守边疆、对敌作战等。正是通过履行以上职能,从而为维护宋王朝的稳定作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   
在东盟一体化进程中,以东盟安全共同体、经济共同体和社会文化共同体为三大支柱的“东盟共同体”,被描绘成一个充满激情与温馨的“共享和关爱的大家庭”。这是一个远大而美好的愿景,交集着东盟特有的战略与文化,蕴含着东盟丰富的共享价值和凝聚人心的文化力。  相似文献   
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