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主要采用录像统计法、文献资料法、观察法、比较分析法等,对第28、29届奥运会中国女排与世界强队之间身体条件、技战术水平、心理和思想素质等进行对比分析,找出了中国女排在技战术、心理素质等方面的优势和不足;以期为中国女排今后的训练提供参考和帮助.  相似文献   
在当前马克思主义哲学史研究中,方法论和研究范式的转换具有特殊的意义和作用。此种研究,需要从传统的理解模式变为在新的方法论视野下的研究。张一兵教授的《回到列宁》一书,以"思想构境论"为方法论支撑,通过对列宁思想发展的重构,为我们提供了一个可资借鉴的解读案例。今天我们只有破除传统理解模式的制约,才能真实地再现马克思主义经典作家的思想发生史。  相似文献   
This study examines gendered and classed friendships in a predominantly middle-class, girls' secondary school in the southern region of the Republic of Ireland. Bourdieu's (1977) concept of habitus, interactively, with Gidden's (1984) concept of practical consciousness, and Gambetta's (1987) intentional rational choice informed the conceptual framework for the study. Narrative sources yielded data about girls' friendships and peer interactions inside and outside of school. The social class and habitus of each of the girls mediated their friendship formation and friendship choice. Data sources highlight that the middle-class girls' friendships were situated in fluid and multiple cliques; given their hegemonic positionality within the school. Contrastingly, working-class girls' friendships were situated in a contained and single clique, often evidenced by their resistance to the institutional habitus. The ways in which these peer friendships operated as powerful shapers of the girls' actions and identities is discussed. This paper provides examples of the nuanced ways that girls' friendships are developed and maintained based on conformity or resistance to the school norms and expectations of academic success. Importantly, findings evidence the differentiated and instrumental use of friendships among the middle-class and working-class girls in a competitive, elite school setting.  相似文献   
Income tax evasion dynamics and social interactions are analyzed with an agent-based model in heterogeneous populations. One novelty is the combined analysis of back auditing and ageing, which allows for incorporating psychological findings with respect to social norm updating over a taxpayer’s life cycle. Another novelty concerns individual’s social behavior regarding a Pareto-optimal provision of public goods. Simulation results support the counterintuitive conclusion drawn elsewhere in the literature that income tax compliance may decrease with raising marginal per capita returns (MPCRs). Yet, back auditing seems to have by far the strongest impact on the dynamics of fiscal fraud and also can help to curb the extent of tax evasion (ETE).  相似文献   
关于明代"七子"派复古运动,学界向来纠缠不清,褒贬不一,特别是自明代以后,七子的复古理论一直为世人所误解,所以,如何正确认识和把握七子的复古理论,是研究七子文学理论的关键。七子派文学复古理论的实质就是反对以程朱理学为代表的宋学,七子派复古的目的就在于对于文学创作中的理学化倾向进行去魅,从而恢复情感在文学中的价值,可以说,重情就是七子派文学复古理论的核心。  相似文献   
美元霸权指美元在国际货币体系中的特权地位,它是美国全球霸权的基石。美元霸权直接造成了人民币升值的压力,使中国处于"高储蓄两难困境",给中国的经济安全和平稳发展带来巨大的风险。鉴于美国强大的综合实力和把持霸权的意志,美元霸权并不会在短期内消亡。为了维护国家利益,中国应当在"韬光养晦、有所作为、决不当头"的原则的指导下,对内发展自己的经济,对外不遗余力地推进人民币的国际化并与有关国家共同推进国际金融体系的改革。  相似文献   
邝丽莎的代表作品《上海女孩》用细腻的笔触描绘了一对亲姐妹珍珠和梅从上海移民到美国华人街的传奇经历。做为华人女性,她们面临着西方霸权和传统父权的双重压迫,她们处于整个社会边缘的边缘,承受着比华人男性更大的压力和困境。她们在中西方文化冲突中产生了身份的焦虑与迷失,并在建构女性主体身份方面做出了积极的探寻。本文结合后殖民与女性主义理论,从身份建构角度论述两姐妹的身份问题,探讨她们如何从姐妹亲情和故国回望中汲取力量反抗双重压迫,逐步从边缘向中心靠拢,在经济、家庭、文化三个方面建构女性主体身份。在全球文化交流合作日益频繁的今天,邝丽莎通过两姐妹身份的探求,不仅强调了女性主体身份建构的必要性,而且表达了一种中西文化相互包容、和谐共荣的美好愿望。  相似文献   
三七"女生节"成为大学校园流行节日之一,当前90后大学生普遍喜欢过女生节。社会各界尊重女性并支持女生节的发展,学校关爱女生并借助女生节创新校因文化建设,90后大学生为满足自我的发展需求,积极参与女生节活动,这些因素推动了"女生节"走俏。然而,对"女生节"走俏高校,我们也需要理性对待,引导90后女大学生健康成长。  相似文献   
作家兼译者身份的“传奇式女子”张爱玲在20世纪中国文坛上掀起过一波又一波“张热”.本文选取其译者身份,以其译作《海上花》为个案,从阐释翻译角度对这一翻译过程进行解读,以期了解其国语译注本与英语译本在翻译过程中的异与同,抛砖引玉,为张爱玲翻译研究做些微贡献.  相似文献   
The movement of routine back office activities from the central business districts of metropolitan regions in advanced economies to remote locations is leading to a distinctive global division of labour in office employment. While facilitated by the development of information and communication technologies, this process of relocation is primarily driven by the desire to reduce operating costs, mainly by moving to sources of cheap female workers. This reflects a classic gender segmentation process in patriarchal societies whereby back office work is mainly done by women and, accordingly, involves relatively low levels of remuneration. This provides direct parallels with the offshoring of routine manufacturing work associated with the new international division of labour. Ireland has been to the forefront in acting as a host for internationally-mobile routine office work, initially involving mainly data processing and, more recently, teleservices. As elsewhere, teleservices employment in Ireland is characterized by a combination of female predominance, low pay, difficult working conditions and high turnover rates. However, the Irish teleservices sector is unusual in its foreign language requirement, the high education levels of workers and its concentration in a prosperous metropolitan location. The resultant labour shortages, combined with growing use of Internet-based business-to-consumer transactions, are likely to place the sustainability of the sector under increasing pressure. Plans to upgrade the types of back office functions being located in Ireland may pose further challenges for women workers due to male dominance of the higher-level jobs involved.  相似文献   
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