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This article focuses on boundaries as symbolic constructs to overcome structural impediments to cooperation in a borderland constituted by two nation states – Germany and the Netherlands – that, from a global perspective, may be regarded as close cultural neighbours. Empirically, the vicissitudes of cross‐border cooperation are analysed at the level of a Dutch and a German fire brigade in adjacent borderland villages. The diminishing visibility of borders does not necessarily lead to more openness, but gives rise to the emergence of socially constructed symbolical boundaries, which has major effects on issues of national identity and loyalty within organizations operating in trans‐border spaces. Cultural differences can complicate processes of transnational coordination, harmonization, and negotiation. However, cooperation and trust, based on an affinity with a local culture in borderlands, may provide a more stable fundament for successful common ventures than do regulations enacted by state authorities. Addressing the question of how processes of transnationalization affect inter‐organizational cooperation, this article describes and analyses the ways in which European integration, national bureaucracies and cultural similarities and differences form partly converging and partly conflicting forces in cooperative efforts in the Dutch–German borderland.  相似文献   
新中国教育部在1953~1954年进行了教育整顿,国家在当时的条件下只能动员农村中小学毕业生回乡,加入到正在蓬勃开展的互助合作运动中去,这批身处变化漩涡中心的农村毕业生们出现了"集体"和"个人"彼此相遇,并引发了两者之间关系的难题。在1953年开始的严峻状况中,这一关系陷入了一种群体性的矛盾状态。出于复杂的原因,1954年马烽先生的小说《韩梅梅》,正是讲述了一个"个人主义"的故事,但是它却呈现了多重隐晦与纠结的意味。  相似文献   
李昕 《南亚研究》2013,(4):95-115
本文从能源安全视角解读印度“东向”外交的动力和目标。本文运用国际政治经济学方法研究后发现,印度政府、国家能源公司等行为主体在“东向”外交区域综合运用多种手段和政策工具获取能源利益,能源安全维度已经构成“东向”外交的重要目标,而且随着印度国内能源供需赤字的扩大,能源安全维度的权重逐渐上升。从能源安全视角研究“东向”外交,可以对印度在海外实现能源安全的路径和规律有一个初步认知,即遵循政治外交与能源合作相互推进和借重的基本逻辑,以及国家在保障能源安全中扮演重要角色的经济现实主义规律。  相似文献   
产学研结合是国民经济建设发展的需要,是高等教育发展的必由之路。水利水电工程专业结合专业优势和条件,与兄弟单位相关学科的专业团队相融合,以产学研结合为发展战略,以强强联合的学术梯队为技术支撑,在人才培养模式、科技成果转化、产学研合作的覆盖面、人才梯队建设等多方面进行产学研结合创新,推动了科技成果向生产力的转化,产生了良好的经济和社会效益,为工科院校产学研合作的创新之路探索了有效的发展途径。  相似文献   
中国和中亚国家同为转型中的国家,面临着发展和稳定两大问题,都在加快制度变革,实现地区政治、经济、社会可持续发展:积极扩大各方面的合作领域,提升国际影响力和“话语权”,双方有合作的基础和意愿,在“和谐世界”外交理念下双方关系深化发展。上海合作组织也为双方的进一步深入合作提供了机制和平台。目前,在双方的共同努力下,中国与中亚的关系发展势头良好。  相似文献   
中国政府在2006年北京峰会宣布了对非援助的八项政策,中非经贸合作区由此在非洲迅速布局,部分中非经贸合作区目前己初具规模,开始产生经济效益。作为一种独特的援助活动,中非经贸合作区的建设和发展可以带给非洲多重援助效应,能有效解决非洲的资金、设备、技术等问题,帮助非洲国家培养管理能力及自主发展能力。但这一新型援助合作模式还处于发展阶段,政府与企业要积极做好政策衔接、产业定位、竞争力打造及本地化等工作,以有效发挥其援助效应。  相似文献   
详细分析了高校学报在办刊过程中编辑和审稿人各自存在的问题,提出了欲打造精品期刊,必须加强编辑和审稿人的协作,发挥编辑的主体作用,并指出:科学编制审稿单,选准审稿人,加强与审稿人的适时沟通,正确把握审稿意见是编辑和审稿人之间加强协作的有效途径。  相似文献   
现代奥林匹克运动创始人顾拜旦认为:奥林匹克运动不应该只限于运动和体能活动,还应从思想和情操上培养青年.这就使得奥林匹克运动不再只是单纯的身体运动,而上升为多种教育和文化价值的社会活动从而赋予了奥运会强烈的人文精神.既然教育是奥林匹克的中心任务,而教育是培养人的,那么奥林匹克教育的核心就是人的发展.青少年作为世界的未来,对其进行奥林匹克的教育将直接关系到奥林匹克运动的可持续发展.  相似文献   
从1956年中国与埃及建交到1990年中国与沙特建交,中国与所有阿拉伯国家建立并保持了良好的外交关系。经过50多年共同努力,中阿经贸合作已进入全方位、多领域的全面合作阶段。双边贸易、工程承包、劳务合作、双向投资、人员培训等领域合作都取得积极进展。经贸关系的迅猛发展,带动文化、教育、体育和卫生等各领域交流与合作蓬勃发展。中国已同所有阿拉伯国家签订《文化合作协定》,"汉语热"持续升温。但中阿经贸关系依然需要创新求进,不断拓展深化,同时必须注意前瞻调研和及时应对,努力规避因中东形势动荡冲击而形成的各类风险。  相似文献   
Noam Shamir 《决策科学》2013,44(6):979-1020
In many supply chain relationships that continue over multiple periods, information about the hidden properties of the supply chain partners can be revealed throughout the course of the relationship. This article examines how the availability of such information affects the contracting scheme between a supplier and his manufacturer in a relationship that persists over several selling seasons. At the beginning of the first selling season, the manufacturer observes private information about the demand distribution, whereas the supplier who is less familiar with the market is endowed only with a prior belief about the market condition. When the supplier cannot observe the demand realization during the first selling period, she offers a contract that induces the manufacturer to reveal the market condition in the first selling season. However, the opportunity for the supplier to observe demand realization can result in the supplier offering the manufacturer a simple contract that does not induce the manufacturer to reveal his private information during the first selling season. In the latter case, the supplier observes the demand realization and designs the second period contract based on this information. We show that when the supplier chooses to offer such a contract, the manufacturer becomes worse‐off, and it has an ambiguous effect on the performance of the supply chain.  相似文献   
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