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中阿合作论坛成立十年来,完成了正规化、机制化建设,建立起部长级会议、高官会议、企业家大会暨投资研讨会等十余项机制,几乎涵盖政治、经济、文化、人文各个领域的合作,不仅丰富了中阿合作的内涵,而且创新了合作模式,使中阿关系形成多边与双边、官方与民间相互促进、相互补充、良性发展的格局。论坛能持续快速发展,得益于坚持彼此尊重、互相理解和互利合作、共同发展的理念。在新的十年内,论坛应深化战略性,坚持创新性,突出实效性,开创论坛工作更加美好的明天。  相似文献   
2004年中阿合作论坛成立至今,中国对阿媒体交流稳步发展,在中阿合作论坛框架下建立了新闻合作机制。但中国对阿媒体交流也面临一定的困境,包括已有新闻合作机制缺乏有力落实,涉阿媒体缺少大局意识和公共外交的意识,对阿媒体交流遭遇西方媒介帝国主义的压制,传播格局中民间媒体缺位和新媒体利用不够,对阿传播效果还有待提高。为了应对这些困境,中阿双方应将《中国与阿盟成员国新闻友好合作交流备忘录》的相关条款落到实处,此外,中国涉阿媒体应成为公共外交的重要主体或载体,中国要与阿拉伯媒体开展密切合作以破解西方话语霸权、注重利用新媒体进行传播、从而不断提升传播力。  相似文献   
This article offers a discourse analysis of media representations of para-athletes before, during and post the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in print and online sources, drawing on the lens of critical disability theory. We consider the importance of the media–sport cultural complex in influencing public attitudes towards disability. We conclude that whilst the importance of discursive change cannot be underestimated at the level of the media agenda, change at the level of lived experience will only flow from carefully designed and executed political and policy initiatives rather than directly from changes in the media presentation or visibility of individual athletes.  相似文献   
One claim of the UK Government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport is that the London 2012 Paralympic Games ‘improved attitudes to disability and provided new opportunities for disabled people to participate in society’. In addition, the International Paralympic Committee’s strategic plan suggests that the Paralympic Games is a vehicle for achieving ‘a more equitable society’. The aim of this study was to examine the reflections of a group of retired British Paralympic athletes on the relationship between the Paralympic Games and disability equality in the United Kingdom. Narrative interviews were conducted with five male retired British Paralympians and one female retired British Paralympian who had participated in a total of 22 Summer Paralympic Games events. I will argue that some Paralympic athletes who are not obvious ‘activists’ can still contribute to equality for disabled people.  相似文献   
利益矛盾是新时期人民内部矛盾的主要表现形式。构建社会主义和谐社会的发展目标、依法治国的治国方略、我们党历史方位的深刻变化以及利益矛盾本身的特点等都决定了要正确处理新时期人民内部利益矛盾,必须坚持与革命战争年代和计划经济时期完全不同的原则,即民主法治的原则、合作而非对抗的原则、共享而非偏惠的原则、保护弱者的原则。  相似文献   
列宁领导的布尔什维克党在十月革命后创立并短期实践了无产阶级政党领导的多党合作,对马克思主义多党合作理论作出了重大发展。但苏俄多党合作实践很快终结,原因是多方面的,其中战时共产主义政策的实施是重要因素。该政策的实施破坏了多党合作赖以建立的工农联盟基础,激化了党际分歧和矛盾,强化了俄共(布)对国家的全方位控制,大大压缩了多党合作的政治空间,改变了苏俄政党制度建设初期的政治生态,俄共(布)一党执政的政治制度逐步形成。而一党执政,无其他政党的有效监督,是苏共亡党亡国的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
畜牧兽医人才培养“企业班”模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校企联合、院企共建是学校与企业积极应对当前日趋激烈的市场竞争以及大学生就业难等问题形成的合作方式,其主要内容是联合培养相关人才,服务行业发展。以山西农业大学动物科技学院与企业联合组建“企业班”、院企联合培养人才的成功经验为基础,探析“企业班”模式在畜牧兽医专业人才培养体系中的作用。  相似文献   
也门与阿拉伯海湾国家息息相关。自古以来,它们拥有相同的地域环境、语言文化、宗教信仰和传统习俗、相似的历史命运。自20世纪发掘石油以来,海湾国家的经济迅猛发展,也门也得到这些国家的财政援助。两伊战争爆发后,海湾六国为寻求安全成立了海湾合作委员会。海湾战争期间,也门与海湾国家关系恶化。经过多年努力,双方又恢复了友好关系,经贸交流也有了进一步发展,也门还积极申请加入该委员会,并且被接纳为其下属部分机构成员。也门最终能否成为其第七成员国而融入海湾大家庭,值得我们关注。  相似文献   
试论中国的“和谐印度洋战略”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今年以来,西方和印度媒体对我南海基地大加指责,炒作"中国挺进印度洋"的"珍珠链战略".面对如此严峻形势,有人提出:别国在印度洋能行,中国为何不行?从地缘政治角度分析,21世纪初大国角逐印度洋的形势呼唤中国尽快制定"和谐印度洋战略".中国急需制定相应的海洋战略和原则,正确处理和平与发展、竞争与合作的关系;应继续韬光养晦,提倡"海陆和合"、文明联盟,重振海上与陆上丝绸之路.  相似文献   
A confidence-based climate between public administrations and citizens is essential. This paper argues and provides empirical evidence that depending on the perceived interaction history, different policies are needed to build versus maintain confidence. Applying the extended Slippery Slope Framework of tax compliance, an online and a laboratory experiment were conducted to explore whether tax authorities’ coercive and legitimate power have different effects depending on whether they are situated in an antagonism-based or confidence-based climate. Results showed that in an antagonism-based interaction climate, a combination of high coercive and high legitimate power changed the climate into a confidence-based interaction climate. In contrast, in a confidence-based climate the same power combination did not maintain but erode the climate. Results also suggest that confidence-based climates are maintained by low coercive power combined with high legitimate power. The paper concludes that interaction climates operate as psychological frames which guide how policy instruments affect taxpayers’ trust in the tax authorities.  相似文献   
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