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习凿齿(328—412)暮年遁隐白梅,卒葬枣木山,有其遗迹及袁州的《郡志》《大元一统志》《大明一统志》和江西的许多地方史志记载为证。叶文对此全面否定。然历代诸多有关墓葬、碑文、家谱编修、人名字号的史料及论述以至习凿齿本人著述都证实,叶文所引为据者均失于考证,或违背历史真实,或有悖常理,或无的放矢,或以遭诬损的后人著作否定千百年前的史志等记载,全文逻辑混乱,漏洞百出,不能自圆其说。  相似文献   
根据计划生育结合项目 3个周期居民意识问卷调查结果 ,对 90年代以来的结合项目实施效果进行了分析。通过和对照乡镇的对比可以看出 :项目乡镇在计划生育、妇幼保健、寄生虫预防、健康教育等几个方面都有较大的变化 ,项目获得了预期的效果 ,对当地的计划生育工作有很大的促进作用  相似文献   
我国农村居民生育意愿转变分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农村居民生育意愿真正开始转变是在全国推行计划生育以后,目前已发生了极大的转变,主要特征是:以期望生育两个孩子且一男一女为主流意识,还有相当比例自愿只生一个,"多子多福"观念基本没有市场,对孩子质量的追求正在替代对数量的追求。生育意愿转变的标准不应是生育政策,而应以符合可持续发展理念的要求为标准。  相似文献   
通过对基于网络的大学英语自主学习环境中教师角色定位的实证研究,结果发现:在网络自主学习中,学生希望自己的老师担任“倡导者、指导者、监控者、评估者和心理协调者”的角色.虽然教师和学生的信念一致,但学生的期望和教师的实际课堂教学行为之间存在显著性差异.造成差异的主要原因在于传统的教学观念、模式、方法、评估方式以及教师的素质.有鉴于此,从树立信念、提高素质、传授策略、监控和评估过程、重视学生心理情感因素等5个方面,对学校和教师提出了建议.  相似文献   
IntroductionOwingtothepopularityoflearner-centeredteach ingapproach ,theteacher-centeredteachingapproachinwhichateacherspeaksallthetimeislosingitsdominat ingplaceinFLclassroom .Inthecaseofintensiveread ing,greatchangeshavealsotakenplace .Contrarytotheteach…  相似文献   
马建红 《东方论坛》2012,1(1):90-92,103
根据对已出土和整理出版的郿城公房本房支部分成员墓志的研究,考以正史,可以发现郿城公房房祖韦范与阆公房成员韦范为不同的两个人、岳子和景骏应为兄弟关系而非父子关系、韦聿和韦皋的父亲为韦贲等史实,并可据以对《元和姓纂.郿城公房》作进一步的校补。  相似文献   
This study explores the imagined interactions college students have with their parents about money and credit, their attitudes toward credit and money, the ways they say their parents deal with financial decisions, and the communication coalitions regarding finances they perceive existing within their family. Students’ imagined interaction pleasantness is greatest when parents jointly form a plan for paying off credit card debt and lowest when parents argue. When family coalitions exist, students report more frequent imagined interactions. Imagined interaction frequency and pleasantness are related to credit and money attitudes.
Lauren LeachEmail:
Is Work-Family Policy Use Related to the Gendered Division of Housework?   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Researchers have proposed that work-family policy use may either reinforce or challenge the existing gendered division of labor within couples, but results from prior studies have been inconclusive. Using data from a regional survey of work and family life, we extend this research by focusing on how housework is divided within couples and by differentiating between traditionally female- and male- typed housework tasks. Results show that among dual-earning women, policy use is not related to share of female- or male-typed tasks. Among dual-earning men, policy use is positively related to share of female-typed tasks and negatively related to share of male-typed tasks. These findings suggest that work-family policy use does not reinforce the gendered division of housework.
Mary C. NoonanEmail:
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