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吐蕃王朝早期的韦氏家族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦氏家族是吐蕃王朝时期主要的贵族家族之一。以韦氏为代表的贵族集团在吐蕃王朝中起到了重要作用,它所产生的影响是深远的,也是复杂的。韦氏家族在王朝早期的活动集中表现在不同内容的盟誓和贵族家系间的关系上,显示出吐蕃贵族们的行为在相当程度上制约了吐蕃政治的发展。可以说,吐蕃政治是王室与贵族间妥协的产物,这一思路对于古代吐蕃史的研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
陶侃出身于南方土著豪族,在两晋时代以北方高门士族为核心的士族社会中,其家族没有获得正统士族身份。陶渊明本人的真正身份为寒素士人,并且因生活贫困,常以庶民自居,与门阀士族社会有相当隔阂。渊明的立身制行也是典型的寒素士人的特点,其文学创作则突破两晋士族社会贵族文学的趣味,直接继承汉魏以来寒素文学的传统。  相似文献   
This study uses retrospective work history data from CGSS 2008 and employs group-based trajectory analysis to model the diverse employment trajectories of cohorts of urban Chinese women (born in the 1940s–1970s) during young adulthood (age 20–35). We identify ideal-types of urban women's employment trajectories and explore traits associated with each group type. In particular, we examine whether and how the timing of marriage and fertility as well as socioeconomic background help to distinguish patterns of women's labor force attachment in young adulthood. We also examine how these patterns change across cohorts given China's rapid social transformations in the past few decades. We find that delaying family formation is generally associated with more consistent work attachment, but this relationship is also largely associated with one's socioeconomic background. Our results reveal significant cohort variations in the shape of women's employment trajectories and we discuss how institutional and cultural contexts of different historical periods could have shaped family formation and employment processes differently. Our findings highlight the heterogeneity of urban women's work and family formation patterns in the context of rising gender inequalities and rapid socioeconomic transformation over time.  相似文献   
家庭养老模式的产生和发展有其深厚的经济、文化和社会基础。这种养老模式既有其独特的优势又有其自身不可避免的劣势。伴随着我国家庭结构的巨大变化、空巢家庭日益增多、老年人在家庭中主导地位的逐渐丧失、年轻一代养老观念的逐渐淡漠,中国传统养老模式面临严峻的挑战。在这样一个社会变迁、经济发展的大背景下,探索一种依靠老年人、家庭和社区等多种力量的多元化养老模式便成为当下中国社会发展的重要选择。  相似文献   
This study uses General Social Survey data to compare gender and homosexuality across American religious groups from the 1970s to 2014, examining three possible patterns for how evangelical attitudes relate to those of other groups: (1) they are similar; (2) they are different, but move together over time; (3) they are different and converge or diverge over time. Evangelical gender attitudes regarding work and family issues are more conservative than those of all other groups, but are adaptive to broad trends, changing at a rate similar to those of other groups. Evangelical attitudes toward the morality of homosexuality and same-sex marriage are more conservative than those of all other religious groups, and their rate of change is slower over time. Separate trends on the two issues suggest that gender and sexuality attitude change is decoupled, especially among evangelicals who are adapting more on gender while increasingly distinguishing themselves on same-sex relationships. A three-stage process of religious tension appears to characterize evangelical identity-building: (1) similarity, (2) distinction, and (3) adaptation.  相似文献   
何芳  杨雄 《社会科学》2012,(2):96-103
在实行计划生育政策30多年后的今天,独二代开始进入人们的视线。经济增长、家庭结构和信息发展等方面的优越性为独二代营造了一个正常的成长环境,但社会的转型与发展也为独二代带来了许多问题。独二代作为家庭结构变动的产物,可能引发中国未来社会在家庭、养老、劳动力、国家安全等方面的风险。因此,应以发展的眼光来观察独二代现象,为规避独二代可能遭遇的问题和风险寻求策略。  相似文献   
利用随机抽取的乌鲁木齐市800户维吾尔族家庭状况数据,使用专用统计模型泊松回归分析了维吾尔族妇女的社会经济特征对家庭子女数的影响,同时考察了计划生育政策的影响作用。分析发现,维吾尔族妇女的受教育程度、就业状况和计划生育政策对家庭子女数的影响具有统计学显著意义。  相似文献   
分析指出,基于多媒体和网络的大学英语教学模式使传统的教学手段、教学环境等发生了很大的变化,极大促进了大学英语的教学改革,同时也使得教师学生的传统角色关系受到挑战。因此,研究大学英语教学改革背景下的教师学生角色转换既有很强的理论意义,又有鲜明的实践意义。  相似文献   
英语课促进自主学习需要注意的五个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自主学习就是学习者“负责自身学习的能力”。培养自主学习是我国大学英语教学发展的必然趋势和教学改革的重要方面。促进学习者自主是一项观念性、知识性、策略性和操作性很强的活动。这一活动涉及科学定位师生角色、转变学生学习观念、尊重学生个体差异、变革评估方式以及注重情感教育等方面的问题。  相似文献   
针对当前出现的各级财政投入虽逐年加大而计划生育经费依然短缺、保障乏力的问题,结合宝鸡市实际分析认为,经费来源渠道改变、计生工作成本增加以及财政投入增幅与实际工作不相适应是造成问题的原因,并据此提出相应的对策建议.  相似文献   
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